AFLR3 Option Details

aflr3 [input_arg_file_name] [aflr3_param_options]
AFLR3 is an unstructured tetrahedral element mesh generation code. It uses the 
Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a tetrahedral 
volume mesh from an existing surface triangulation. In boundary-layer (BL) 
generation mode it also uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) 
procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh 
adjacent to BL generating surfaces. Primary input is a surface triangulation. 
The input mesh file contains the coordinates and connectivity for a fully 
connected surface triangulation. 


Input Parameters 

Input parameters, other than input "flag parameters", may be specified in any 
one of the following forms. 

   param_name param_value 
   -param_name param_value 
Also, note that some input parameter names have synonyms and either one may be 

There are four basic types of parameters. 

   Flag Parameters : Parameters that set multiple options and/or numeric 
   parameters. They all are of the form -param_name and require use of a - 
   prefix. A specified value may or may not be required. 
   Option or ID Parameters : Parameters that set or control specific options, 
   operation counts, or specify ID values. If a list of parameters are 
   required, then the list must include parameters that are separated by 
   commas. If there is only one parameter in a list then it must be terminated 
   with a comma. A specified integer value or list of values is always 
   Numeric Parameters : Parameters that set values for or adjust specific 
   algorithms. If a list of parameters are required, then the list must include 
   parameters that are separated by commas. If there is only one parameter in a 
   list then it must be terminated with a comma. A specified floating-point 
   value or list of values is always required. 
   String Parameters : Parameters that set specific names for files and 
   directories. String Parameters are typically Program Parameters. A specified 
   character string value is always required. 
Parameters are sorted by type and typical frequency of usage in the following 
descriptions. Note that the majority of the following parameters are NOT 
typically used. This is particularly true of "Numeric Parameters". 

The following list also includes "Program Parameters" that are specific to 
execution of the main program. Program Parameters may be any of the previously 
described parameter types. They typically control I/O functions, are not 
ordered by rank, and are listed first in the following. 

Turn on file status monitor. 
If the file status monitor is on, then an output message is generated each time 
a file is opened or modified. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to File_Status_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in summary output mode, then a summary message 
is generated at completion with the maximum memory allocated during execution 
and the final memory at completion (which should be 0). 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in full output mode, then an output message is 
generated each time memory is allocated, re-allocated, or freed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate background grid and length-scale function data. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points and sources (if 
any) without a recovered boundary grid and return background grid and 
length-scale function data through the API. No other mesh generation is done. 
This option is only for internal use. 
Equivalent to mbackgen=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version build number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=4 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out -log
Generate an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out_a -log_a
Append an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf -logf
Send output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf_a -logf_a
Append output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version information. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=-1, then list a short overview of input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=0, then do not list input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=1, then list summary of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=2, then list documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=3, then list summary of all input parameters including those that 
should not be changed. 
If Help_Flag=4, then list documentation of all input parameters including those 
that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-1 max=4 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=0, then do not list file I/O documentation. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=1, then list summary of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=2, then list documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Output file flag. 
If Output_File_Flag=0, then send all output to only standard output or standard 
If Output_File_Flag=1, then send informational output to both standard output 
(or standard error) and a file named case_name.program_name.out. 
If Output_File_Flag=2, then send informational output to a file named 
case_name.program_name.out only. 
If Output_File_Flag=-1, then send and append informational output to both 
standard output (or standard error) and a file named 
If Output_File_Flag=-2, then send and append informational output to a file 
named case_name.program_name.out only. 
Error messages will always go to both the file (if any) and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-2 max=2 
Use executable in specified directory. 
If a full directory path is specified, then it is assumed that it contains an 
executable of the same name as currently running or that it contains a bin 
directory with the executable. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument and 
base_executable is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe 
extension. If a partial directory path is specified, then it is assumed that 
the directory is under the same tree as the directory for the currently running 
executable or the users home directory. If the executable is in the root 
directory, then only the home directory is checked. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument, base_executable 
is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe extension, and 
base_current_exe_dir is the current base directory. The base directory is 
derived from the currently running executable path if it is 
base_current_exe_dir/executable_name or if it is 
In all cases the first path found to exist is used. On WINDOWS the directories 
searched are all assumed to reside on the same drive as the currently running 
executable. If it is not, then the new_ver_dir must be fully specified 
including the drive letter, making this option somewhat useless. 
This is a program parameter. 
Arg_File_Name -arg
Input argument file name. 
Specifies the full file name for the input argument file. This file is simply a 
list of command line arguments (one per line). A # anywhere in a line denotes 
that the line is a comment and will not be interpreted. An argument file named 
case_name.program_name.arg is generated each time the program runs 
successfully. Specifying the file allows for re-running a case with the same 
arguments. Additional input arguments can be added to the command line. If the 
file name is specified, then it must exist and a copy of it will be saved with 
a .bak suffix added if the program runs successfully. Note that from a command 
line this option can be specified as simply the name of the input parameter 
file if it is the only argument and if it has the standard .arg suffix. 
Otherwise it can only be specified, like other parameters, using the option 
flag followed by the name. 
This is a program parameter. 
Input_Grid_File_Name -i -igrid -case
Case name or input grid file name. 
Specifies either the case name or full file name for the input grid file. See 
the UG_IO description on file naming for more information. 
This is a program parameter. 
Output_Grid_File_Name -o -ogrid
Output grid file name or suffix. 
Specifies either the full file name or file name suffix for the output grid 
file. See the UG_IO description on file naming for more information. 
If Output_Grid_File=_null_, then do not write an output grid file. 
This is a program parameter. 
TMP_File_Dir -tmp
Temporary file directory. 
If TMP_File_Dir is set, then all temporary files are created in directory 
TMP_File_Dir. This directory is removed at completion of the job. If program 
execution is abruptly terminated, then this directory and its contents may be 
left behind and not removed. 
This is a program parameter. 

Check boundary surface mesh. 
Check for any issues with the input boundary surface mesh and then return. No 
grid generation is performed. 
Equivalent to mbcheck=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD from all boundary faces with a grid 
boundary condition flag less than zero. The grid boundary condition flag is 
typically set in the input grid file. If it is not set in the input grid file, 
then all boundary faces are set to a negative grid boundary condition value 
unless set otherwise using the -bls or equivalent flag. 
Equivalent to mbl=1 mrecm=3 mrecqm=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism elements. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD from all boundary faces with a grid 
boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine tet elements within BL regions 
to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid). With this option an output grid file 
type that supports prism, pyramid, and tet elements should be specified. 
Equivalent to mbl=1 mrecm=3 mrecqm=3 mblelc=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism/split-hex elements. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD from all boundary faces with a grid 
boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine tet elements within BL regions 
to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) and hexahedra. Hex elements are 
generated where possible from boundary surface grid quad faces. Hex elements on 
the interface between the BL and outer tet element regions have implied split 
quad faces. Downstream solver support for split face hex elements is required. 
With this option an output grid file type that supports prism, pyramid, hex and 
tet elements should be specified. 
Equivalent to mbl=1 mrecm=3 mrecqm=3 mblelc=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD and create prism/hex elements. 
Generate a BL grid suitable for CFD from all boundary faces with a grid 
boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine tet elements within BL regions 
to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) and hexahedra. Hex elements are 
generated where possible from boundary surface grid quad faces. Also, add a 
transition pyramid element to every boundary surface quad-face including hex 
element quad-faces on the internal interface between the BL and outer tet 
element regions. There are no implied split face hex elements. With this option 
an output grid file type that supports prism, pyramid, hex and tet elements 
should be specified. 
Equivalent to mbl=1 mrecm=3 mrecqm=3 mblelc=2 mquadp=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Check BL parameters and input surface grid. 
If this option is selected then the BL parameters and input surface grid will 
be checked and then the BL parameters after automatic calculation will be 
output. No volume grid will be generated. 
Equivalent to mblchki=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a BL grid from specified surfaces. 
Given -bls id_1,id_2,...,id_n then set the grid boundary condition to a 
negative value for all faces with surface IDs id_1 id_2 ... id_n. For example 
using "-bls 12,1,10" would turn on BL grid generation from the boundary faces 
with surface IDs 12, 1 and 10 and turn off BL grid generation from all other 
boundary faces. This flag overrides any grid boundary condition set from the 
input grid file. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. If 
only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Equivalent to mbl=1 BL_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Generate an interior core mesh with varying element size. 
With this option an interior core mesh is generated with varying element size. 
Equivalent to m_ice=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate an interior core mesh with uniform element size. 
With this option an interior core mesh is generated with uniform element size. 
Equivalent to m_ice=1 nref_max=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a SNS grid and create prismatic elements. 
Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid with right-angle elements from 
all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine 
tetrahedral elements within SNS regions to form pentahedra (prismatic and 
pyramid). With this option an output grid file type that supports pentahedra 
should be specified. The grid boundary condition flag can be set in the input 
grid file. If it is not set in the input grid file, then all boundary faces are 
set to a negative grid boundary condition value unless set otherwise using the 
-snsids or equivalent flag. 
Equivalent to mbl=-1 mblelc=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a SNS grid and create prism/split-hex elements. 
Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid with right-angle elements from 
all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine 
tet elements within SL regions to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) and 
hexahedra. Hex elements are generated where possible from boundary surface grid 
quad faces. Hex elements on the interface between the SNS and outer tet element 
regions have implied split quad faces. Downstream solver support for split face 
hex elements is required. With this option an output grid file type that 
supports prism, pyramid, hex and tet elements should be specified. 
This flag is only applicable in cases with a SNS grid (-sns or -snss flag). 
Equivalent to mbl=-1 mblelc=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a SNS grid and create prism/split-hex elements. 
Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid with right-angle elements from 
all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. Combine 
tet elements within SL regions to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) and 
hexahedra. Hex elements are generated where possible from boundary surface grid 
quad faces. Also, add a transition pyramid element to every boundary surface 
quad-face including hex element quad-faces on the internal interface between 
the SNS and outer tet element regions. There are no implied split face hex 
elements. With this option an output grid file type that supports prism, 
pyramid, hex and tet elements should be specified. 
This flag is only applicable in cases with a SNS grid (-sns or -snss flag). 
Equivalent to mbl=2 mblelc=2 mquadp=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Specify turbulent BL y+ for determining the initial spacing normal. 
Specify y+ for a turbulent BL to use in determining the initial spacing normal 
to BL surfaces. The specified y+ value also determines the BL velocity 
increment to use in calculating the parameters that control spacing normal to 
BL surfaces. In the linear region of a turbulent BL u+ = y+ and the u+ velocity 
increment is equal to the initial normal spacing y+ value. If this option is 
used then a turbulent BL velocity profile is assumed. 
Equivalent to mbltype=2 blyp= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 

BL_IDs -bl_ids
List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces. 
If the vector BL_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value specifying 
a BL Generating Solid surface for all faces with a surface ID in the list. For 
example, if the vector BL_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 3 entries in the 
vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to BL Generating 
Solid surfaces. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. If 
only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
BL_Int_IDs -bl_ints -bl_int_ids -ints -int_ids
List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces. 
If the vector BL_Int_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a BL Intersecting surface for all faces with a surface ID in the 
list. The surface mesh for BL Intersecting surfaces is regenerated to match the 
BL region. For example, if the vector BL_Int_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 
3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to 
BL Intersecting surfaces. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the 
list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
FF_IDs -ffs -ff_ids
List of IDs to for FarField surfaces. 
If the vector FF_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value specifying 
a FarField surface for all faces with a surface ID in the list. For example, if 
the vector FF_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 3 entries in the vector and 
all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to FarField surfaces. Commas 
are required between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified 
then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Fixed_BL_Int_IDs -fints -fbl_ints -fbl_int_ids
List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces. 
If the vector BL_Int_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a BL Intersecting surface for all faces with a surface ID in the 
list. The surface mesh for BL Intersecting surfaces is regenerated to match the 
BL region. For example, if the vector BL_Int_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 
3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to 
BL Intersecting surfaces. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the 
list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
PS_IDs -psids
ID pairs for periodic surfaces. 
For each periodic surface pair the parent and child surface IDs must be 
specified in the list of periodic surface IDs, PS_IDs. The list PS_IDs contains 
the list of IDs for each parent and child surface. For example, if the list 
PS_IDs is set to 5,4,12,2 then there are 4 entries in the vector (must be an 
even number) and two periodic surface pairs. The first pair includes the 
surface faces with IDs 5 and 4 and the second includes the surface faces with 
IDs 12 and 2. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. All IDs 
set as periodic must have their Grid BC set to a BL Intersecting surfaces using 
BL_Int_IDs or Grid_BC_Flag and BC_IDs. 
Std_IDs -stds -std_ids
List of IDs to for Solid surfaces. 
If the vector STD_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value specifying 
a Solid surface for all faces with a surface ID in the list. For example, if 
the vector STD_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 3 entries in the vector and 
all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to Solid surfaces. Commas are 
required between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then 
it must be terminated with a comma. 
Trnsp_BL_IDs -trnsp_bl_ids
List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_BL_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a BL Generating Transparent surface for all faces with a surface ID 
in the list. For example, if the vector Trnsp_BL_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there 
are 3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be 
set to Transparent BL Generating surfaces. Commas are required between the 
surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated 
with a comma. 
Trnsp_BL_Int_IDs -trnsp_bl_int_ids
List of IDs for BL Intersecting Transparent surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_BL_Int_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a BL Intersecting Transparent surface for all faces with a surface 
ID in the list. For example, if the vector Trnsp_BL_Int_IDs is set to 2,5,6 
then there are 3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 
will be set to Transparent BL Intersecting surfaces. Commas are required 
between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then it must 
be terminated with a comma. 
Trnsp_IDs -trnsp_ids
List of IDs for Transparent surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a Transparent surface for all faces with a surface ID in the list. 
For example, if the vector Trnsp_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 3 entries 
in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to 
Transparent surfaces. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. 
If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs -trnsp_intl_bl_ids
List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a BL Generating Internal Transparent surface for all faces with a 
surface ID in the list. For example, if the vector Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs is set to 
2,5,6 then there are 3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 
5 or 6 will be set to BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces. Commas are 
required between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then 
it must be terminated with a comma. 
Trnsp_Intl_IDs -trnsp_intl_ids
List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_Intl_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a Internal Transparent surface for all faces with a surface ID in 
the list. For example, if the vector Trnsp_Intl_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there 
are 3 entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be 
set to Internal Transparent surfaces. Commas are required between the surface 
IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a 
Trnsp_Src_IDs -trnsp_src_ids
List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces. 
If the vector Trnsp_Src_IDs is set then the grid BC flag is set to a value 
specifying a Transparent Source surface for all faces with a surface ID in the 
list. For example, if the vector Trnsp_Src_IDs is set to 2,5,6 then there are 3 
entries in the vector and all faces with surface IDs 2, 5 or 6 will be set to 
Transparent Source surfaces. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the 
list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Interior core (ICE) mesh flag. 
If m_ice = 0 then do not generate an interior core mesh. 
If m_ice = 1 then generate an interior core mesh. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
BL termination flag. 
If mblend = 0 then terminate BL advancement locally. 
If mblend = 1 then globally terminate BL advancement if the global termination 
criteria for BL thickness and normal-direction-aspect-ratio are met (see 
cblend, cblmnr and cblmnrmin). The global BL termination criteria are based on 
being less than a BL thickness (if defined) away from the surface and having a 
normal-direction-aspect-ratio less than cblmnr and greater than cblmnrmin. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=1 min=0 max=1 

cdfrbl -blr
BL geometric growth rate. 
Used as the geometric growth rate for node distribution normal to the boundary 
surface within the BL grid. 
If the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the value of cdfrbl is 
calculated internally. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) 
default=1 min=1 max=3 
cdfrblm -blrm
Maximum BL geometric growth rate. 
Maximum geometric growth rate for node distribution normal to the boundary 
surface within the BL grid. The geometric growth rate increases at a rate 
specified by dcdfrbl. 
If the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the value of cdfrblm may 
be re-set if the internally calculated value is less than input value of 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1.5 min=1.001 max=4 
dsdef -blds
BL initial normal spacing. 
The first layer of BL elements have a normal spacing equal to dsdef. This 
parameter will override the initial normal spacing array if it is set to a 
non-zero value. If the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) and the value 
of dsdef is zero then a value will be calculated internally. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL auto-parameter flag 
is off (mblauto=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1e+19 
Reference length. 
Specifies reference length in grid units. The reference length is used to 
calculate BL parameters. 
If refx = 0 then the reference length is set to the maximum physical length of 
all BL objects. If the flow direction vector is specified (|vx,vy,vz| > 0) then 
the maximum length in the flow direction is used. 
If refx > 0 then the value of refx is used. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL type flag is on 
default=0 min=0 max=1e+19 

