UGC Overview

UGC is a stand-alone unstructured 2D and 3D mesh, solution, and function file conversion code based on the UG_IO library suite.

The following is a simple summary of usage with options. For more information, see Usage Summary for a summary of options and default values and Option Details for a detailed description of all options.

ugc [input_file] [output_file] [param_options]
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                           PROGRAM CONTROL & I/O PARAMETERS
-File_Status_Monitor     : Turn on file status monitor.
-Memory_Monitor          : Turn on memory monitor.
-Memory_Monitor2         : Turn on memory monitor.
-build                   : List program version build number.
-h                       : List summary of input parameters.
-h_all                   : List summary of all input parameters.
-h_io                    : List summary of file I/O parameters.
-help                    : List documentation of input parameters.
-help_all                : List documentation of all input parameters.
-help_io                 : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
-out                     : Generate an output file.
-log                     : Generate an output file.
-out_a                   : Append an output file.
-log_a                   : Append an output file.
-outf                    : Send output to a file only.
-logf                    : Send output to a file only.
-outf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-logf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-ver                     : List program version number.
-version                 : List program version information.
Help_Flag                : List documentation of input parameters.
Help_UG_IO_Flag          : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
Output_File_Flag         : Output file flag.
-v                       : Use executable in specified directory.
Arg_File_Name            : Input argument file name.
-arg                     : Input argument file name.
Output_Grid_File_Name    : Output grid file name or suffix.
-o -ogrid                : Output grid file name or suffix.
TMP_File_Dir             : Temporary file directory.
-tmp                     : Temporary file directory.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
-2d                      : Convert a 2D planar grid file.
-2                       : Convert a 2D planar grid file.
-b                       : Read in only the boundary grid.
-br                      : Read in only the boundary surface grid and separate.
-idr                     : Renumber input surface face IDs consecutively 1,2,3...
-ifile                   : Specify input grid, node, or function file to convert.
-i                       : Specify input grid, node, or function file to convert.
-no_quad                 : Convert quads to trias.
-nq                      : Convert quads to trias.
-ofile                   : Specify output grid, node, or function file to convert.
-o                       : Specify output grid, node, or function file to convert.
-rm_hex                  : Delete hex-elements in output file.
-rm_ids                  : List of surface IDs to remove from the output grid.
-rm_prism                : Delete prism-elements in output file.
-rm_pyramid              : Delete pyramid-elements in output file.
-rm_quad                 : Delete boundary quad-faces in output file.
-rm_tet                  : Delete tet-elements in output file.
-rm_tria                 : Delete boundary tria-faces in output file.
-vol_id                  : Allocate, read, set, and write volume ID.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
Message_Flag             : Message flag.
mmsg                     : Message flag.
Rm_Surf_IDs              : List of surface IDs to remove from the output grid.

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ugc version 5.34.4

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:28:04 CDT 2023