AFLR3 Overview

AFLR3 is an unstructured tetrahedral element mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a tetrahedral volume mesh from an existing surface triangulation. In boundary-layer (BL) generation mode it also uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces. Primary input is a surface triangulation. The input mesh file contains the coordinates and connectivity for a fully connected surface triangulation.

The following is a simple summary of usage with options. For more information, see Usage Summary for a summary of options and default values and Option Details for a detailed description of all options.

aflr3 [input_arg_file_name] [aflr3_param_options]
________________________   _____________________________________________________

                           PROGRAM CONTROL & I/O PARAMETERS
-File_Status_Monitor     : Turn on file status monitor.
-Memory_Monitor          : Turn on memory monitor.
-Memory_Monitor2         : Turn on memory monitor.
-backgen3                : Generate background grid and length-scale function data.
-build                   : List program version build number.
-h                       : List summary of input parameters.
-h_all                   : List summary of all input parameters.
-h_io                    : List summary of file I/O parameters.
-help                    : List documentation of input parameters.
-help_all                : List documentation of all input parameters.
-help_io                 : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
-out                     : Generate an output file.
-log                     : Generate an output file.
-out_a                   : Append an output file.
-log_a                   : Append an output file.
-outf                    : Send output to a file only.
-logf                    : Send output to a file only.
-outf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-logf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-ver                     : List program version number.
-version                 : List program version information.
Help_Flag                : List documentation of input parameters.
Help_UG_IO_Flag          : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
Output_File_Flag         : Output file flag.
-v                       : Use executable in specified directory.
Arg_File_Name            : Input argument file name.
-arg                     : Input argument file name.
Input_Grid_File_Name     : Case name or input grid file name.
-i -igrid -case          : Case name or input grid file name.
Output_Grid_File_Name    : Output grid file name or suffix.
-o -ogrid                : Output grid file name or suffix.
TMP_File_Dir             : Temporary file directory.
-tmp                     : Temporary file directory.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
-bcheck                  : Check boundary surface mesh.
-bl                      : Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD.
-blc                     : Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism elements.
-blc2                    : Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism/split-hex elements.
-blc3                    : Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism/hex elements.
-blcheck                 : Check BL parameters and input surface grid.
-bls                     : Generate a BL grid from specified surfaces.
-ice                     : Generate an interior core mesh with varying element size.
-ice1                    : Generate an interior core mesh with uniform element size.
-snsc                    : Generate a SNS grid and create prismatic elements.
-snsc2                   : Generate a SNS grid and create prism/split-hex elements.
-snsc3                   : Generate a SNS grid and create prism/split-hex elements.
-y+                      : Specify turbulent BL y+ for determining the initial spacing normal.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
BL_IDs                   : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
-bl_ids                  : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
BL_Int_IDs               : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
-bl_ints -bl_int_ids -ints -int_ids : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
FF_IDs                   : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
-ffs -ff_ids             : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
Fixed_BL_Int_IDs         : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
-fints -fbl_ints -fbl_int_ids : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
PS_IDs                   : ID pairs for periodic surfaces.
-psids                   : ID pairs for periodic surfaces.
Std_IDs                  : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
-stds -std_ids           : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
Trnsp_BL_IDs             : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_bl_ids            : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_BL_Int_IDs         : List of IDs for BL Intersecting Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_bl_int_ids        : List of IDs for BL Intersecting Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_IDs                : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_ids               : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs        : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_bl_ids       : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_IDs           : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_ids          : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Src_IDs            : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.
-trnsp_src_ids           : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.
m_ice                    : Interior core (ICE) mesh flag.
mblend                   : BL termination flag.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
cdfrbl                   : BL geometric growth rate.
-blr                     : BL geometric growth rate.
cdfrblm                  : Maximum BL geometric growth rate.
-blrm                    : Maximum BL geometric growth rate.
dsdef                    : BL initial normal spacing.
-blds                    : BL initial normal spacing.
refx                     : Reference length.