BG_Case_Name -ib -iback -bcase
Case name for background grid and function file names. 
Specifies the case name for the background grid and function files. If 
BG_Case_Name is not specified, then the case name from the input grid file is 
This is a program parameter. 

Generate background grid and length-scale function files. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points and sources (if 
any) without a recovered boundary grid and write background grid and 
length-scale function files using internal file writers. No other mesh 
generation is done. The output files will have a .back suffix and be of type 
UGRID and SFUNC if mw_func_type=1 or MESH and SOL if mw_func_type=2. 
Note that if there is an existing background grid, it is ignored (same as 
Equivalent to mbackgen=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a background grid and length-scale function internally. 
Generate an internal background grid and length-scale function using the input 
surface boundary points and sources (if any). After background grid generation 
is complete it is used to generate the final volume grid. 
Do not use -backgen2 or mbackgen=2 with a mlsr=1. Instead generate the 
background grid separately with -backgen or mbackgen=1. Note that if there is 
an existing background grid, it is ignored (same as -no_back). 
Equivalent to mbackgen=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set BL thickness equal to the maximum BL thickness. 
Set BL thickness equal to the maximum BL thickness required for the entire BL 
region to reach maximum local normal spacing (cblmnr multiplied by the local 
isotropic length scale). Note that this option flag will override the value set 
by other options (-bldel, -blauto, etc). 
Equivalent to deldef=0 mbldelmax=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Protect the BL region by reducing the field spacing. 
Protect the BL region by reducing the spacing in the adjacent isotropic region. 
This option can be useful if the physical BL region is very thick and the grid 
BL region is not as thick. 
This flag is only applicable in cases with a BL grid (-bl or -bls flag). 
Equivalent to cdf2=0.7 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read input grid file and write output grid file. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Program_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use external sizing routine. 
Use external sizing routine with or without a background grid. If a site 
dependent specific routine is coded, compiled and linked with the executable, 
then this option is useful. If a background grid file and a background 
length-scale function file are found, then they are read for use in the 
external sizing evaluation routine. The background length-scale function file 
may contain either an isotropic sizing or a metric for directional sizing. Use 
whichever is allowed with for the external routine. By default, the built-in 
external sizing evaluation routine does not use a background grid. It is useful 
only for testing. 
Equivalent to meval=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate an initial triangulation only. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points with a fully 
recovered boundary grid. 
Equivalent to ngen=0 nqual=0 mqrgen=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use metric space with advancing-front point placement. 
Use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities and use 
advancing-front point placement (equiangular type elements). 
Equivalent to mmet=1 mpp=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use metric space with advancing-point point placement. 
Use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities and use 
advancing-point point placement (right angle type elements). 
Equivalent to mmet=1 mpp=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not read background grid and length-scale function files. 
Normally, if a background grid and length-scale function file are found then 
they are read and used to determine the sizing (see meval). A grid and 
length-scale function file with naming "case_name.back.format_and_type" are 
considered background grid files. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to BG_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Ignore BL thickness specified. 
Ignore BL thickness specified in the input file or calculated from a laminar or 
turbulent profile. In this case the BL normal generation will attempt to 
continue until the normal spacing is close to the nearby isotropic value. This 
is the default behavior. 
Equivalent to deldef=-1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not read PSDATA file. 
Do not read a PSDATA file even if it exists. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to PSDATA_File_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not use sources. 
Do not use sources even if there are source node files. This flag has no effect 
if there are no source node files. 
Equivalent to msource=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-no_vol_id -no_vid
Do not set volume element ID flag. 
If selected then do not set the volume element ID. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate an open BL region grid for a closed domain. 
With an open BL region the BL grid is generated and the domain is only the 
generated BL region. No isotropic region elements are generated. With a closed 
domain all of the input surfaces are retained and standard boundary surface 
face reorientation is done as needed (same as default). The default is to 
generate both a BL and isotropic region. 
Equivalent to mopen=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate an open BL region grid for an open domain. 
With an open BL region the BL grid is generated and the domain is only the 
generated BL region. No isotropic region elements are generated. With an open 
domain only the input surfaces that are used for BL generation are retained and 
no individual boundary surface face reorientation is done. All of the boundary 
surface faces are assumed to be properly orientated such that RH rule ordering 
points in the direction of BL generation. The only possible face reordering is 
a global reordering using the -revbl (mrevbl=1) option. If the input surface 
grid is a non-closed surface then the BL region will be aligned normal to the 
surface edges. The output grid includes a new boundary surface for the exposed 
surface of the BL region with a boundary surface face ID equal to the maximum 
ID plus 1. The default is to generate both a BL and isotropic region. 
Equivalent to mopen=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate volume grid quality data for all quality measures. 
Equivalent to GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag=15 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read input grid file and generate element quality measure information. 
This option is only valid with an existing volume mesh. Only quality measure 
information is generated. Information generated includes element to neighbor 
element volume ratio. 
This option is turned off if quality statistics are requested with option, 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Program_Flag=0 mqchk=2 Output_Grid_File_Name=_null_ 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not generate any volume grid quality data. 
Equivalent to GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate surface grid quality data for all quality measures. 
Equivalent to GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag=15 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not generate any surface grid quality data. 
Equivalent to GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read input grid file and generate quality statistics. 
This option is only valid with an existing volume mesh. Only quality statistics 
are generated. 
This option is turned off if quality measure information is requested with 
option, -qchk. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Program_Flag=0 mqchk=0 Output_Grid_File_Name=_null_ 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Reverse BL normals for and open BL region grid with an open domain. 
With an open BL region grid and an open domain the BL normals remain the same 
as those implied by the ordering of the input surface mesh. With this option 
that direction will be reversed. This option will also automatically set the 
open BL region and open domain option flag (-open2 or mopen=2). 
Equivalent to mopen=2 mrevbl=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid. 
Generate a specified normal spacing (SNS) grid with right-angle elements from 
all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. The grid 
boundary condition flag can be set in the input grid file. If it is not set in 
the input grid file, then all boundary faces are set to a negative grid 
boundary condition value unless set otherwise using the -snsids or equivalent 
Equivalent to mbl=-1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set specified normal spacing distribution. 
The specified normal spacing distribution must be set to generate a SNS grid. 
It is the distance from the boundary surface (not the spacing between layers). 
If multiple spacing groups are specified using the -snsi flag then the same 
number of groups must be used in the specified normal spacing. If only one 
group is set or assumed then the specified normal spacing applies to all SNS 
generating surfaces. Given 
-snss s_1_1,s_2_1,...,s_n_1,...,s_1_m,s_2_m,...,s_n_m then this flag sets the 
normal spacing distribution to s_1_1 s_2_1 ... s_n_1 for group 1, ..., and to 
s_1_m s_2_m ... s_n_m for group m. Where m is the number of groups. Each normal 
spacing group must start at a value of 0 for s_1_i (group i) and must be 
ordered in increasing value. The number of normal spacing groups (number of 
zero entries in vector SNS) must be the same as that for the -snsi flag if more 
than one group is specified. For example, using "-snss 
0,.1,.2,.3,.4,0,.05,.1,.2,.5" will set two groups with a normal spacing 
distribution for group 1 set to 0,.1,.2,.3,.4 and for group 2 set to 
0,.05,.1,.2,.5. Commas are required between the normal spacing entries in the 
Equivalent to mbl=-1 SNS= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Use tags data file. 
Check for and read any TAGS data file with the same case name as the input 
grid. If found the grid BCs specified in the TAGS file will be used. 
Equivalent to Tags_Data_File_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set volume element region ID flag. 
If selected then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique value for 
each region in the domain. BL region elements are set to region IDs. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set volume element region and BL layer ID flag. 
If selected then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique value for 
each region in the domain and set each layer of the BL region, if any. The BL 
region IDs are set to negative the BL layer number. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 

BC_IDs bc_ids
List of IDs to set grid BC parameters. 
If the BC_IDs and the Grid_BC_Flag parameter vectors are set then the grid BC 
flag is set for all faces with corresponding surface IDs. Only those IDs listed 
will have their corresponding values set. Commas are required between the 
surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated 
with a comma. 
GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag -qs
Surface grid quality measure flag. 
If GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag = 0 then do not generate surface quality measures. 
If GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag > 0 then generate surface quality measures. 
The value of GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag determines which measures are computed. The 
appropriate value of GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag is obtained from 

   GQ_Surf_Measure_Flag = Flag_0 
   + 2 * Flag_1 
   + 4 * Flag_2 
   + 8 * Flag_3 
Flag_# (# = 0, 1, 2, or 3) are either 0 or 1. 
If Flag_# = 0 then that measure is not computed. 
If Flag_# = 1 then that measure is computed. 
The quality measures corresponding to # are 

   0 : Boundary Face Angle 
   An ideal face has boundary face angles near 60 deg. A low quality face has 
   an angle near 180 deg. 
   1 : Radius Ratio (2*Ri/Rc) 
   An ideal face has a radius ratio of 1. A low quality face has a ratio near 
   2 : Area Ratio (C22*Area/Rc**2) 
   An ideal face has an area ratio of 1. A low quality face has a near 0. 
   3 : Length Ratio (C32*Ri/Lmax) 
   An ideal face has a length ratio of 1. A low quality face has a ratio near 

   Rc = Circumscribed Radius 
   Ri = Inscribed Radius 
   Area = Face Area 
   Lmax = Maximum Face Edge Length 
   C22 = 0.384900 
   C32 = 3.464102 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=0 min=0 max=15 
Surface grid quality output flag. 
If GQ_Surf_Output_Flag = 0 then do not create grid quality output file(s). 
If GQ_Surf_Output_Flag = 1 then create grid quality output file(s). 
An output file is created for each measure. Each file contains quality 
statistics and distribution data for plotting. 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag -q
Volume grid quality measure flag. 
If GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag = 0 then do not generate volume quality measures. 
If GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag > 0 then generate volume quality measures. 
The value of GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag determines which measures are computed. The 
appropriate value of GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag is obtained from 

   GQ_Vol_Measure_Flag = Flag_0 
   + 2 * Flag_1 
   + 4 * Flag_2 
   + 8 * Flag_3 
Flag_# (# = 0, 1, 2, or 3) are either 0 or 1. 
If Flag_# = 0 then that measure is not computed. 
If Flag_# = 1 then that measure is computed. 
The quality measures corresponding to # are 

   0 : Dihedral Element Angle 
   An ideal element has dihedral element angles near 70.5 deg. A low quality 
   element has an angle near 180 deg. 
   1 : Radius Ratio (3*Ri/Rc) 
   An ideal element has a radius ratio of 1. A low quality element has a ratio 
   near 0. 
   2 : Volume Ratio (C21*Vol/Rc**3) 
   An ideal element has a volume ratio of 1. A low quality element has a ratio 
   near 0. 
   3 : Length Ratio (C31*Ri/Lmax) 
   An ideal element has a length ratio of 1. A low quality element has a ratio 
   near 0. 

   Rc = Circumscribed Radius 
   Ri = Inscribed Radius 
   Vol = Element Volume 
   Lmax = Maximum Element Edge Length 
   C21 = 1.948557 
   C31 = 4.898979 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=15 
Volume grid quality output flag. 
If GQ_Vol_Output_Flag = 0 then do not create grid quality output file(s). 
If GQ_Vol_Output_Flag = 1 then create grid quality output file(s). 
An output file is created for each measure. Each file contains quality 
statistics and distribution data for plotting. 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Grid_BC_Flag bc_list
List of grid BC flags to set. 
If the BC_IDs and the Grid_BC_Flag parameter vectors are set then the grid BC 
flag is set for all faces with corresponding surface IDs. Values for the 
Grid_BC_Flag and their meaning are listed below. 

