Grid Visualization
Grid Visualization Applications

You can update the current display by selecting the Display button after you have changed the Quality measures display toggle.
Display Quality Statistics
To display a bar graph of grid quality measures, select the Display Quality Statistics button.
Quality Measures Display Type menu
Select the display type among Surface Weather Map, Surface Solid Angle, Volume Weather Map, InitialSpacing, and B-L Thickness.  The Surface Weather Map displays triangles based on their respective angular measurements.  The Surface Solid Angle displays a shaded contour plot of triangle-triangle solid angles.  This is useful for determining where geometry problems exist as well as where point spacings are too coarse.  The Volume Weather Map displays volume elements based on their respective angular measurements.  For the Surface Weather Map, the Outside Range toggle can be used to display only the "good" faces or only the "bad" faces.  With the Outside Range toggle on, only "bad" faces are highlighted, while only "good" faces are presented when the toggle is off.  The Quality Measures Display menu may be used to select how the elements are displayed for both the Surface Weather Map and Volume Weather Map.

The default color map ranges from black, blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta, to white with black representing the minumum value and white representing the maximum value.

  • Surface Weather Map

  • Surface Solid Angle

  • Volume Weather Map

  • Initial Spacing Distribution

  • Note that the Local Spacing toggle must be selected in order to display the distribution.
  • Boundary-Layer Thickness Distribution

  • Note that the Local Spacing toggle must be selected in order to display the distribution.
Quality Measures Display Method menu
Select the display method for the Surface Weather Map and Volume Weather Map among Solid, ColorRamp, and Histogram.  Using the Solid option, all elements will be colored using a single color which can be set using the Misc Entity Color menu.  The ColorRamp option colors the elements based on the specified range defined using the Minimum & Maximum Angle fields and the Outside Range toggle.  The Histogram option colors the elements using the default color range mapped from a minimum angle of 0 degrees to a maximum angle of 180 degrees.
Element Type selector
Used to select the type of element to be used in the Volume Weather Map.
Minimum & Maximum Angle fields
Used to specify the angle criteria range for display with the Surface Weather Map and the Volume Weather Map quality measures.  With the Outside Range toggle turned on, elements having angles less than the Min Angle and greater than the Max Angle are displayed.

Display Range toggle
Used in conjunction with the Minimum & Maximum Angle fields to display the Surface Weather Map.  With the toggle selected, faces exclusive of the Min Angle and Max Angle range are displayed.  With the toggle deselected, faces inclusive of the min/max range are displayed.
Read Volume Grid
To read in a volume grid with the specified case name, select the Read Volume Grid button.  The volume grid file type, format, and compression is selected using the volume grid file options in the Volume Grid Advanced Options application.
Display Node IDs
Used to display the node ids.  Only the ids for the visible boundary nodes will be displayed.
Display Triangle IDs
Used to display the triangle ids.  Only the ids for visible triangles will be displayed.
Display Quad IDs
Used to display the quad ids.  Only the ids for visible quads will be displayed.
Cutting Plane Definition and Creation Area
Cutting planes allow you to interrogate the grid by specifying one or more cutting planes.  Each cutting plane can be defined using a starting point and a normal vector to the plane.  The XY, YZ, XZ selector simply sets the normal vector to the appropriate values.  To create a cutting plane, specify the name of the cutting plane, the center point and the normal and click .  To change a cutting plane, select the cutting plane, change the vector or point values, then click .  To remove a cutting plane, select the cutting plane and click .

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