                           STRING PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
BG_Case_Name             : Case name for background grid and function file names.
-ib -iback -bcase        : Case name for background grid and function file names.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
-backgen                 : Generate background grid and length-scale function files.
-backgen2                : Generate a background grid and length-scale function internally.
-bldelmax                : Set BL thickness equal to the maximum BL thickness.
-blpr                    : Protect the BL region by reducing the field spacing.
-convert                 : Read input grid file and write output grid file.
-ext                     : Use external sizing routine.
-igen                    : Generate an initial triangulation only.
-met2                    : Use metric space with advancing-front point placement.
-met3                    : Use metric space with advancing-point point placement.
-no_back                 : Do not read background grid and length-scale function files.
-no_bldel                : Ignore BL thickness specified.
-no_psdata               : Do not read PSDATA file.
-no_source               : Do not use sources.
-no_vol_id               : Do not set volume element ID flag.
-no_vid                  : Do not set volume element ID flag.
-open                    : Generate an open BL region grid for a closed domain.
-open2                   : Generate an open BL region grid for an open domain.
-qall                    : Generate volume grid quality data for all quality measures.
-qchk                    : Read input grid file and generate element quality measure information.
-qnone                   : Do not generate any volume grid quality data.
-qsall                   : Generate surface grid quality data for all quality measures.
-qsnone                  : Do not generate any surface grid quality data.
-qstat                   : Read input grid file and generate quality statistics.
-revbl                   : Reverse BL normals for and open BL region grid with an open domain.
-sns                     : Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid.
-snss                    : Set specified normal spacing distribution.
-tags                    : Use tags data file.
-vid1                    : Set volume element region ID flag.
-vid2                    : Set volume element region and BL layer ID flag.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BC_IDs                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
bc_ids                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag     : Surface grid quality measure flag.
-qs                      : Surface grid quality measure flag.
GQ_Surf_Output_Flag      : Surface grid quality output flag.
GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag      : Volume grid quality measure flag.
-q                       : Volume grid quality measure flag.
GQ_Vol_Output_Flag       : Volume grid quality output flag.
Grid_BC_Flag             : List of grid BC flags to set.
bc_list                  : List of grid BC flags to set.
PSDATA_File_Flag         : Control reading of PSDATA file.
iblri                    : Number of constant spacing BL layers.
-bli                     : Number of constant spacing BL layers.
malign                   : Metric alignment flag.
mbcheck                  : Boundary surface mesh check flag.
mblchkv                  : BL element volume checking flag.
mblelc                   : BL element combination flag.
mmet                     : Metric space flag.
mmetblbl                 : BL blending.
mnbllim                  : Number of BL layers limiting flag.
mquadp                   : Quad-Pyramid transition flag.
msource                  : Source option flag.
mw_met_hist              : Output flag for metric space analysis information.
nbl                      : Maximum BL grid layers to generate.
nbldiff                  : Maximum difference in BL levels.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BL_DEL                   : Surface patch BL thickness.
BL_DS                    : Surface patch initial BL normal spacing.
PS_TMs                   : Periodic surface rotation matrix list.
PS_XPS0s                 : Periodic surface translation vector list.
SNS                      : Specified normal spacing distribution.
blre                     : Reference Reynolds number.
-Re                      : Reference Reynolds number.
blyp                     : Normalized BL normal spacing.
cdfrsns                  : SNS geometric growth rate.
-snsr                    : SNS geometric growth rate.
cdsnbl                   : Initial BL spacing layer limit ratio.
deldef                   : BL thickness.
-bldel                   : BL thickness.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
-blreseti                : Reset initial normal spacing and/or BL thickness.
-rm_transp               : Remove boundary face connectivity of standard transparent surfaces.
-sl                      : Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid.
-slc                     : Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prismatic elements.
-slc2                    : Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prism/split-hex elements.
-slc3                    : Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prism/hex elements.