0 = FarField surface 
1 = Solid surface 
-1 = BL Generating Solid surface 
2 = BL Intersecting surface 
3 = Source Transparent surface converted to source nodes 
4 = BL Intersecting Transparent surface 
5 = Transparent surface 
-5 = BL Generating Transparent surface 
6 = Internal Transparent surface 
-6 = BL Generating Internal Transparent surface 
7 = Fixed Surface with BL region that intersects BL region 

Note that 1) FarField and Solid surfaces behave the same during volume mesh 
generation, 2) all Transparent surfaces will have a volume mesh on both sides, 
and 3) Internal Transparent surfaces are converted to internal faces and their 
boundary face connectivity is not included in the final mesh. 
Commas are required between the grid BC flags in the list. If only one grid BC 
flag is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Control reading of PSDATA file. 
If PSDATA_File_Flag=0, then do not read a PSDATA file even if it exists. 
If PSDATA_File_Flag=1, then read a PSDATA file if it exists. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
iblri -bli
Number of constant spacing BL layers. 
The node distribution normal to the boundary surface within a CFD BL grid has 
iblri layers that use a constant growth rate, cdfrbl. After iblri layers the 
growth rate increases at an acceleration rate equal to dcdfrbl. If the BL 
auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then iblri is calculated internally along 
with cdfrbl and dcdfrbl. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=5 min=0 max=1000 
Metric alignment flag. 
If malign = 0, then do not use metric alignment. 
If malign = 1, then use metric alignment to create candidate nodes with 
advancing-point (mpp=3) and advancing-front (mpp=2) point placement. 
If malign = 2, then use metric alignment to create candidate nodes and for each 
candidate select either advancing-point or advancing-front point placement. 
This option is only applicable if the base point placement is advancing-front 
(mpp=2). Otherwise it is the same as malign=1. 
Only applicable if external sizing evaluation is used (meval!=0) or if the 
advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). Only applicable if 
the metric space option is on (mmet=1 or 2). 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
Boundary surface mesh check flag. 
If mbcheck = 0 then do normal grid generation. 
If mbcheck = 1 then only check the input boundary surface mesh and then return. 
No grid generation is performed. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL element volume checking flag. 
If mblchkv = 0 then use limited volume checking and only check volume of the 
three tetrahedral elements that should be created from a given face. 
If mblchkv = 1 then use full volume checking and check volume of all 12 
possible tetrahedral elements that could be created from a given face (within a 
prismatic group). 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
BL element combination flag. 
If mblelc = 0 then do not combine elements in BL region. 
If mblelc = 1 then combine elements in BL region to form pentahedra with five 
nodes (pyramid) or six nodes (prism). 
If mblelc = 2 then combine elements in BL region to form pentahedra with five 
nodes (pyramid) or six nodes (prism) and hexahedra. Note that hexahedra will 
only be formed if the surface with the attached BL region contains quad faces 
Also, the interface between the hexs and isotropic tet region will have split 
faces (one hex face matching up to two or more tets. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Metric space flag. 
If mmet = 0, then do not use a metric space. 
If mmet = 1, then use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities. 
If mmet = 2, then use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities 
along with geometric growth defined by parameters cdfrsrc and cdfssrc. Growth 
is not applicable with meval>=1 or a background grid. 
The metric field may be set from an externally defined sizing function 
(meval!=0) or the use of BL blending (mmetblbl=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
BL blending. 
If mmetblbl = 0 then do not use metric blending. 
If mmetblbl = 1 then use metric blending with linear interpolation to 
transition from the BL region into the isotropic tetrahedral region. 
If mmetblbl = 2 then use metric blending with growth defined by cdfrsrc to 
transition from the BL region into the isotropic tetrahedral region. 
This option will automatically set mmet to the appropriate value. This option 
will be turned off automatically if their is a rebuild surface that intersects 
the BL region. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Number of BL layers limiting flag. 
The number of BL layers generated is limited on a boundary surface (of the same 
ID) with large initial normal spacing (see cdsnbl). If the number of BL layers 
is specified on individual surface patches then this process will not override 
those values. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Quad-Pyramid transition flag. 
If mquadp = 0 then replace every boundary surface quad-face with two 
If mquadp = 1 then add a transition pyramid element to every boundary surface 
Also, if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and hex/prism element generation is 
on (mblelc=2) then use of mquadp=1 adds a transition pyramid element to each 
hex-element quad-face on the internal interface between the BL and outer 
tet-element regions. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Source option flag. 
If msource = 0, then do not use sources. 
If msource = 1 and sources are input, then insert the sources into the initial 
If msource = 2 and meval = 0 (on input) or meval = -2 (after reset) and sources 
are input, then create an oct-tree of the source nodes for interpolating the 
local distribution function and metric during grid generation. 
If msource = 2 and meval = -1 (after reset), then msource is automatically 
reset to msource=0. 
If msource = 2 and meval >= 1, then msource is automatically reset to 
If msource = 2 and meval >= 1, then msource is automatically reset to 
If msource = 3 and meval >= 1, then use externally defined evaluation routines 
to determine the distribution function and metric for new nodes. If the 
external routines do not use source nodes, then presence of source nodes will 
have no effect. 
Sources modify the point distribution function and metric and the resulting 
element size and shape in the region near a source node. The msource option has 
no effect if there are not sources nodes. 
default=1 min=0 max=3 
Output flag for metric space analysis information. 
If mw_met_hist = 0, then do not output metric space analysis information. 
If mw_met_hist = 0, then output metric space analysis information. 
Applicable only if the metric space option is on (mmet=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Maximum BL grid layers to generate. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=10000 min=0 max=10000000 
Maximum difference in BL levels. 
If nbldiff > 0 then the maximum difference between the number of BL levels for 
the BL nodes on a given BL boundary surface face is limited to nbldiff. Any 
active BL node that would allow the number of levels to be greater is 
If nbldiff = 0 then the difference in BL levels is ignored. 
Only applicable if the BL or SNS flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=-1). 
default=0 min=0 max=10000000 

Surface patch BL thickness. 
If the BL_DEL and BC_IDs vectors are set then the BL thickness is set to the 
value specified. Each value in the BL_DEL vector applies for the surface with 
the corresponding surface ID flag in the same location of the BC_IDs vector. If 
the value for the thickness is zero then the currently set or default values 
are used. Commas are required between the entries in the list. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
Surface patch initial BL normal spacing. 
If the BL_DS and BC_IDs vectors are set then the initial BL normal spacing is 
set to the value specified. Each value in the BL_DS vector applies for the 
surface with the corresponding surface ID flag in the same location of the 
BC_IDs vector. If the value for the initial spacing is zero then the currently 
set or default values are used. Commas are required between the entries in the 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
Periodic surface rotation matrix list. 
For each periodic surface pair the rotation matrix between the coordinate 
systems of the parent and child surfaces is specified in the list of rotation 
matrices, PS_TMs. The list PS_TMs contains the rotation matrix components (9 
for each periodic surface pair). For example, if the list PS_TMs is set to 
1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 then there is one periodic surface pair. The rotation matrix 
for the pair is 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 (this example is for a case with no 
rotation). Each row or the rotation matrix is actually the direction cosines 
for each coordinate axis (row 1 is for the x-axis, row 2 is for the y-axis, and 
row 3 is for the z-axis). Commas are required between the entries in the list. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
Periodic surface translation vector list. 
For each periodic surface pair the translation vector between the coordinate 
systems of the parent and child surfaces is specified in the list of 
translation vectors, PS_XPS0s. The list PS_XPS0s contains the translation 
vector x,y,z components (3 for each periodic surface pair). For example, if the 
list PS_XPS0s is set to 1.1,0.2,3.7,4.4,1.2,0.2 then there are three periodic 
pairs. The x,y,z translation vector for the first pair is 1.1,0.2,3.7 and for 
the second pair it is 4.4,1.2,0.2. Commas are required between the entries in 
the list. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
Specified normal spacing distribution. 
If the vector SNS is set along with the list of specified spacing groups 
SNS_IDs then the normal spacing for each group is set (and it must be if the 
SNS flag is on mbl=-1). It is the distance from the boundary surface (not the 
spacing between layers). Each normal spacing group within the vector SNS must 
be sequential and start at a value of 0. The number of normal spacing groups 
(number of zero entries in vector SNS) must be the same for both vectors SNS 
and SNS_IDs. The vector SNS is composed of the normal spacing distribution for 
all groups. For example, if the vector SNS is set to 
0,.1,.2,.3,.4,0,.05,.1,.2,.5 then there are 10 entries in the vector and two 
groups. The normal distribution for group 1 is set to 0,.1,.2,.3,.4 and for 
group 2 it is set to 0,.05,.1,.2,.5. Commas are required between the entries in 
the list. 
Only applicable if the SNS flag is on (mbl=-1). 
blre -Re
Reference Reynolds number. 
Specifies reference Reynolds number per unit grid dimension for determining the 
parameters that control spacing normal to BL surfaces. The reference Reynolds 
number is then based on the reference length value (see refx). 
However, if the flow direction vector is specified (|vx,vy,vz| > 0) then the 
local Reynolds number is dependent upon the distance from the leading edge in 
the flow direction. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL type flag is on 
default=1e+06 min=0.0001 max=1e+19 
Normalized BL normal spacing. 
Specifies the normalized BL spacing to use in determining the BL initial normal 
If mbltype = 1 then the normalized BL normal spacing is the fraction of the 
laminar BL thickness for the initial normal spacing. 
If mbltype = 2 then the normalized BL normal spacing is the y+ value for the 
initial normal spacing. 
If the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) and both blyp and dsdef are 
both set to zero and the normalized BL velocity increment, bldup, is not set to 
zero then the value of blyp is calculated internally from bldup. Also, if the 
BL auto-parameter flag is on then the BL normal spacing throughout the linear 
region is equal to the BL initial normal spacing set by blyp. 
If mbltype = 1 then the linear region is about 1/3 of the laminar BL thickness. 
If mbltype = 2 then the linear region is the turbulent linear region y+<=5. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL type flag is on 
default=0 min=0 max=1000 
cdfrsns -snsr
SNS geometric growth rate. 
SNS geometric growth rate for node distribution normal to the boundary surface. 
The geometric growth rate is set to cdfrsns in the transition zone between the 
region where normal spacing is specified and the isotropic region. 
If cdfrsns=1 then there will be no transition zone and outside the region where 
normal spacing is specified the elements will immediately transition to 
isotropic tets. 
Only applicable if the SNS flag is on (mbl=-1). 
default=1.2 min=1 max=3 
Initial BL spacing layer limit ratio. 
If the average initial normal spacing on a boundary surface (of the same ID) is 
greater than cdsnbl multiplied by the minimum of the average initial normal 
spacing on all other surfaces then the maximum number of layers for that 
surface is limited. This will have minimal impact if the BL termination flag is 
set for local termination (mblend=0). 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and if the number of BL layers 
limiting flag is on (mnbllim=1). 
default=10 min=1 max=1e+19 
deldef -bldel
BL thickness. 
The BL region will have a thickness equal to deldef. This parameter will 
override the BL thickness array if it is set to a non-zero value. 
If deldef=0 then a value for deldef will be calculated internally. 
If deldef<0 then thickness will be set to zero and not used. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=-1 min=-1 max=1e+19 

Reset initial normal spacing and/or BL thickness. 
Reset initial normal spacing and/or BL thickness values set in the input 
surface grid file with those determined from the command line arguments (such 
as -y+, -blds, -bldel, etc). 
Equivalent to mblreseti=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Remove boundary face connectivity of standard transparent surfaces. 
Remove boundary face connectivity for standard transparent boundary faces with 
a grid BC of 5 from the final grid. This is the same as changing their grid BC 
from 5 to 6. The default is to retain the boundary face connectivity for 
standard transparent boundary faces with a grid BC of 5 in the final grid. 
Equivalent to mtransp=4 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid. 
Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid with right-angle isotropic elements 
from all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. The 
grid boundary condition flag can be set in the input grid file. If it is not 
set in the input grid file, then all boundary faces are set to a negative grid 
boundary condition value unless set otherwise using the -sls or equivalent 
Equivalent to mbl=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prismatic elements. 
Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid with right-angle isotropic elements 
from all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. 
Combine tetrahedral elements within SL regions to form pentahedra (prismatic 
and pyramid). With this option an output grid file type that supports 
pentahedra should be specified. The grid boundary condition flag can be set in 
the input grid file. If it is not set in the input grid file, then all boundary 
faces are set to a negative grid boundary condition value unless set otherwise 
using the -sls or equivalent flag. 
Equivalent to mbl=2 mblelc=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prism/split-hex elements. 
Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid with right-angle isotropic elements 
from all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. 
Combine tet elements within SL regions to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) 
and hexahedra. Hex elements are generated where possible from boundary surface 
grid quad faces. Hex elements on the interface between the SL and outer tet 
element regions have implied split quad faces. Downstream solver support for 
split face hex elements is required. With this option an output grid file type 
that supports prism, pyramid, hex and tet elements should be specified. 
Equivalent to mbl=2 mblelc=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid and create prism/hex elements. 
Generate a structured-layer grid (SL) grid with right-angle isotropic elements 
from all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition flag less than zero. 
Combine tet elements within SL regions to form pentahedra (prism and pyramid) 
and hexahedra. Hex elements are generated where possible from boundary surface 
grid quad faces. Also, add a transition pyramid element to every boundary 
surface quad-face including hex element quad-faces on the internal interface 
between the SL and outer tet element regions. There are no implied split face 
hex elements. With this option an output grid file type that supports prism, 
pyramid, hex and tet elements should be specified. 
Equivalent to mbl=2 mblelc=2 mquadp=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Specify surface IDs for SNS spacing groups. 
Spacing groups are used to set SNS normal spacing. Given 
-snsi n_1,id_1_1,id_2_1,...,id_n_1,...,n_m,id_1_m,id_2_m,...,id_n_m then this 
flag will set the faces with surface IDs id_1_1 id_2_1 ..., id_n_1 as group 1, 
..., and faces with surface IDs id_1_m id_2_m ... id_n_m as group m. Where m is 
the number of groups and n_1, ..., n_m are the number of surface IDs in each 
respective group. The normal spacing distribution specified for each group will 
apply to these groups. The number of spacing groups, m, must be the same as the 
number of groups used to specify the normal spacing. If the -snsi flag is not 
used then one spacing group that contains all applicable surface IDs is 
assumed. For example, using "-snsi 2,3,5,3,6,2,4" will set two groups, all 
faces with surface IDs 3 and 5 will be part of group 1 and all faces with 
surface IDs 6, 2 and 4 will be part of group 2. Note that a surface ID can be 
specified here that is not a SNS generating surface and doing so will not 
change it to a SNS generating surface. Commas are required between the entries 
in the list. 
Equivalent to SNS_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Generate a SNS grid from specified surfaces. 
Given -snsids id_1,id_2,...,id_n then set the grid boundary condition to a 
negative value for all faces with surface IDs id_1 id_2 ... id_n. For example 
using "-snsids 12,1,10" would turn on SNS grid generation from the boundary 
faces with surface IDs 12, 1 and 10 and turn off SNS grid generation from all 
other boundary faces. This flag overrides any grid boundary condition set from 
the input grid file. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. 
If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Equivalent to mbl=-1 BL_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 

