UGC Option Details

ugc [input_file] [output_file] [param_options]
Convert standard UG_IO file types. 


Input Parameters 

Input parameters, other than input "flag parameters", may be specified in any 
one of the following forms. 

   param_name param_value 
   -param_name param_value 
Also, note that some input parameter names have synonyms and either one may be 

There are four basic types of parameters. 

   Flag Parameters : Parameters that set multiple options and/or numeric 
   parameters. They all are of the form -param_name and require use of a - 
   prefix. A specified value may or may not be required. 
   Option or ID Parameters : Parameters that set or control specific options, 
   operation counts, or specify ID values. If a list of parameters are 
   required, then the list must include parameters that are separated by 
   commas. If there is only one parameter in a list then it must be terminated 
   with a comma. A specified integer value or list of values is always 
   Numeric Parameters : Parameters that set values for or adjust specific 
   algorithms. If a list of parameters are required, then the list must include 
   parameters that are separated by commas. If there is only one parameter in a 
   list then it must be terminated with a comma. A specified floating-point 
   value or list of values is always required. 
   String Parameters : Parameters that set specific names for files and 
   directories. String Parameters are typically Program Parameters. A specified 
   character string value is always required. 
Parameters are sorted by type and typical frequency of usage in the following 
descriptions. Note that the majority of the following parameters are NOT 
typically used. This is particularly true of "Numeric Parameters". 

The following list also includes "Program Parameters" that are specific to 
execution of the main program. Program Parameters may be any of the previously 
described parameter types. They typically control I/O functions, are not 
ordered by rank, and are listed first in the following. 

Turn on file status monitor. 
If the file status monitor is on, then an output message is generated each time 
a file is opened or modified. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to File_Status_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in summary output mode, then a summary message 
is generated at completion with the maximum memory allocated during execution 
and the final memory at completion (which should be 0). 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in full output mode, then an output message is 
generated each time memory is allocated, re-allocated, or freed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version build number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=4 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out -log
Generate an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out_a -log_a
Append an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf -logf
Send output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf_a -logf_a
Append output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version information. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=-1, then list a short overview of input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=0, then do not list input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=1, then list summary of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=2, then list documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=3, then list summary of all input parameters including those that 
should not be changed. 
If Help_Flag=4, then list documentation of all input parameters including those 
that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-1 max=4 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=0, then do not list file I/O documentation. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=1, then list summary of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=2, then list documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Output file flag. 
If Output_File_Flag=0, then send all output to only standard output or standard 
If Output_File_Flag=1, then send informational output to both standard output 
(or standard error) and a file named case_name.program_name.out. 
If Output_File_Flag=2, then send informational output to a file named 
case_name.program_name.out only. 
If Output_File_Flag=-1, then send and append informational output to both 
standard output (or standard error) and a file named 
If Output_File_Flag=-2, then send and append informational output to a file 
named case_name.program_name.out only. 
Error messages will always go to both the file (if any) and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-2 max=2 
Use executable in specified directory. 
If a full directory path is specified, then it is assumed that it contains an 
executable of the same name as currently running or that it contains a bin 
directory with the executable. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument and 
base_executable is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe 
extension. If a partial directory path is specified, then it is assumed that 
the directory is under the same tree as the directory for the currently running 
executable or the users home directory. If the executable is in the root 
directory, then only the home directory is checked. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument, base_executable 
is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe extension, and 
base_current_exe_dir is the current base directory. The base directory is 
derived from the currently running executable path if it is 
base_current_exe_dir/executable_name or if it is 
In all cases the first path found to exist is used. On WINDOWS the directories 
searched are all assumed to reside on the same drive as the currently running 
executable. If it is not, then the new_ver_dir must be fully specified 
including the drive letter, making this option somewhat useless. 
This is a program parameter. 
Arg_File_Name -arg
Input argument file name. 
Specifies the full file name for the input argument file. This file is simply a 
list of command line arguments (one per line). A # anywhere in a line denotes 
that the line is a comment and will not be interpreted. An argument file named 
case_name.program_name.arg is generated each time the program runs 
successfully. Specifying the file allows for re-running a case with the same 
arguments. Additional input arguments can be added to the command line. If the 
file name is specified, then it must exist and a copy of it will be saved with 
a .bak suffix added if the program runs successfully. Note that from a command 
line this option can be specified as simply the name of the input parameter 
file if it is the only argument and if it has the standard .arg suffix. 
Otherwise it can only be specified, like other parameters, using the option 
flag followed by the name. 
This is a program parameter. 
Output_Grid_File_Name -o -ogrid
Output grid file name or suffix. 
Specifies either the full file name or file name suffix for the output grid 
file. See the UG_IO description on file naming for more information. 
If Output_Grid_File=_null_, then do not write an output grid file. 
This is a program parameter. 
TMP_File_Dir -tmp
Temporary file directory. 
If TMP_File_Dir is set, then all temporary files are created in directory 
TMP_File_Dir. This directory is removed at completion of the job. If program 
execution is abruptly terminated, then this directory and its contents may be 
left behind and not removed. 
This is a program parameter. 

