AFLR43 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR43 is an unstructured 3D surface and volume mesh generation code. It combines AFLR4 and AFLR3 to create an integrated geometry definition to volume mesh capability. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for integration within other systems.

AFLR4 uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a 3D surface mesh on multiple surfaces, each with either a CAD geometry component definition, a discrete geometry component definition, or a composite definition. Distribution of the surface point spacing (length scale) is determined from an automated surface curvature driven process with proximity checking and localized spacing reduction. AFLR4 includes a full integration of functions for EGADS with Open CASCADE CAD.

AFLR3 uses the AFLR procedure to generate a tetrahedral volume mesh from an existing surface triangulation. In boundary-layer (BL) generation mode it also uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces.

1.    AFLR43 Overview

2.    AFLR43 Usage Summary

3.    AFLR43 Option Details

4.    AFLR43 UG_IO File Name Summary

5.    AFLR43 UG_IO File Name Details

6.    AFLR43 Example Cases Tutorial (html)

7.    UG_IO SimSys Files


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