Rec_IDs -rec_ids
List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag. 
If the Rec_IDs parameter vector is set then the reconnection flag is set to on, 
allowing reconnection in all directions, for all faces with a surface ID in the 
vector and it is set to off, allowing no reconnection, for all faces with a 
surface ID not in the vector. For example, if Rec_IDs is set to the vector 
3,5,6 then there are 3 vector entries and all faces with surface IDs 3, 5, or 6 
will be turned on and all others will be turned off. Note that this parameter 
is a simplified form of using the BC_IDs and Rec_Flag parameters. Commas are 
required between the surface IDs in the list. If only one ID is specified then 
it must be terminated with a comma. 
Split_File_Format -split
Split data file format flag. 
Specifies the file format for the output split data file. 
If Split_File_Format = 0 then write a formatted ASCII split data file. 
If Split_File_Format = 1 then write a binary split data file. 
See the UG_IO description on file formats for more information. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
BL grid flag. 
If mbl = 0 then generate a standard isotropic element grid. 
If mbl = -1 then generate layers using specified normal spacing (SNS) next to 
all boundary faces with a grid boundary condition that is less than zero. In 
this case the normal spacing distribution is specified by the parameter SNS and 
surface IDs for the normal spacing groups are specified by the parameter 
If mbl = 1 then generate a CFD type BL grid next to all boundary faces with a 
grid boundary condition that is less than zero. In this case the initial normal 
spacing must be specified. 
If mbl = 2 then generate a structured-layer (SL) grid next to all boundary 
faces with a grid boundary condition that is less than zero. In this case the 
initial normal spacing is equal to a fraction of the tangential spacing on the 
boundary surface. 
default=0 min=-1 max=2 
BL parameter and surface check flag. 
If mblchki = 0 then perform normal grid generation. 
If mblchki = 1 then check BL parameters and input surface grid, output BL 
parameters after automatic calculation, and exit without generating a volume 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL thickness flag. 
The BL thickness can be set equal to the maximum BL thickness required for the 
entire BL region to reach maximum normal spacing. 
If mbldelmax=0 then the BL thickness is not set based on the maximum BL 
If mbldelmax=1 then the BL thickness is set based on the maximum BL thickness. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL final layer flag. 
Determines if final BL region layer is turned off to provide for space for 
isotropic region. 
If mblfinal = 0 then leave final BL region layer alone. 
If mblfinal = 1 then turn off final BL region layer. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL surface ID smoothing flag. 
If mblidsmth = 1 then smooth initial normal spacing and BL thickness across 
surface faces with differing surface ID. 
If mblidsmth = 0 then do not smooth initial normal spacing and BL thickness. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL type flag. 
Determines whether the BL spacing parameters are calculated from either a 
laminar or turbulent flat plate approximation or set from input parameters. 
If mbltype = 0 then do not change input BL spacing parameters. 
If mbltype = 1 then determine BL spacing parameters based on a laminar flat 
plate approximation. 
If mbltype = 2 then determine BL spacing parameters based on a turbulent flat 
plate approximation. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=2 min=0 max=2 
Input grid volume check flag. 
If mchkvoli = 0 then do not check element volumes of the input grid and attempt 
to correct those that are negative. 
If mchkvoli = 1 then check element volumes of the input grid. 
Only applicable if the input grid is a volume grid and not just a surface grid. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
BL isotropic length scale limiting flag. 
The isotropic length scaled used to determine the maximum normal BL spacing is 
set to the minimum local isotropic spacing on the boundary surface. This length 
scale can be limited by the corresponding minimum isotropic spacing on the BL 
interface surface as the BL grid is generated. For concave regions this 
prevents the normal spacing from growing larger than the local isotropic 
If mdfblminm = 1 then limit the length scale. 
If mdfblminm = 0 then do not limit the length scale. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Distribution function limiting flag. 
If mdflim = 0 then do not limit the distribution function. 
If mdflim = 1 then limit the distribution function by the minimum local 
boundary edge length multiplied by the satisfied edge length multiplier, cdff. 
This option is intended to limit the distribution function for cases with 
high-aspect-ratio faces on boundary surfaces. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Quality field sliver deletion flag. 
If mdfs = 1 then add nodes to delete field sliver elements during quality 
If mdfs = 0 then do not add nodes to delete field sliver elements during 
quality improvement. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Open BL region grid generation flag. 
The BL grid generation is usually followed by an isotropic grid generation 
phase to fully discretize the domain. However, an open BL region grid can be 
generated in an open or closed domain with this option. ;If mopen = 1 then 
generate an open BL region grid for a closed domain. The BL grid is generated 
and the domain is only the generated BL region. No isotropic region elements 
are generated. With a closed domain all of the input surfaces are retained and 
standard boundary surface face reorientation is done as needed (same as 
If mopen = 2 then generate an open BL region grid for an open domain. The BL 
grid is generated and the domain is only the generated BL region. No isotropic 
region elements are generated. With an open domain only the input surfaces that 
are used for BL generation are retained and no individual boundary surface face 
reorientation is done. All of the boundary surface faces are assumed to be 
properly orientated such that RH rule ordering points in the direction of BL 
generation. The only possible face reordering is a global reordering using the 
-revbl (mrevbl=1) option. If the input surface grid is a non-closed surface 
then the BL region will be aligned normal to the surface edges. The output grid 
includes a new boundary surface for the exposed surface of the BL region with a 
boundary surface face ID equal to the maximum ID plus 1. 
If mopen = 0 then generate both a BL and isotropic region. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Quality improvement re-generation flag. 
If mqrgen = 0 then do not re-generate any part of the grid. 
If mqrgen = 1 then low-quality regions of the grid will be re-generated. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Global boundary face reconnection flag. 
If mrecrbf = 1 then allow reconnection of boundary surface faces if allowed by 
the input grid boundary surface face reconnection flag. 
If mrecrbf = 0 then turn off all reconnection of boundary surface faces 
regardless of input grid boundary surface face reconnection flag. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
BL normal direction flag. 
With an open BL region grid and an open domain the BL normals remain the same 
as those implied by the ordering of the input surface mesh. With this option 
that direction will be reversed. 
If mrevbl = 1 then globally reverse direction of BL normals. 
If mrevbl = 0 then do change BL normals. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and the open BL region and 
open domain flag is on (mopen=2). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Distribution function (length scale) save flag. 
If msave_df = 0 then do not save the computed distribution function (length 
scale) for each node. 
If msave_df = 1 then save the computed distribution function (length scale) for 
each node. Access is provided by the APIs defined in aflr3_save_ieliel. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Tet element neighbor connectivity save flag. 
If msave_ieliel = 0 then do not save the tet element neighbor connectivity for 
each element. 
If msave_ieliel = 1 then save the tet element neighbor connectivity for each 
Access is provided by the APIs defined in aflr3_save_ieliel. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Distribution function (length scale) save flag. 
If msave_met = 0 then do not save the computed metric (anisotropic length 
scales) for each node. 
If msave_met = 1 then save the computed metric (anisotropic length scales) for 
each node. Access is provided by the APIs defined in aflr3_save_ieliel. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Transparent boundary face flag. 
Normally all source-type transparent/ embedded boundary faces with a BC flag of 
3 are converted to source nodes, all standard transparent/embedded boundary 
faces with a BC flag of 5 are included in the output grid as boundary faces, 
and all internal-type transparent/embedded boundary faces with a BC flag of 6 
are included in the grid throughout grid generation and then the boundary face 
connectivity (not the coordinates) is removed from the output grid. 
If mtransp = 0 then do not change any BC flags and treat all 
transparent/embedded boundary faces normally. 
If mtransp = 1 then convert all source-type transparent/embedded boundary faces 
with a BC flag of 3 to standard transparent/ embedded boundary faces with a BC 
flag of 5. 
If mtransp = 2 then convert all source-type transparent/embedded boundary faces 
with a BC flag of 3 to internal-type transparent/embedded boundary faces with a 
BC flag of 6. 
If mtransp = 3 then convert all source-type or internal-type transparent/ 
embedded boundary faces with a BC flag of 3 or 6 to standard 
transparent/embedded boundary faces with a BC flag of 5. 
If mtransp = 4 then convert all source-type or standard transparent/embedded 
boundary faces with a BC flag of 3 or 5 to internal-type transparent/embedded 
boundary faces with a BC flag of 6. 
If mtransp = 5 then delete all source-type type, standard, or internal-type 
transparent/embedded boundary faces with a BC flag of 3, 4, or 5. 
If mtransp = -1 then convert standard transparent/embedded boundary faces with 
a BC flag of 5 to source-type transparent/ embedded boundary faces with a BC 
flag of 3. 
If mtransp = -2 then convert internal-type transparent/embedded boundary faces 
with a flag of 6 to source-type transparent/ embedded boundary faces with a BC 
flag of 3. 
If mtransp = -3 then convert standard and internal-type transparent/embedded 
boundary faces with a BC flag of 5 or 6 to source-type transparent/embedded 
boundary faces with a BC flag of 3. 
default=0 min=-3 max=5 
BL normal vector smoothing iterations. 
BL normal vectors are smoothed nblsmth iterations. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=20 min=0 max=10000 

Maximum BL dihedral element angle. 
BL elements are rejected if their maximum angle is greater than angblqmax. The 
maximum allowable angle is increased from angblqmax to angblqmaxd dependent 
upon the level of discontinuity (as defined by angbldd and angbldd2). BL grid 
advancement is terminated locally when an element is rejected. The value of 
angblqmax is internally limited to be less than angblqmaxd. 
Only applicable if the CFD/SNS BL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=-1). 
default=165 min=90 max=179.9 
Maximum discontinuous BL dihedral angle. 
BL elements are rejected if their maximum dihedral angle is large. The maximum 
allowable angle is increased from angblqmax to angblqmaxd dependent upon the 
level of discontinuity (as defined by angbldd and angbldd2). BL grid 
advancement is terminated locally when an element is rejected. 
Only applicable if the CFD/SNS BL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=-1). 
default=175 min=90 max=180 
Maximum convex disc. BL dihedral angle. 
BL elements are rejected if their maximum dihedral angle is large. The maximum 
allowable angle is increased from angblqmax to angblqmaxd2 at convex nodes 
dependent upon the level of discontinuity (as defined by angbldd and angbldd2). 
BL grid advancement is terminated locally when an element is rejected. Also, 
this angle limit is used at nodes on fixed surfaces that intersect the BL 
Only applicable if the CFD/SNS BL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=-1). 
default=179 min=90 max=180 
Maximum quad face angle for hexs. 
Hex elements with quad faces on the BL region outer interface are rejected if a 
quad face corner angle is greater than angqbfq. If rejected then prisms are 
used locally instead. 
Only applicable if BL element combination flag is set for hex elements 
default=160 min=90 max=180 
BL sub-layer spacing multiplier. 
BL normal spacing is increased multiple layers during generation and then 
subdivided after the entire BL grid is generated to obtain the true spacing. 
The maximum normal spacing is limited to be less than cbldsm multiplied by the 
minimum surface node spacing. If cbldsm=0 then the all layers are generated at 
the true spacing. 
Only applicable if the CFD/SNS BL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=-1). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 
Maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio. 
BL normal spacing is limited so that the normal-direction-aspect-ratio is less 
than cblmnr. If the SNS BL flag is on (mbl=-1) then this applies only in the 
transition zone. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.7 min=0 max=100 
Minimum normal-direction-aspect-ratio. 
BL advancement is globally terminated if the number of active nodes that are 
less than a BL thickness (if defined) away from the surface and that have a 
normal-direction-aspect-ratio less than cblmnr and greater than cblmnrmin is 
below cblend times the total number of BL nodes. Note that cblmnrmin is limited 
to be less than or equal to cblmnr. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.25 min=0 max=100 
Distribution function multiplier. 
The distribution function is used to specify desired element size. The 
distribution function originally determined from the average of the surrounding 
boundary edge lengths is multiplied by cdf. Increasing cdf will increase the 
total number of grid nodes generated. Decreasing cdf will decrease the total 
number of grid nodes generated. Deviation of cdf far from a value of 1.0 will 
degrade the element quality next to the boundaries. A cdf value above 1.0 will 
create elements adjacent to boundaries that are elongated normal to the 
boundary. In the rest of the field the elements should be relatively isotropic. 
default=1.2 min=0.5 max=3 
Distribution function multiplier #2. 
The distribution function multiplier #2, cdf2, is used exactly as the standard 
distribution function multiplier, cdf, on all boundary surface faces with a 
negative grid boundary condition. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=1.2 min=0.25 max=1e+06 
cdfrsl -slr
SL geometric growth rate. 
SL geometric growth rate for node distribution normal to the boundary surface. 
The geometric growth rate is constant within the SL region. 
Only applicable if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=1.2 min=1 max=3 
Distribution function exclusion zone. 
Distribution function growth exclusion zone factor used with growth option 
(mdf=2). The node distribution function and element size remain constant near a 
boundary node for a distance equal to the node distribution function at the 
boundary multiplied by cdfs. 
default=1 min=0 max=10 
cdfslm -slf
SL initial normal spacing multiplier. 
The initial normal spacing is set equal to the local length scale multiplied by 
Only applicable if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=0.5 min=1e-13 max=3 
dcdfrbl -bldr
BL geometric growth acceleration rate. 
The BL growth rate (cdfrbl) increases at a rate equal to dcdfrbl. If the BL 
auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the value of dcdfrbl is calculated 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1.05 min=1 max=2 

Automatically calculate growth rate parameters or BL thickness. 
This will override any previously set values for the maximum growth rate or 
thickness. The default is to explicitly input these values. 
Equivalent to cdfrblm=4 bldel=0 mblauto=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Specify fraction of laminar BL thickness for initial spacing. 
Specify fraction of laminar BL thickness used in determining the initial 
spacing normal to BL surfaces. The specified value is also used to specify the 
BL velocity increment to use in determining the parameters that control spacing 
normal to BL surfaces. If this option flag is used then a laminar BL profile is 
Equivalent to mbltype=1 blyp= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Specify surfaces to be grouped for BL streamwise variation. 
Each group will be treated as if it has an independent BL. Streamwise variation 
will be determined for each group independently. Given 
-blgs n_1,id_1_1,id_2_1,...,id_n_1,...,n_m,id_1_m,id_2_m,...,id_n_m then this 
flag will set the faces with surface IDs id_1_1 id_2_1 ..., id_n_1 as group 1, 
..., and faces with surface IDs id_1_m id_2_m ... id_n_m as group m. Where m is 
the number of groups and n_1, ..., n_m are the number of surface IDs in each 
respective group. For example using "-blgs 3,12,1,10,2,7,8,1,11" would set 
boundary faces with surface IDs 12, 1 and 10 to be group 1, boundary faces with 
surface IDs 7 and 8 to be group 2 and boundary faces with surface ID 11 to be 
group 3. Commas are required between the entries in the list. 
This flag is only applicable in cases with a BL grid (-bl, -bls flag), if the 
BL velocity profile is assumed to be laminar or turbulent (-blf, -y+, 
mbltype=1, or mbltype=2), and if the flow direction vector is specified (-vdir 
u v w). 
Equivalent to BLG_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Use specified growth in element size. 
Use specified growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=1.0 cdfr= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Use moderate growth in element size. 
Use moderate growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=1.0 cdfr=1.2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use high growth in element size. 
Use high growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=0.5 cdfr=1.5 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use very high growth in element size. 
Use very high growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=0.0 cdfr=2.0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use pyramids to transition from quad faces. 
Add a transition pyramid element to every boundary surface quad-face. 
Equivalent to mquadp=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a structured-layer (SL) grid from specified surfaces. 
Given -sls id_1,id_2,...,id_n then set the grid boundary condition to a 
negative value for all faces with surface IDs id_1 id_2 ... id_n. For example 
using "-sls 12,1,10" would turn on SL grid generation from the boundary faces 
with surface IDs 12, 1 and 10 and turn off SL grid generation from all other 
boundary faces. This flag overrides any grid boundary condition set from the 
input grid file. Commas are required between the surface IDs in the list. If 
only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Equivalent to mbl=2 BL_IDs= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Do not convert source type transparent surfaces. 
Do not convert source type transparent boundary faces with a grid BC of 3 to 
source nodes. The default is to convert source type transparent boundary faces 
with a grid BC of 3 to source nodes. 
Equivalent to mtransp=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 