-snsi                    : Specify surface IDs for SNS spacing groups.
-snsids                  : Generate a SNS grid from specified surfaces.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
Rec_IDs                  : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
-rec_ids                 : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
Split_File_Format        : Split data file format flag.
-split                   : Split data file format flag.
mbl                      : BL grid flag.
mblchki                  : BL parameter and surface check flag.
mbldelmax                : BL thickness flag.
mblfinal                 : BL final layer flag.
mblidsmth                : BL surface ID smoothing flag.
mbltype                  : BL type flag.
mchkvoli                 : Input grid volume check flag.
mdfblminm                : BL isotropic length scale limiting flag.
mdflim                   : Distribution function limiting flag.
mdfs                     : Quality field sliver deletion flag.
mopen                    : Open BL region grid generation flag.
mqrgen                   : Quality improvement re-generation flag.
mrecrbf                  : Global boundary face reconnection flag.
mrevbl                   : BL normal direction flag.
msave_df                 : Distribution function (length scale) save flag.
msave_ieliel             : Tet element neighbor connectivity save flag.
msave_met                : Distribution function (length scale) save flag.
mtransp                  : Transparent boundary face flag.
nblsmth                  : BL normal vector smoothing iterations.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
angblqmax                : Maximum BL dihedral element angle.
angblqmaxd               : Maximum discontinuous BL dihedral angle.
angblqmaxd2              : Maximum convex disc. BL dihedral angle.
angqbfq                  : Maximum quad face angle for hexs.
cbldsm                   : BL sub-layer spacing multiplier.
cblmnr                   : Maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cblmnrmin                : Minimum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cdf                      : Distribution function multiplier.
cdf2                     : Distribution function multiplier #2.
cdfrsl                   : SL geometric growth rate.
-slr                     : SL geometric growth rate.
cdfs                     : Distribution function exclusion zone.
cdfslm                   : SL initial normal spacing multiplier.
-slf                     : SL initial normal spacing multiplier.
dcdfrbl                  : BL geometric growth acceleration rate.
-bldr                    : BL geometric growth acceleration rate.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
-blauto                  : Automatically calculate growth rate parameters or BL thickness.
-blf                     : Specify fraction of laminar BL thickness for initial spacing.
-blgs                    : Specify surfaces to be grouped for BL streamwise variation.
-grow                    : Use specified growth in element size.
-grow1                   : Use moderate growth in element size.
-grow2                   : Use high growth in element size.
-grow3                   : Use very high growth in element size.
-quadp                   : Use pyramids to transition from quad faces.
-sls                     : Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid from specified surfaces.
-transp                  : Do not convert source type transparent surfaces.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
BG_Flag                  : Background grid and length-scale function file flag.
BLG_IDs                  : List of IDs for BL groups.
Message_Flag             : Message flag.
mmsg                     : Message flag.
Number_of_BLs            : Limit on BL layers to be generated.
Rec_Flag                 : List of reconnection flags to reset.
SNS_IDs                  : List of specified spacing groups IDs.
Set_Vol_ID_Flag          : Set volume element ID flag.
Tags_Data_File_Flag      : Tags data file flag.
Write_BL_Only            : BL element output flag.
Write_Interior           : Interior elements output flag.
m_qvrrchk                : Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) output flag.
m_volrchk                : Output volume ratio check flag.
mblauto                  : BL auto-parameter flag.
mblreseti                : BL initial normal spacing reset flag.
mbv_mode                 : Boundary normal vector mode.
mchkvol                  : Final element volume check flag.
mdbs                     : Boundary sliver deletion flag.
mdf                      : Distribution function flag.
mdfb                     : BL interface distribution function flag.
mdsblf                   : BL spacing thickness factor option.
mdsblfisf                : Fixed BL face spacing smoothing option.
mdse                     : Small edge deletion flag.
melem                    : Maximum number of elements.
meval                    : External evaluation option flag.
minlpp                   : Initial centroid node placement flag.
mlsr                     : Length scale ratio improvement flag.
mpp                      : Point placement flag.
mqchk                    : Element quality measure information output flag.
mqpdf                    : Quad-Pyramid length-scale flag.