-2d -2
Convert a 2D planar grid file. 
Only applicable for 2D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Mode_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read in only the boundary grid. 
If the input grid file is 3D and contains a volume grid then only the boundary 
surface portion is kept for output. 
If the input grid file is 2D and contains a planar grid then only the boundary 
edge portion is kept for output. 
Only applicable for 2D planar or 3D volume grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Bnd_Only_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read in only the boundary surface grid and separate. 
If the input grid file contains a volume grid then only the surface portion is 
kept for output. Re-order the surface grid such that it is sorted into groups 
by surface ID, and duplicate all nodes that are shared by faces with different 
surface IDs. 
Only applicable for 3D surface or volume grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Bnd_Only_Flag=1 Separate_by_ID_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Renumber input surface face IDs consecutively 1,2,3... 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Renumber_ID_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-ifile -i
Specify input grid, node, or function file to convert. 
The input and output files must be of the same kind, i.e. grid, node, or 
Note that the input and output file names may be set using either both of the 
-ifile (or -i) and -ofile (or -o) option flags or by specifying both of the 
input and output file names directly without a parameter option flag. 
For example 

   -i input_file -o output_file 

   input_file output_file 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Input_File_Name= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
-no_quad -nq
Convert quads to trias. 
Only applicable for 2D planar or 3D surface grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to No_Quad_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-ofile -o
Specify output grid, node, or function file to convert. 
The input and output files must be of the same kind, i.e. grid, node, or 
Note that the input and output file names may be set using either both of the 
-ifile (or -i) and -ofile (or -o) option flags or by specifying both of the 
input and output file names directly without a parameter option flag. For 

   -i input_file -o output_file 

   input_file output_file 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Name= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Delete hex-elements in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Vol_Hex_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List of surface IDs to remove from the output grid. 
If the -rm_ids parameter vector is set then the boundary surface faces with the 
specified IDs will be removed from the output grid. Given -rm_ids 
id_1,id_2,...,id_n then remove all faces with surface IDs id_1 id_2 ... id_n. 
Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is 
specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Equivalent to Rm_Surf_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Delete prism-elements in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Vol_Pent_6_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Delete pyramid-elements in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Vol_Pent_5_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Delete boundary quad-faces in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do rmt set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Surf_Quad_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Delete tet-elements in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Vol_Tet_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Delete boundary tria-faces in output file. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Surf_Tria_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Allocate, read, set, and write volume ID. 
Only applicable for 3D volume grid files. 
Do not set this option directly using the Param_Name=Value mode. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 

Message_Flag mmsg
Message flag. 
If Message_Flag = -1, then generate minimal one-line output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 0, then generate no output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 1, then generate normal output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 2, then generate all debug output messages. 
default=1 min=-1 max=2 
List of surface IDs to remove from the output grid. 
If the Rm_Surf_IDs parameter vector is set then the boundary surface faces with 
the specified IDs will be removed from the output grid. 
Only applicable for 3D grid files. 

UG_IO SimSys Files Home

ugc version 5.34.4

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:28:04 CDT 2023