Background grid and length-scale function file flag. 
Normally, if a background grid and length-scale function file are found, then 
they are read and used to determine the sizing (see meval). A grid and 
length-scale function file with naming "case_name.back.format_and_type" are 
considered background grid files. 
If BG_Flag = 0, then do not read background grid and length-scale function 
If BG_Flag = 1, then read background grid and length-scale function files if 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
List of IDs for BL groups. 
If the vector BLG_IDs is set then a group ID is set for all faces with a 
surface ID in the list and all others are not given a group ID. Each group will 
be treated as if it has an independent BL. Streamwise variation will be 
determined for each group independently. The vector BLG_IDs is composed of the 
sub-lists of IDs for all groups. Each sub-list is preceded by the number of IDs 
within the given group. For example, if the vector BLG_IDs is set to 
2,3,5,3,6,2,4,1,9 then there are 9 entries in the vector, 2 entries for group 
1, 3 entries for group 2, and 1 entry for group 3. All faces with surface IDs 3 
and 5 will be set to group 1, all faces with surface IDs 6, 2 and 4 will be set 
to group 2 and all faces with surface ID 9 will be set to group 3. Commas are 
required between the entries in the list. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the flow direction vector 
is specified (|vx,vy,vz| > 0). 
Message_Flag mmsg
Message flag. 
If Message_Flag = -1, then generate minimal one-line output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 0, then generate no output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 1, then generate normal output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 2, then generate all debug output messages. 
default=1 min=-1 max=2 
Limit on BL layers to be generated. 
If the Number_of_BLs and BC_IDs vectors are set then the number of BL layers 
generated will be limited to no more than the number specified. Each number in 
the Number_of BLs vector applies for the surface with the corresponding surface 
ID flag in the same location of BC_IDs vector. If the number of layers is zero 
for a given surface ID flag then no special limiting applies. Commas are 
required between the entries in the list. 
If only one ID is specified then it must be terminated with a comma. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
List of reconnection flags to reset. 
If the BC_IDs and Rec_Flag parameter vectors are set then the reconnection flag 
is reset to the values in the Rec_Flag vector for all faces with corresponding 
surface IDs. Reconnection of surface faces is used to assist boundary recovery 
and eliminate boundary sliver elements. Values for the Rec_Flag and their 
meaning for tria faces are listed below. However only the values 0 
(reconnection allowed) or 7 (reconnection not allowed) are practical in general 
usage. The intermediate values are typically set internally based on curvature, 
quality and neighbor ID. For quad faces the Rec_Flag is ignored and the outer 
edges of the quad faces are always preserved. The neighbor faces referenced 
below are for a tria face connectivity ordered node 1, 2, 3. 

0 = reconnection allowed with any neighbor 
1 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 1 
2 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 2 
3 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 1 or 2 
4 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 3 
5 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 3 or 1 
6 = reconnection not allowed with neighbor opposite node 3 or 2 
7 = reconnection not allowed with any neighbor 

Note that regardless of the Rec_Flag value no reconnection is allowed between 
faces of differing surface IDs or between faces that would result in 
discontinuity or poor quality as defined by angrbfdd, angrbfdd2, and angrbfmxp. 
Typically the reconnection flag is set to 0 or 7. The Rec_Flag should be set to 
0 unless a value of 7 is required to match another domain. Commas are required 
between the reconnection flags in the list. If only one reconnection flag is 
specified then it must be terminated with a comma. The default is 0 if not set 
within the input surface grid. 
List of specified spacing groups IDs. 
If the vector SNS_IDs is set along with the normal spacing vector SNS then the 
group ID for each normal spacing group is set. Otherwise only one normal 
spacing group that contains all surface IDs is assumed. The number of normal 
spacing groups must be the same for both vectors SNS_IDs and SNS. The vector 
SNS_IDs is composed of the sub-lists of IDs for all groups. Each sub-list is 
preceded by the number of IDs within the given group. For example, if the 
vector SNS_IDs is set to 7,2,3,5,3,6,2,4 then there are 7 entries in the vector 
and two groups. All faces with surface IDs 3 and 5 will be part of group 1 and 
all faces with surface IDs 6, 2 and 4 will be part of group 2. Commas are 
required between the entries in the list. 
Only applicable if the SNS flag is on (mbl=-1). 
Set volume element ID flag. 
If Set_Vol_ID_Flag = 0 then do not allocate or set the volume element ID. 
If Set_Vol_ID_Flag = 1 then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique 
value for each region in the domain. 
If Set_Vol_ID_Flag = 2 then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique 
value for each region in the domain and set each layer of the BL region. The BL 
region IDs are set to negative the BL layer number. 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
Tags data file flag. 
If Tags_Data_File_Flag = 0 then ignore any TAGS data file. 
If Tags_Data_File_Flag = 1 then check for and read any TAGS data file with the 
same case name as the input grid. If found the grid BCs specified in the TAGS 
file will be used. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL element output flag. 
If Write_BL_Only = 0 then output all elements. 
If Write_BL_Only = 1 then output only BL elements. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Interior elements output flag. 
If Write_Interior = 0 then do not output interior elements. 
If Write_Interior = 1 then output interior elements. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) output flag. 
If m_qvrrchk = 0, then do not output quality function Q (based on vol/radius 
If m_qvrrchk = 1, then output quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Output volume ratio check flag. 
If m_volrchk = 0, then do not check volume ratio between elements. 
If m_volrchk = 1, then check volume ratio between elements using face map data 
If m_volrchk = 2, then check volume ratio between elements using element 
neighbor map data structure (only checks tet-elements). 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
BL auto-parameter flag. 
Determines whether the calculated BL growth rate parameters for turbulent flow 
are used when mbltype=2. 
If mblauto = 0 then set the BL growth rate parameters explicitly. 
If mblauto = 1 then set the BL growth rate parameters automatically. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on mbl=1) and the BL type flag is on 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL initial normal spacing reset flag. 
If mblreseti = 0 then do not modify initial normal spacing or BL thickness 
values set in the input arrays (or set by the input surface grid file). 
If mblreseti = 1 then reset the initial normal spacing and/or BL thickness 
values set in the input arrays (or set by the input surface grid file) with 
those determined from the BL parameter values (such as blyp, dsdef, deldef, 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Boundary normal vector mode. 
If mbv_mode = 1 then use LS method to determine the node normal vector that has 
the minimum deviation with respect to the surrounding face normal vectors. 
If mbv_mode = 2 then use a most-visible method to determine the node normal 
vector that maximizes the minimum tetrahedral volume for the surrounding faces. 
If mbv_mode = 3 then use a simple averaging method to determine the node 
normal vector. 
default=1 min=1 max=3 
Final element volume check flag. 
If mchkvol = 1 then exit if any element volume is less than tolerance. 
If mchkvol = 2 then output location of any element volume that is less than 
tolerance and do not exit. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
Boundary sliver deletion flag. 
If mdbs = 0 then do not delete boundary sliver elements. 
If mdbs = 1 then delete boundary sliver elements. The boundary surface 
triangles are reconnected to delete boundary slivers. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Distribution function flag. 
If mdf = 1, then interpolate the node distribution function for new nodes from 
the containing element. 
If mdf = 2, then use geometric growth from the boundaries to determine the 
distribution function for new nodes. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
BL interface distribution function flag. 
If mdfb = 0 then determine length scales for the distribution function from the 
interface surface between BL and isotropic regions. 
If mdfb = 1 then determine length scales for the distribution function from the 
minimum length scale of the interface surface between BL and isotropic regions 
and of the initial boundary surface. This option generally reduces isotropic 
spacing near the BL interface surface. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL spacing thickness factor option. 
The normal spacing is multiplied by a computed factor between one and dsblfmax 
at all nodes to attempt and keep the layer thickness constant on surrounding 
boundary faces. 
If mdsblf = 0 then the factor is set to one at all nodes. 
If mdsblf = 1 then the factor is set to the computed factor multiplied by a 
weighted smoothing coefficient that varies from one at concave nodes to zero at 
convex nodes and that is based on the number of BL concave region smoothing 
layers, nblsmthl, that varies from one at concave nodes to zero at convex 
If mdsblf = 2 then the factor is set to the computed factor. This option will 
produce the the most constant layer thickness (with a possible degradation in 
element quality). 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
Fixed BL face spacing smoothing option. 
The normal spacing is smoothed nearby fixed BL faces that intersect the BL 
region. This option attempts to smooth out differences in BL layer normal 
spacing between the fixed faces and nearby region. 
If mdsblfisf = 0 then the normal spacing is not smoothed. 
If mdsblfisf = 1 then the normal spacing is smoothed. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and there are fixed 
surfaces that intersect the BL region. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Small edge deletion flag. 
If mdse = 0, then do not delete small edges. 
If mdse = 1, then delete small edges. 
Note that small edge deletion is automatically turned on if candidate to node 
checking is off (mfchkn=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Maximum number of elements. 
All dimensions key off this parameter. If melem = 0, then the code estimates 
the required dimensions. 
If melem > 0, then the code estimates are ignored, and all dimensions are 
initially set based on the value of melem. 
In either case the code will reallocate memory as needed during grid 
default=0 min=0 max=2000000000 
External evaluation option flag. 
If meval = -2, then use interpolation from sources for sizing evaluation. This 
option is set internally if sources are input and meval=0. 
If meval = -1, then use interpolation from an input background grid for sizing 
evaluation. This option is set internally if a background grid is input and 
If meval = 0, then do not use external sizing evaluation routines. 
If meval >= 1, then use externally defined sizing evaluation routine to 
determine the distribution function and metric for new nodes. If a site 
dependent specific routine is coded, compiled and linked with the executable, 
then this option is useful. An external routine may or may not use a background 
grid (if any) and/or source nodes (if any) that are input to AFLR. AFLR 
includes a built-in external sizing evaluation routine. By default, the 
built-in external routine is useful only for testing. The built-in external 
routine provides 10 different test cases. 
meval = 1 is a centered source 
meval = 2 is a centered source with no x-variation 
meval = 3 is a centered source with no y-variation 
meval = 4 is a centered source with no z-variation 
meval = 5 is a horizontal sheet 
meval = 6 is a blended cross 
meval = 7 is a circle 
meval = 8 is a horizontal sheet that requires boundary surface adaptation 
meval = 9 is a blended cross that requires boundary surface adaptation 
meval = 10 is a quarter circle that requires boundary surface adaptation 
Note that meval >= 5 is only only applicable if the metric space option is on 
(mmet=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=-1 max=100 
Initial centroid node placement flag. 
During grid generation large elements that have all edges larger than the 
distribution function (local node spacing) are subdivided using centroid node 
If minlpp = 0 then do not use initial centroid node placement. 
If minlpp = 1 then use initial centroid node placement. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Length scale ratio improvement flag. 
Source nodes can be generated to improve the minimum length scale ratio 
(LSRatio), minimum node spacing over distance between boundaries. 
If mlsr = 0 then do not use length scale ratio (LSRatio) improvement. 
If mlsr = 1 then use length scale ratio (LSRatio) improvement. In this case, 
source nodes are created on a nested set of embedded rectangular surfaces. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Point placement flag. 
If mpp = 1, then use centroid point placement. Centroid placement is very 
efficient. However, element quality is not optimal. 
If mpp = 2, then use advancing-front point placement. The produces optimal 
quality elements. 
If mpp = 3, then use advancing-point point placement. The produces isotropic 
right-angle elements. 
default=2 min=1 max=3 
Element quality measure information output flag. 
If mqchk = 0, then do not generate element quality measure information. 
If mqchk = 1, then generate element quality measure information. 
If mqchk = 2, then generate element quality measure information including 
element to element neighbor measures. 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
Quad-Pyramid length-scale flag. 
If mqpdf = 1 then the local length-scale for pyramids is based on the quad face 
of its base. 
If mqpdf = 2 then the local length-scale for pyramids is based on the quad face 
of its base including the length of the diagonals for that face. 
Only applicable if the quad-pyramid transition flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
4-4 element local-Reconnection flag. 
If mrec4 = 0 then reconnect 4-4 element only during final quality improvement. 
If mrec4 = 1 then reconnect 4-4 element combinations during grid generation. 
If the initial surface triangulation is of low quality (see angqbfm) then the 
value of mrec4 is ignored and mrec4 is automatically set to a value of 1. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Boundary curvature reconnection flag. 
Applies to the initial boundary surface grid only. 
If mrecbdw = 0 then do not reconnect initial boundary surface to improve 
curvature matching. 
If mrecbdw = 1 then reconnect initial boundary surface to improve curvature 
This option is not applicable if boundary face reconnection is turned off 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Boundary face local-reconnection flag. 
Applies to the initial boundary surface grid only. 
If mrecbm = 0 then do not reconnect initial boundary surface. 
If mrecbm = 1 then use a MAX-MIN-Angle criterion if the boundary surface is 
considered low-quality (see angqbfm). 
If mrecbm = 2 then use a MIN-MAX-Angle criterion if the boundary surface is 
considered low-quality (see angqbfm). 
If mrecbm = -1 then use a MAX-MIN-Angle criterion without checking quality 
If mrecbm = 2 then use a MIN-MAX-Angle criterion without checking quality 
default=0 min=-2 max=2 
Local-Reconnection flag. 
If mrecm = 1 then use a Delaunay criterion. 
If mrecm = 2 then use a combined Delaunay and MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
If mrecm = 3 then use a combined Delaunay and MAX-MIN-Rratio criterion. This 
option typically results in a slightly improved grid quality at the expense of 
an increase in required CPU time. 
default=2 min=1 max=3 
Quality local-reconnection flag. 
Applies to all quality improvement except the last pass. 
If mrecqm = 2 then use a combined Delaunay and MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
If mrecqm = 3 then use a combined Delaunay and MAX-MIN-Rratio criterion. This 
option typically results in a slightly improved grid quality at the expense of 
an increase in required CPU time. 
default=2 min=2 max=3 
Final quality local-reconnection flag. 
Applies only to the last pass of quality improvement. 
If mrecqmf = 2 then use a combined Delaunay and MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
If mrecqmf = 3 then use a combined Delaunay and MAX-MIN-Rratio criterion. 
default=3 min=2 max=3 
Set adjacent surface to BL flag. 
Determines if non-BL surfaces adjacent to a BL surface and another non-BL 
surface are reset to be blended BL surfaces. On a blended BL surface the 
initial normal spacing is smoothly increased up to the isotropic spacing. 
If msetabl = 1 then any non-BL surface (defined by surface ID) will be set to a 
blended BL surface if it is adjacent to a BL surface and also a non-BL surface. 
If msetabl = 0 then no surfaces are reset. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Quad-Pyramid transition height method. 
If msetqp = 1 then base the pyramid height solely on the base edge lengths. 
If msetqp = 2 then base the pyramid height on the final layer BL normal spacing 
with limiting based on the pyramid base edge lengths. 
If msetqp = 3 then base the pyramid height solely on the final layer BL normal 
Only applicable if the quad-pyramid transition flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=2 min=1 max=3 
BC surface file flag. 
If mw_bc_surf = 0 then do not write boundary surface grid file after setting 
boundary conditions 
If mw_bc_surf = 1 then write boundary surface grid file after setting boundary 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL level function file flag. 
If mw_bl_func = 0 then do not write BL level function file. 
If mw_bl_func = 1 then write BL level function file and a corresponding surface 
grid file. 
The BL level function file contains a function value for every boundary node 
that corresponds to the number of BL levels generated for the node. The files 
will named case_name.BLF.ufunc and 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL surface file flag. 
If mw_bl_surf = 0 then do not write BL boundary surface grid file. 
If mw_bl_surf = 1 then write BL boundary surface grid file. 
The BL boundary surface grid file contains the inflated BL surfaces along with 
all other non-BL surfaces. The BL boundary surface grid file will be named 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL spacing and normal vector file flag. 
If mw_blds_func = 0 then do not write BL spacing and normal vector file. 
If mw_blds_func = 1 then write BL spacing and normal vector file and a 
corresponding surface grid file. 
The files will named case_name.BLDSF.ufunc and 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BLISF surface file flag. 
If mw_blisf_surf = 0 then do not write BLISF boundary surface grid file. 
If mw_blisf_surf = 1 then write BLISF boundary surface grid file. 
The BLISF boundary surface grid file contains the complete boundary surface 
grid with unique surface IDs for boundary surface faces that are of the same BL 
level on a BLISF boundary surface (a surface that is fixed and intersects the 
BL region. The unique IDs equal to the maximum original surface ID plus the BL 
level. The boundary surface grid file will be named 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
BL surface discontinuity function file flag. 
If mw_blsd_func = 0 then do not write BL surface discontinuity function file. 
If mw_blsd_func = 1 then write BL level surface discontinuity function file and 
a corresponding surface grid file. 
The files will named case_name.BLSDF.ufunc and 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Write BG function file flag. 
If mw_func = 0, then do not write grid function file. 
If mw_func = 1, then write grid function file with scalar isotropic length 
scale and/or directional length scale metric. The values will be those that 
exist at the end of mesh generation. The output file will be 
case_name.out.b8.sfunc if mw_func_type=1 or case_name.out.solb if 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Write BG function file flag. 
If mw_func_type = 1, then write grid function files using UGRID and SFUNC 
If mw_func_type = 2, then write grid function files using MESHB and SOLB types. 
;be those that exist at the end of mesh generation. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
ICE output debug mesh file flag. 
If mw_ice = 0 then do not output ICE intermediate mesh files. 
If mw_ice = 1 then output ICE intermediate debug mesh files. 
If mw_ice = 2 then output ICE intermediate debug mesh files as with mw_ice=1 
and also during quad flag generation at each refinement level. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
ICE boundary surface file flag. 
If mw_ice_surf = 0 then do not output ICE boundary surface mesh files. If 
mw_ice_surf = 1 then output ICE boundary surface mesh files. These files 
contain the ICE surface mesh data that defines the gap regions. Note that these 
files are also written out whenever the debug mesh file flag is on (mw_ice>=1). 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
BL surface ID smoothing layers. 
Number of surface face layers within a group/patch of surface faces with the 
same surface ID. If mblidsmth = 1 then the initial normal spacing and BL 
thickness across surface faces with differing surface ID are smoothed. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=20 min=2 max=10000000 
BL concave region smoothing layers. 
BL normal vectors near concave regions are smoothed over nblsmthl layers of 
adjacent boundary surface faces. This is in addition to normal normal vector 
smoothing. The concave region smoothing layers are also used to determine a 
weighted smoothing coefficient for the BL spacing thickness factor (see 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=10 min=0 max=10000 
Fixed BL face smoothing layers. 
The normal spacing is smoothed nearby fixed BL faces that intersect the BL 
region. This option attempts to smooth out differences in BL layer normal 
spacing between the fixed faces and nearby region over nblsmthlisf layers of 
adjacent boundary surface faces. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and the fixed BL face 
spacing smoothing option is on (mdsblfisf=1) and there are fixed surfaces that 
intersect the BL region. 
default=20 min=0 max=10000 
Maximum LSR point placement passes. 
Initial length scale reduction point placement is used with advancing-type 
point placement (mpp=2,3) for initial elements that have length scales smaller 
than lsrpplim. Standard advancing-type point placement is used after the 
initial element length scales are reduced. A value of nlsrpp=0 will turn off 
initial LSR point placement. 
default=0 min=0 max=10000000 
Number of periodic surface pairs. 
For each periodic surface pair the parent and child surface IDs must be 
specified in the list of periodic surface IDs, PS_IDs. For each parent both the 
translation vector, PS_XPS0s, and rotation matrix, PS_TMs, must be specified. 
The input surface grid must be periodic if specified to be. The output surface 
grid will maintain the periodic properties specified. Note that the specified 
periodic parent and child surfaces must also have a surface grid BC for a 
surface that intersects the BL region and is rebuilt to match. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=10000000 
ICE maximum number of refinement levels. 
If nref_max = 0 then determine the appropriate number of levels from the 
background mesh. 
If nref_max = 1 then use one level and set the length scale equal to an average 
value from the background mesh. 
If nref_max > 1 then determine the appropriate number of levels from the 
background mesh and then limit that value to be no more than nref_max. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1000000 
SL normal vector smoothing layers. 
The boundary normal vectors are smoothed over nsblm layers. The initial 
smoothing is zero and increases to full smoothing by layer nsblm. 
Only applicable if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=3 min=1 max=100 

