Grid Debug
Grid Debug Applications


Debugging Fields

The user can specify the nodes, triangles, quads, etc. he/she wants to highlight by listing the numbers of them in the corresponding fields.  The numbers may be separated by commas (1,2,8), by dashes (1-8), or by both (1-4, 6-8).  The toggles turn the display on and off.
The Display  button allows the user to highlight the listed objects.
The Cycle  button highlights the first entity, while making the remaining entities transparent.  Each time the Cycle button is pressed, the next numerically listed entity appears highlighted.  This provides a means of "cycling" through the selected nodes, triangles, etc.
The Adj  button lists and highlights the neighboring node, faces, and elements to the listed objects. For the nodes, the adjacent nodes and the faces and elements attached to the node are highlighted. For the triangle and quad faces, the adjacent faces are highlighted. For the elements (tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, and hexahedra), the adjacent elements are highlighted.
The Conn  button allows the user to list and highlight the nodes that define the listed faces and elements.
The Clear  button clears all of the highlighted objects.
Free Edge Check (Highlight Face)
The Free Edge  button displays all boundary faces that have a free edge (i.e., boundary faces that have no neighbors).
Free Edge Check
The Free Edge  button displays all free edges (i.e., edges of a boundary face that have no neighbor).
Display Face Normals
The Face Normal  button displays the normal vector for all displayed boundary faces.  The vector is placed at the c.g. location of the boundary face.
Debug surface grid toggle
Development use.

SolidMesh Contents Flow Solver Boundary Condition Application SolidMesh Home Colors Application