Planar Volume Grid Generation
Planar Volume Grid Generation Applications

SolidMesh provides a user friendly front-end to the Advancing-Front Local-Reconnection 2D (AFLR2) unstructured grid generator. The planar surface grids can be extruded or revolved to generate a volume grid.

Volume Grid Generation:

Extrude surface grid toggle
Extrude the surface grid to generate the volume grid.
Revolve surface grid toggle
Revolve the surface grid to generate the volume grid.  The axis of rotation is assumed to be the x-axis.
Number of Planes
Specifies the number of planes to extrude or revolve the surface grid.
Extrusion distance/Angle of revolution
Specifies the distance between each plane when extruding the surface grid or the angle between each plane when revolving the surface grid.
Executable option toggle
Uses the 64-bit version of the grid generator. Usually, the default aflr2 executable is 32-bit and 2Gig is the maximum amount of addressable memory. If the grid to be generated is expected to be large (somewhere around 200,000 viscous surface points), use of the the 64-bit version may be required.
Volume grid format
Specify the output format for the volume grid.
Volume grid
Generate the volume grid be either extruding or revolving the surface grid.

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