Output dihedral angle check quality limit. 
Typical maximum angle for good quaility elements. 
default=160 min=0 max=180 
Output dihedral angle check usable limit. 
Typical maximum angle for a usable volume mesh. 
default=179.9 min=0 max=180 
Boundary surface face quality threshold. 
If any of the boundary surface faces have a planar angle greater than angbfmax 
then the surface is considered low quality and BL face angle checks are turned 
off. If the surface is considered low quality then the values of angblqfmax and 
angblqfmax2 are not used. 
default=160 min=60 max=180 
Maximum angle between BL intersecting faces. 
Maximum included angle between faces on a BL intersecting surface and adjacent 
BL generation surface faces. If angblisimx=0 then this check is turned off. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=170 min=0 max=180 
Maximum BL interface face angle. 
BL elements are rejected if the local BL interface surface has a maximum face 
angle that is greater than angblqfmax. The maximum allowable angle is increased 
from angblqfmax to angblqfmax2 if the corresponding surface face angle is 
greater that angblqfmax. BL grid advancement is terminated locally when an 
element is rejected. The value of angblqfmax is internally limited to be less 
than angblqfmax2. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=170 min=90 max=179.9 
Maximum BL interface face angle #2. 
BL elements are rejected if the local BL interface face has a maximum face 
angle that is greater than angblqfmax. The maximum allowable angle is increased 
from angblqfmax to angblqfmax2 if the corresponding surface face angle is 
greater that angblqfmax. BL grid advancement is terminated locally when an 
element is rejected. The value of angblqfmax2 is internally limited to be less 
than angqbf. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=179 min=90 max=179.9 
Discontinuous boundary edge angle. 
Angle between two adjacent boundary edge vectors used to identify edge 
default=30 min=0 max=179.9 
Maximum planar surface angle. 
Planar surface angle for boundary triangular faces used to check the boundary 
surface triangulation. The boundary surface triangulation is not considered 
valid if the planar angle for a vertex of any face is greater than angqbf. To 
turn this check off use option angqbf=180. 
default=179.5 min=120 max=180 
Minimum planar surface angle. 
Planar surface angle for boundary triangular faces used to check the boundary 
surface triangulation. The boundary surface triangulation is not considered 
valid if the planar angle for a vertex of any face is less than angqbfmin. This 
typically means there are co-located nodes. It could also be intentional with 
very high-aspect-ratio boundary faces. To turn this check off use option 
default=0.0001 min=0 max=180 
Maximum SL dihedral element angle. 
SL elements are rejected if their maximum angle is greater than angblqmax. The 
maximum allowable angle is increased from angblqmax to angblqmaxd dependent 
upon the level of discontinuity (as defined by angbldd and angbldd2). SL grid 
advancement is terminated locally when an element is rejected. The value of 
angblqmax is internally limited to be less than angblqmaxd. 
Only applicable if if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=165 min=90 max=179.9 
Maximum discontinuous SL dihedral angle. 
SL elements are rejected if their maximum dihedral angle is large. The maximum 
allowable angle is increased from angblqmax to angblqmaxd dependent upon the 
level of discontinuity (as defined by angbldd and angbldd2). SL grid 
advancement is terminated locally when an element is rejected. 
Only applicable if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=175 min=90 max=180 
Normalized BL velocity increment. 
Specifies the normalized BL velocity increment to use in determining the BL 
geometric growth rate parameters. 
If mbltype = 1 then the normalized BL velocity increment is the velocity 
increment normalized with the velocity at the edge of the BL. 
If mbltype = 2 then the normalized BL velocity increment is the u+ increment 
(velocity increment normalized with the friction velocity). 
If the BL velocity increment is not set and the normalized BL normal spacing, 
blyp, is set to then the value of bldup is calculated internally. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL auto-parameter flag 
is on (mblauto=1). 
default=0 min=0 max=1000 
Concave maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio. 
BL advancement is locally terminated in concave regions if the normal aspect 
ratio is larger than cblcncvmnr. A region is considered concave if the local 
ratio of edge lengths within the BL to the corresponding edges on the initial 
surface is less than cblcncv. If the SNS BL flag is on (mbl=-1) then (mbl=-1) 
then this applies only in the transition zone. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=2). 
default=0.9 min=0 max=100 
BL thickness slope multiplier. 
The specified BL thickness (if specified) is multiplied by a factor dependent 
upon the angle between the local surface normal and the flow direction vector 
[vx,vy,vz]. The factor varies from 1, if the angle is between 90 and 270 
degrees, up to 1+cbldel, if the angle is between 0 and 90 or 270 and 360 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the flow direction vector 
is specified (|vx,vy,vz| > 0). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1000 
Global BL termination factor. 
BL advancement is globally terminated if the number of active nodes that meet 
the termination criteria are below cblend times the total number of BL nodes. 
The global BL termination criteria are based on being less than a BL thickness 
(if defined) away from the surface and having a normal-direction-aspect-ratio 
less than cblmnr and greater than cblmnrmin. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and the global BL 
termination flag is on (mblend=1). 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Fixed surface BL check reduction factor. 
Limits for proximity and intersection checks are reduced by the factor, 
cblisfm, at nodes on fixed surfaces that intersect the BL region. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.25 min=0 max=1 
Checking normal-direction-aspect-ratio. 
BL/SL/SNS grid generation is terminated locally if the edge length between 
active BL nodes grows to a value that is greater than cdffblm2 multiplied by 
the corresponding edge length on the initial boundary surface. A modified 
factor is used (between cdffblm2 and 2*cdffblm2) if the aspect-ratio between 
the normal spacing and edge length is less than cblnrchkbf. Note that 
cblnrchkbf should always be less than or equal to cblmnr. If not it will be 
reset to the value of cblmnr. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and cdffblm2>1. 
default=0.7 min=0 max=100 
BL thickness multiplier. 
The specified BL thickness (if specified) is multiplied by cblsmax to determine 
the thickness of the BL grid region. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1 min=0.1 max=1000 
BL normal smoothing multiplier. 
The BL normal vectors are smoothed iteratively using a smoothing coefficient 
that varies from 0 at the surface to 1 at a distance from the surface equal to 
the local surface spacing multiplied by cblsmaxs. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1000 
BL normal smoothing discontinuity multiplier. 
The BL normal vectors are smoothed at convex discontinuous nodes using a factor 
that varies from 0 at the surface to 1 at a normal distance away equal to the 
local surface spacing multiplied by cblsmaxsd. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=1000 
Smoothing BL thickness multiplier. 
The effective BL normal vector smoothing coefficient is reduced by a factor 
equal to cblsmthd at convex discontinuous nodes. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL is on (mbl=1). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 
Minimum distance for BL variation. 
Relative distance below which the streamwise variation in the BL profile is 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the flow direction vector 
is specified (|vx,vy,vz| > 0). 
default=0.25 min=1e-06 max=1 
ICE gap length scale multiplier. 
The distribution function multiplier (controls length scale) for fully 
unstructured mesh elements in the gap between interior core boundary nodes and 
existing boundary nodes is set equal to the minimum of cdf and cdf_gap_ic. This 
value replaces the value of cdf. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0.9 min=0.5 max=3 
ICE max/min length scale factor. 
The size of the interior core mesh elements vary between the length scales 
specified by df_ic_max and df_ic_min unless they are equal to zero. If they are 
equal to zero then the length scale is determined from the background mesh. If 
they are determined from the background mesh then they are modified by the 
factor cdf_ic_max 
df_ic_max = cdf_ic_max * df_ic_max 
df_ic_min = df_ic_min / cdf_ic_max 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0.9 min=0.5 max=1 
Distribution function multiplier (volume mesh). 
If the initial mesh is a volume mesh then the distribution function multiplier, 
cdf, is replaced with the volume mesh value, cdf_vol. Not applicable if the 
initial mesh is a boundary surface mesh. 
default=1 min=0.1 max=1e+06 
Maximum BL edge length factor #1. 
BL/SL/SNS grid generation is terminated locally if the edge length between an 
active and inactive BL node is greater than cdffblm1 multiplied by the maximum 
of the local normal spacing and the edge length between the same nodes at the 
last level that they were active. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=1.5 min=1 max=10 
Maximum BL edge length factor #2. 
BL/SL/SNS grid generation is terminated locally if the edge length between 
active BL nodes grows to a value that is greater than cdffblm2 multiplied by 
the corresponding edge length on the initial boundary surface. A larger factor 
than cdffblm2 is used aspect-ratio between the normal spacing and edge length 
is less than cblnrchkbf. If cdffblm2=1.0 then the checking of active edge 
lengths is turned off. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=1 min=1 max=1e+06 
Distribution function weighting factor. 
The node distribution function for new nodes is averaged with the minimum 
nearby node distribution functions. This factor is the weighting for the 
minimum contribution. Increasing cdfm above 0.0 will in general reduce the 
growth of element size from small to larger elements and increase the total 
number of grid nodes generated. It will have little or no effect if all the 
boundary edges are nearly the same size. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
ICE gap minimum closest node distance factor. 
Interior core boundary nodes are considered too close to existing boundaries if 
the distance between the boundaries is less than their maximum local length 
scale multiplied by cdfn_gap_ic. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0.7 min=0 max=10 
Small edge factor. 
Small edges are deleted if they have a ratio of actual edge length to local 
length scale of cdfn_se or less. 
Only applicable if small edge deletion is on (mdse=1). 
default=0.5 min=0.1 max=0.7 
Nearby BL node factor. 
Adjacent BL nodes of the same face are considered too close if the distance 
between them is less than the local length scale multiplied by cdfnbl. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.25 min=0 max=10 
Prism element height multiplier. 
Prism elements may be generated from fixed quad-faces on the surface. The 
equilateral height of generated prism elements is multiplied by cdfqp. 
Only applicable if the quad-pyramid transition flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=0.5 min=1e-06 max=1e+06 
ICE prism element height multiplier. 
This parameter is used to replace the cdfqp when prisms are used to transition 
from hexes in the interior core to tets in the exterior region. Prism elements 
may be generated from quad-faces on the interior core boundaries. The 
equilateral height of generated prism elements is multiplied by cdfqp_ic. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1) and the quad-pyramid transition 
flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=1 min=1e-06 max=1e+06 
Maximum geometric growth rate. 
Used as the advancing-front growth limit. The element size for new nodes is 
limited to be less than the physical size of the local front advanced from 
multiplied by cdfr. Also used as the geometric growth rate for the node 
distribution function with the growth option (mdf=2). A cdfr value just above 
1.0 will produce a grid with optimal element quality. A value of cdfr well 
above a value of 1.0 will decrease the number of grid nodes generated and 
potentially decrease the element quality. 
default=1.1 min=1 max=3 
ICE maximum geometric growth rate. 
The growth rate (cdfr_gap_ic) in the gap between interior core boundary nodes 
and nearby existing boundary nodes of differing length scales is accounted for 
when determining if they are too close. If cdfr_gap_ic is less than or equal to 
one then only the distance is checked (see cdfn_gap_ic). 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=10 
Maximum geometric source growth rate. 
Used as the geometric growth rate for the node distribution function and metric 
from sources. 
default=1.2 min=1 max=3 
Source distribution function exclusion zone. 
The source distribution function and metric remain constant near a source node 
for a distance equal to the source distribution function multiplied by cdfssrc. 
default=2 min=0 max=100 
Source weight. 
Weighting factor used to determine distribution function and metric from 
sources. The distribution function and metric from sources are weighted by 
csrcw and that from the local grid is weighted by 1-csrcw. 
Only applicable if the source interpolation option flag is on (msource=2). 
default=0.8 min=0 max=1 
ICE maximum length scale. 
The size of the interior core mesh elements vary between the length scales 
specified by df_ic_max and df_ic_min unless they are equal to zero. If they are 
equal to zero then the length scale is determined from the background mesh. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
ICE minimum length scale. 
The size of the interior core mesh elements vary between the length scales 
specified by df_ic_max and df_ic_min unless they are equal to zero. If they are 
equal to zero then the length scale is determined from the background mesh. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
Maximum distribution function. 
The distribution function specifies the point spacing in the field. If dfmax < 
0, then do not limit the maximum distribution function. 
If dfmax = 0, then limit the maximum distribution function to the maximum value 
determined from the boundary surface grid. 
If dfmax > 0, then limit the maximum distribution function to dfmax. 
default=-1 min=-1 max=1e+19 
dsmul -bldsm
BL spacing multiplier. 
The initial normal spacing, calculated or input, is multiplied by dsmul. Only 
applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=1e+06 
Output relative tolerance for element edge-length checking. 
Relative tolerance used to determine if element edge-length is too small. 
default=1e-12 min=0 max=1 
LSRatio improvement limit factor. 
Source nodes are generated to improve the minimum length scale ratio (LSRatio), 
minimum node spacing over distance between boundaries. The spacing calculated 
for the source nodes is multiplied by lsrcdf. Larger values will increase the 
spacing (element size) near the sources. 
Only applicable if the LSRatio improvement flag is on (mlsr=1). 
default=1.4 min=0.5 max=1000 
LSRatio improvement limit factor. 
Source nodes are generated to improve the minimum length scale ratio (LSRatio), 
minimum node spacing over distance between boundaries. If the minimum LSRatio 
is less than lsrlimit then source nodes will be generated. A value of 
lsrlimit=0 will turn off LSRatio improvement. 
Only applicable if the LSRatio improvement flag is on (mlsr=1). 
default=0.0001 min=0 max=1 
LSR point placement limit factor. 
If initial length scale reduction (LSR) point placement is specified 
(nlsrpp>0), then initial length scale reduction point placement is used with 
advancing-type point placement (mpp=2,3) for initial elements that have length 
scales smaller than lsrpplim. Standard point placement is used after the 
initial element length scales are reduced. A value of lsrpplim=0 will turn off 
initial LSR point placement. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) quality limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q (based on vol/length ratio) for good 
quaility elements. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) usable limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q (based on vol/length ratio) for a usable 
volume mesh. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) quality limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q (based on vol/radius ratio) for good 
quaility elements. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Output quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) check usable limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q (based on vol/radius ratio) for a usable 
volume mesh. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
Output relative tolerance for element volume checking. 
Relative tolerance used to determine if element volume is usable. 
default=1e-12 min=0 max=1 
Output volume ratio check quality limit. 
Typical minimum volume ratio for good quaility elements. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Output volume ratio check quality limit. 
Typical minimum volume ratio for a usable volume mesh. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
Flow X-direction vector component. 
If the magnitude of the flow direction vector |vx,vy,vz| is greater than zero 
and the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the streamwise variation 
in the BL profile is accounted for. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL auto-parameter flag 
is on (mblauto=1). 
default=0 min=-1e+19 max=1e+19 
Flow Y-direction vector component. 
If the magnitude of the flow direction vector |vx,vy,vz| is greater than zero 
and the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the streamwise variation 
in the BL profile is accounted for. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL auto-parameter flag 
is on (mblauto=1). 
default=0 min=-1e+19 max=1e+19 
Flow Z-direction vector component. 
If the magnitude of the flow direction vector |vx,vy,vz| is greater than zero 
and the BL auto-parameter flag is on (mblauto=1) then the streamwise variation 
in the BL profile is accounted for. 
Only applicable if the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1) and the BL auto-parameter flag 
is on (mblauto=1). 
default=0 min=-1e+19 max=1e+19 