mrec4                    : 4-4 element local-Reconnection flag.
mrecbdw                  : Boundary curvature reconnection flag.
mrecbm                   : Boundary face local-reconnection flag.
mrecm                    : Local-Reconnection flag.
mrecqm                   : Quality local-reconnection flag.
mrecqmf                  : Final quality local-reconnection flag.
msetabl                  : Set adjacent surface to BL flag.
msetqp                   : Quad-Pyramid transition height method.
mw_bc_surf               : BC surface file flag.
mw_bl_func               : BL level function file flag.
mw_bl_surf               : BL surface file flag.
mw_blds_func             : BL spacing and normal vector file flag.
mw_blisf_surf            : BLISF surface file flag.
mw_blsd_func             : BL surface discontinuity function file flag.
mw_func                  : Write BG function file flag.
mw_func_type             : Write BG function file flag.
mw_ice                   : ICE output debug mesh file flag.
mw_ice_surf              : ICE boundary surface file flag.
nblidsmthl               : BL surface ID smoothing layers.
nblsmthl                 : BL concave region smoothing layers.
nblsmthlisf              : Fixed BL face smoothing layers.
nlsrpp                   : Maximum LSR point placement passes.
npsurf                   : Number of periodic surface pairs.
nref_max                 : ICE maximum number of refinement levels.
nsblm                    : SL normal vector smoothing layers.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
ang_qmax                 : Output dihedral angle check quality limit.
ang_qmax2                : Output dihedral angle check usable limit.
angbfmax                 : Boundary surface face quality threshold.
angblisimx               : Maximum angle between BL intersecting faces.
angblqfmax               : Maximum BL interface face angle.
angblqfmax2              : Maximum BL interface face angle #2.
angdbe                   : Discontinuous boundary edge angle.
angqbf                   : Maximum planar surface angle.
angqbfmin                : Minimum planar surface angle.
angslqmax                : Maximum SL dihedral element angle.
angslqmaxd               : Maximum discontinuous SL dihedral angle.
bldup                    : Normalized BL velocity increment.
cblcncvmnr               : Concave maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cbldel                   : BL thickness slope multiplier.
cblend                   : Global BL termination factor.
cblisfm                  : Fixed surface BL check reduction factor.
cblnrchkbf               : Checking normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cblsmax                  : BL thickness multiplier.
cblsmaxs                 : BL normal smoothing multiplier.
cblsmaxsd                : BL normal smoothing discontinuity multiplier.
cblsmthd                 : Smoothing BL thickness multiplier.
cblxlim                  : Minimum distance for BL variation.
cdf_gap_ic               : ICE gap length scale multiplier.
cdf_ic_max               : ICE max/min length scale factor.
cdf_vol                  : Distribution function multiplier (volume mesh).
cdffblm1                 : Maximum BL edge length factor #1.
cdffblm2                 : Maximum BL edge length factor #2.
cdfm                     : Distribution function weighting factor.
cdfn_gap_ic              : ICE gap minimum closest node distance factor.
cdfn_se                  : Small edge factor.
cdfnbl                   : Nearby BL node factor.
cdfqp                    : Prism element height multiplier.
cdfqp_ic                 : ICE prism element height multiplier.
cdfr                     : Maximum geometric growth rate.
cdfr_gap_ic              : ICE maximum geometric growth rate.
cdfrsrc                  : Maximum geometric source growth rate.
cdfssrc                  : Source distribution function exclusion zone.
csrcw                    : Source weight.
df_ic_max                : ICE maximum length scale.
df_ic_min                : ICE minimum length scale.
dfmax                    : Maximum distribution function.
dsmul                    : BL spacing multiplier.
-bldsm                   : BL spacing multiplier.
dx_tol                   : Output relative tolerance for element edge-length checking.
lsrcdf                   : LSRatio improvement limit factor.
lsrlimit                 : LSRatio improvement limit factor.
lsrpplim                 : LSR point placement limit factor.
qvlr_qmin                : Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) quality limit.
qvlr_qmin2               : Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) usable limit.
qvrr_qmin                : Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) quality limit.
qvrr_qmin2               : Output quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) check usable limit.
vol_tol                  : Output relative tolerance for element volume checking.
volr_qmin                : Output volume ratio check quality limit.
volr_qmin2               : Output volume ratio check quality limit.
vx                       : Flow X-direction vector component.
vy                       : Flow Y-direction vector component.
vz                       : Flow Z-direction vector component.

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aflr3 version 16.32.50

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:27:24 CDT 2023