Maximum quality distribution increments. 
Maximum number of grid quality distribution increments. 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=100 min=10 max=1000 
Program flag. 
If Program_Flag = 0, then run program in post processing mode. 
If Program_Flag = 1, then run program in normal mode. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Routine level CPU timer flag. 
If cpu_timer = 0, then do not use routine level CPU timer. 
If cpu_timer = 1, then use routine level CPU timer. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Debug mode flag. 
If m_debug_mode = 0, then operate in normal mode. 
If m_debug_mode = 1, then operate in debug mode. Note that not all codes have 
debug mode implemented. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Generate a background grid. 
If mbackgen = 0, then do not generate a background grid. 
If mbackgen = 1, then generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary 
points and sources (if any) without a recovered boundary grid and write 
background grid and length-scale function files using internal file writers. No 
other mesh generation is done. The background grid output files will be named 
case_name.back.*. See mw_func_type for file type. Note that if there is an 
existing background grid, it is ignored (as with -no_back). 
If mbackgen = 2, then generate an internal background grid and length-scale 
function using the input surface boundary points and sources (if any). After 
the background grid is generated use it to generate the final volume grid. Do 
not use -backgen2 or mbackgen=2 with a mlsr=1. Instead generate the background 
grid separately with -backgen or mbackgen=1. Note that if there is an existing 
background grid, it is ignored (same as -no_back). 
If mbackgen = 3, then generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary 
points and sources (if any) without a recovered boundary grid and return 
background grid and length-scale function data through the API. No other mesh 
generation is done. This option is only for internal use. 
If mbackgen = 4, then operations are exactly the same as with mbackgen=2. With 
mbackgen=4 also return the element neighbor connectivity for the final volume 
grid (this is the only difference between mbackgen=2 and mbackgen=4). 
If mbackgen = 5, then generate a background grid and length-scale function 
using the input surface boundary points and sources (if any). After the 
background grid is generated use it to generate the final volume grid. This 
option is only for internal use. 
default=0 min=0 max=5 
Candidate to node checking flag. 
If mfchkn = 0 then check distance between candidate nodes and only nearby 
existing nodes. 
If mfchkn = 1 then check distance between candidate nodes and all existing 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Initial grid generation element flag option. 
If mimadd = 0 then set all elements to be active during boundary recovery local 
If mimadd = 1 then set the elements attached to unrecovered boundary faces to 
be active during boundary recovery local reconnection. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Boundary face aspect-ratio metric flag. 
If mmetb = 0 then do not use a local metric during boundary recovery. 
If mmetb = 1 then use a local metric to account for boundary face aspect-ratio 
during boundary recovery. 
Boundary faces with high aspect-ratio typically require transformation (mtrb=1) 
or an alternative metric approach (mmetb=1) during the boundary recovery phase 
of initial grid generation. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Memory reduction output grid file format. 
With BL grid generation the grid is written to a file by routines that use 
temporary files to minimize memory requirements instead of standard UG_IO 
routines. This parameter is set by the main program to match the actual output 
grid file type and format specified. 
If mpfrmt = 1 then write final output grid to a type UGRID file using formatted 
If mpfrmt = 4 then write final grid to a type UGRID file using unformatted 
binary with floating-point doubles and big endian ordering. 
If mpfrmt = -4 then write final grid to a type UGRID file using unformatted 
binary with floating-point doubles and little endian ordering. 
If mpfrmt = 2 then write final grid to a type UGRID file using unformatted 
FORTRAN with floating-point doubles and big endian ordering. 
If mpfrmt = -2 then write final grid to a type UGRID file using unformatted 
FORTRAN with floating-point doubles and little endian ordering. 
If mpfrmt = 11 then write final grid to a type MESH file. 
If mpfrmt = 14 then write final grid to a type MESHB file. 
If mpfrmt = 0 then use UG_IO routines to write final output grid to a file of 
any supported type and format (with increased memory requirements). 
Initial local-reconnection flag. 
If mrecim = 1 then use a Delaunay criterion. 
If mrecim = 2 then use a combined Delaunay and MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
If mrecim = 3 then use a combined Delaunay and MAX-MIN-Rratio criterion. 
default=2 min=1 max=3 
Initial quality local-reconnection flag. 
If mreciqm = 2 then use a combined Delaunay and MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
If mreciqm = 3 then use a combined Delaunay and MAX-MIN-Rratio criterion. 
default=3 min=2 max=3 
Set grid boundary condition flag option. 
If msetbc = 0 then do not change the input grid boundary condition flag. 
If msetbc = 1, 2, or 3 and a surface has at least one edge that is free then 
automatically set the grid boundary condition flag for that surface to an 
embedded/transparent surface. An embedded surface is defined as a set of 
connected faces that have one or more open outer edges and any other outer 
edges connected to one or more faces of another surface. 
If msetbc = 2 then the surfaces identified as embedded/transparent will be 
converted to source nodes. 
If msetbc = 3 then the surfaces identified as embedded/transparent will be 
converted to internal faces and not included in the output boundary surface 
definition (connectivity, ID, etc). 
Also, if msetbc = 1, 2, or 3 then check for planar surfaces that are not 
BL/SL/SNS generating surfaces and automatically set the grid boundary condition 
flag for them to that for an intersecting surface. A planar surface is defined 
as a set of connected faces with the same surface normal vector (within the 
maximum normal deviation angblipmax), a total number of faces greater than or 
equal to nsetblip, and at least one outer edge that is adjacent to a BL/SL/SNS 
generating face. 
default=0 min=0 max=3 
Smoothing flag. 
If msmth = 1 then optimal placement smoothing is used initially. 
If msmth = 2 then centroid averaging is used for smoothing. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
Generate a searching grid. 
If msrchgen = 1 then generate a searching grid. 
If msrchgen = 0 then do not generate a searching grid. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Boundary face aspect-ratio transformation flag. 
If mtrb = 0 then do not use a local transformation during boundary recovery. 
If mtrb = 1 then use a local transformation to account for boundary face 
aspect-ratio during boundary recovery. 
Boundary faces with high aspect-ratio typically require transformation during 
the boundary recovery phase of initial grid generation. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Debug volume grid file flag. 
If mw_debug_grid = 0 then do not write debug volume grid file before quality 
post processing. 
If mw_debug_grid = 1 then write debug volume grid file before quality post 
processing. The volume grid will have the same case name as set for the output 
grid file except it will have a .## suffix before the format and file type 
suffixes (where ## will be the value of ngen input (or default value if not 
set). The file will also always be a C-binary type UGRID file. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Temporary surface FAIL file flag. 
If mw_fail = 0 then do not write temporary boundary surface FAIL files. 
If mw_fail = 1 then write temporary boundary surface FAIL files. Temporary 
boundary surface FAIL files are exactly the same as the boundary surface FAIL 
file written after a fatal boundary surface grid error except that they are 
written out prior to attempting high-risk boundary surface face recovery 
procedures. After completion of the procedure they are removed. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Maximum quality improvement/re-generation boundary-faces. 
Maximum number of true boundary surface allowed in a single low-quality region 
during quality improvement grid re-generation. A large number of faces 
indicates that there are issues with the boundary surface grid that can not be 
addressed with grid re-generation. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=100 min=2 max=2000000000 
Maximum total BL grid layers allowable. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=10000 min=0 max=10000000 
Number of discontinuity levels. 
The maximum allowable BL element dihedral angle is varied dependent upon the 
level of discontinuity in nbldd levels. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=5 min=2 max=100 
Minimum number of surrounding BL nodes. 
If there are less than nblpnmin active nodes surrounding an active node then 
that node is terminated. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=3 min=2 max=100 
BL level difference reconnection limit. 
BL surface face reconnection is limited if the maximum difference between the 
number of BL levels for the BL nodes on the face is greater than nblrbf. 
If nblrbf = -1 then BL surface face reconnection is not limited by BL level. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=20 min=-1 max=10000000 
Number of boundary node groups. 
Number of groups to sort boundary nodes into for boundary node insertion. 
default=10 min=1 max=10000000 
Max distribution function BL smoothing iterations. 
The distribution function values used to limit the BL are smoothed up to 
ndfsmth iterations. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=100 min=0 max=10000000 
Minimum number of elements to allocate. 
Minimum value for number of elements to allocate space for. 
default=1000 min=100 max=10000000 
Number of convex hull element pairs. 
Number of initial enclosing convex hull element pairs for boundary node 
insertion. The convex hull is formed from two reflected sets of elements 
rotated about the z-axis. 
default=5 min=4 max=100 
Number of elements per node. 
The maximum number of nodes allocated is set to the maximum of either the 
number of elements allocated divided by nelpnn or the number of initial nodes 
multiplied by nnpnni. 
default=5 min=2 max=7 
Number of initial elements per node. 
The maximum number of initial elements allocated is set to the number of nodes 
in the boundary grid multiplied by nelpnni. This is used only if there is not 
an initial triangulation and it is used only to generate the initial 
default=5 min=2 max=100 
Maximum number of grid passes. 
default=10000 min=0 max=10000000 
Maximum initial point placement passes. 
During grid generation large elements that have all edges larger than the 
distribution function (local point spacing) are subdivided using centroid point 
placement. This is repeated for ninlpp passes or less if there are no elements 
to subdivide. Standard point placement (as specified by mpp) is then used. A 
value of ninlpp=0 will turn off initial point placement and standard point 
placement will be used from the start. 
default=4 min=0 max=10000000 
Maximum element subdivisions. 
Maximum number of element subdivisions during direct boundary node insertion. 
default=3 min=1 max=10000000 
Maximum field grid element subdivisions. 
Maximum number of element subdivisions for direct node insertion during field 
grid generation. 
default=100 min=1 max=10000000 
Maximum number of LSRatio passes. 
Source nodes are generated to improve (LSRatio) over nlsrgen passes. 
Only applicable if the LSRatio improvement flag is on (mlsr=1). 
default=10 min=1 max=10000000 
Minimum array elements to reallocate. 
Minimum number of new array elements to add if the initial estimate for maximum 
number of elements is too low. 
default=10000 min=100 max=10000000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin checking node limit. 
Node limit target used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for checking data sets of 
nodes. The node limit target for final bins is set to nnpbchk boundary nodes. 
default=100 min=10 max=10000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin evaluation node limit. 
Node limit target used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for evaluation of data 
sets with functions specified at nodes. The node limit target for final bins is 
set to nnpbeval source nodes. 
default=10 min=10 max=10000 
Number of nodes per initial node. 
The maximum number of nodes allocated is set to the maximum of either the 
number of elements allocated divided by by nelpnn or the number of initial 
nodes multiplied by nnpnni. 
default=2 min=1 max=10 
Minimum additional grid re-generation nodes. 
During quality improvement grid re-generation the distribution function 
multiplier cdfqrg is iteratively reduced. If quality improves then iteration 
ends. Quality is checked until at least nqrgadd new nodes are generated. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=10 min=0 max=1000000 
Quality improvement grid re-generation iterations. 
Initially the size of the re-generation region is restricted to the elements 
attached to low quality elements. On each subsequent quality improvement 
re-generation iteration the size of the region is increased. Re-generation is 
terminated if the maximum dihedral element angle is reduced below angqrgen. It 
is also terminated if there is no improvement in quality. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=2 min=1 max=10 
Number of quality improvement passes. 
If nqual = 0, then all quality improvement is skipped. 
default=2 min=0 max=10 
Number of quality improvement repeats. 
Maximum number of times to repeat quality improvement if grid quality is too 
default=1 min=0 max=10 
Maximum seed point placement passes. 
Initial seed point placement is used in cases that have frozen boundary surface 
faces with advancing-type point placement (mpp=2,3) to create clusters of ideal 
elements that can be advanced from. Standard advancing-type point placement is 
used after nseedpp passes of seed point creation. A value of nseedpp=0 will 
turn off initial seed point placement. 
default=3 min=0 max=10000000 
Minimum number of faces on a BL plane. 
Only applicable if the automatic boundary condition option is on (msetbc=1) and 
the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=4 min=1 max=99999999 
Number of smoothing iterations. 
default=3 min=0 max=10 

BL discontinuous surface normal angle. 
BL normal vectors at nodes are based on the boundary face normal vectors for 
all faces attached to the node. If the angle between the normal vectors for 
adjacent faces surrounding a node is greater than or equal to ang_bv_disc then 
they are treated as discontinuous faces that separate continuous surfaces (as 
defined by ang_bv_smooth). 
default=30 min=0 max=180 
BL sharp surface edge angle. 
Boundary face normal vectors are modified if they contain sharp edges by 
perturbing the normal in a direction normal to the edge. A sharp edge is 
defined as one with an included angle between the boundary face normal vectors 
that is greater than or equal to ang_bv_sharp. 
default=179.99 min=179 max=180 
BL smooth surface normal angle. 
BL normal vectors at nodes are based on the boundary face normal vectors for 
all faces attached to the node. If the angle between the normal vectors for 
adjacent faces surrounding a node is less than or equal to ang_bv_smooth then 
they are treated as one surface. 
default=2 min=0 max=180 
Discontinuous surface angle. 
Dihedral angle between two adjacent faces used to identify discontinuous edges. 
Edges are considered discontinuous if the dihedral angle between adjacent faces 
is less than angbd. 
default=140 min=90 max=179.9 
BL discontinuous surface angle. 
Discontinuous surface nodes are defined as those with an angle between the BL 
node normal vector and any surrounding boundary face normal vector greater than 
angbldd. At discontinuous surface nodes the BL normal vector smoothing and BL 
termination criteria are modified. Also, the maximum allowable BL element 
dihedral angle is increased from angblqmax up to a maximum of angblqmaxd 
dependent upon the level of discontinuity. At a discontinuity angle of angbldd 
the maximum dihedral angle is angblqmax and at an angle of angbldd2 it is 
angblqmaxd. Note that angbldd will have no effect unless it is less than 
angbldd2. The value of angbldd is internally limited to be less than angbldd2. 
If the SL flag is on (mbl=2) then the maximum dihedral angle is set by 
angslqmax and angslqmaxd. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=15 min=0 max=90 
BL very discontinuous surface angle. 
BL highly discontinuous surface angle. Highly discontinuous surface nodes are 
defined as those with an angle between the BL node normal vector and any 
surrounding boundary face normal vector greater than angbldd2. Also, the 
maximum allowable BL element dihedral angle is increased from angblqmax up to a 
maximum of angblqmaxd dependent upon the level of discontinuity. At a 
discontinuity angle of angbldd the maximum dihedral angle is angblqmax and at 
an angle of angbldd2 it is angblqmaxd. If the SL flag is on (mbl=2) then the 
maximum dihedral angle is set by angslqmax and angslqmaxd. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=85 min=0 max=90 
Maximum normal deviation on a plane. 
Maximum deviation from BL intersecting plane normal that is allowed for each 
boundary face normal of the plane is angblipmax. The BL intersecting plane 
normal is set to the average of all boundary face normals of that plane. 
Only applicable if the automatic boundary condition option is on (msetbc=1) and 
the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=10 
Max. quad angle for fixed BL faces. 
Maximum quad face angle for quad-like tria pairs on a fixed BL intersecting 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=140 min=90 max=180 
Max. deviation angle for fixed BL faces. 
Maximum deviation angle between current and previous edge vectors in direction 
of BL advancement for quad-like tria pairs on a fixed BL intersecting surface. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=15 min=0 max=90 
BL small dihedral angle. 
BL elements are rejected if the dihedral angle between an element face and an 
adjacent face is less than angblsd. BL grid advancement is terminated locally 
when an element is rejected. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=2 min=0 max=45 
Boundary sliver dihedral element angle. 
All boundary elements with a dihedral angle greater than angdbs are considered 
slivers and are deleted. The boundary surface triangles are reconnected to 
delete boundary slivers. 
default=160 min=120 max=179.9 
Quality field sliver dihedral angle. 
During quality improvement all field elements with an angle greater than angdfs 
are considered sliver elements and are minimized by inserting a node near the 
element centroid. 
Only applicable if the quality field sliver deletion flag is on (mdfs=1). 
default=165 min=120 max=179.9 
Satisfied dihedral element angle. 
An element is considered satisfied if it has a maximum angle less than angmax 
and if all of its edge lengths are satisfied. Also an element will not be 
created inside a boundary element if it would create a maximum element angle 
greater than angmax. 
default=150 min=120 max=179.9 
Maximum low-quality planar surface angle. 
Planar surface angle for boundary triangular faces used to check for a 
low-quality boundary surface triangulation. If the planar angle for a vertex of 
any face is greater than angqbfm then the triangulation is considered 
low-quality and mrec4 is set to a value of 1 (turns on reconnection of 4-4 
element combinations during grid generation). This low-quality test also turns 
on boundary surface face reconnection (see mrecbm). 
default=160 min=0 max=180 
Very low quality element dihedral element angle. 
With advancing-type point placement (mpp=2,3) a centroid point placement 
process is used to eliminate very low quality elements. Interior element with a 
dihedral element angle above angqfadd is considered of very low quality. If 
angqfadd=0 then this centroid point placement process is turned off. Only 
applicable with advancing-type point placement (mpp=2,3). 
default=179 min=0 max=180 
Low quality dihedral element angle. 
Quality improvement is repeated if there are elements with a maximum angle 
greater than angqmax. 
default=160 min=90 max=179.9 
Masking dihedral element angle. 
Special quality improvement operations are performed on elements with a maximum 
angle greater than angqmsk. 
default=120 min=90 max=179.9 
Re-generation dihedral element angle. 
Quality improvement grid re-generation is performed on low-quality element 
regions with a maximum dihedral angle greater than angqrgen. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=165 min=70 max=179.9 
Final quality dihedral element angle. 
Local reconnection for quality improvement is performed on elements with a 
maximum angle greater than angqual. 
default=120 min=70 max=179.9 
Discontinuous dihedral surface angle. 
Dihedral angle between two adjacent faces used to limit boundary surface 
recovery reconnection. The boundary surface triangulation will not be 
reconnected if the result is a dihedral angle between the two faces which is 
less than angrbfdd. 
default=150 min=120 max=179.9 
Discontinuous dihedral surface angle 2. 
Same as angrbfdd except that it is used only if boundary recovery fails. 
default=120 min=100 max=179.9 
Maximum angle for curvature improvement. 
Maximum planar face angle for curvature improvement reconnection. Planar face 
angle used to limit boundary surface curvature reconnection. The boundary 
surface triangulation will not be reconnected to improve curvature if the 
reconnected maximum angle is greater than angrbfmxd. 
default=110 min=60 max=179.9 
Maximum planar face angle. 
Planar face angle used to limit boundary surface recovery reconnection. The 
boundary surface triangulation will not be reconnected if the result is a 
greater maximum angle and if the reconnected maximum angle is greater than 
default=140 min=60 max=179.9 
Small dihedral surface angle. 
Dihedral angle between two adjacent faces used to check the boundary surface 
triangulation. The boundary surface triangulation is not considered valid if 
the dihedral angle (within the domain) between two faces is less than angrbfsd. 
default=2 min=0 max=10 
Small dihedral surface angle. 
Dihedral angle between two adjacent faces used to check the boundary surface 
triangulation. The boundary surface triangulation is not considered valid if 
the dihedral angle (within the domain) between two faces is less than angrbfsd. 
default=2 min=0 max=10 
Small dihedral surface angle. 
Same as angrbfsd except that it is used only during secondary grid generation 
in cases with BL regions. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=10 
Boundary recovery normal transformation aspect-ratio. 
Unrecovered boundary faces are transformed locally using an aspect ratio of 
default=100 min=1 max=1e+07 
Boundary recovery pair transformation aspect-ratio. 
Unrecovered boundary face pairs are transformed locally using an aspect ratio 
of arrbfp. 
default=2 min=1 max=1e+07 
Maximum aspect-ratio for boundary faces. 
Boundary faces are not reconnected to improve quality if their aspect-ratio is 
greater than arrecbf. If arrecbf = 0 then the aspect-ratio is not checked. 
Applies to the initial boundary surface grid only. This option is not 
applicable if boundary face reconnection is turned off (mrecbm=0). 
default=0 min=0 max=1e+07 
Transformation minimum aspect-ratio. 
If mtrb = 1 then a transformation is used to account for boundary face 
aspect-ratio. If the maximum boundary face aspect-ratio is below artmin then no 
transformation is used. 
Only applicable if the boundary face aspect-ratio transformation flag is on 
default=1 min=1 max=1e+07 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin checking size factor. 
Factor used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for checking data sets of nodes. The 
size of the smallest quad-/oct-tree bin is set to the local length scale 
multiplied by bdfmchk. 
default=1 min=1 max=100000 
ICE search oct-tree bin checking size factor. 
Factor used during generation of the search oct-tree used for searching with 
ICE mesh generation. The size of the smallest oct-tree bin is set to the local 
length scale multiplied by bdfmchk_ic_srch. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=10 min=1 max=100000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin evaluation size factor. 
Factor used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for evaluation of data sets with 
functions specified at nodes. The size of the smallest quad-/oct-tree bin is 
set to the local length scale multiplied by bdfmeval. 
default=1 min=1 max=100000 
Boundary curvature improvement factor. 
Boundary face curvature improvement reconnection factor. Boundary faces are not 
reconnected to improve curvature matching if the improvement in the curvature 
weight is not more than bfdwrec. The weight varies between zero and one. 
default=0.25 min=0 max=1 
Small LS determinant value. 
When least-squares optimized BL normal vectors are used the system of equations 
that are solved may become near singular. If the scaled determinant value for 
this system is less bv_det_tol then an averaging method is used instead. 
default=0.001 min=0 max=1 
Redundant normal vector tolerance. 
Boundary face normal vectors surrounding a node are summed for determining 
least-squares optimized BL normal vectors. If any of the face unit normal 
vectors are the same (all components) within bv_diff_tol then they are combined 
and treated as identical redundant normal vectors. This operation occurs after 
modifications for smooth faces and sharp edges (see ang_bv_dev and 
default=1e-06 min=0 max=1 
Sharp edge normal vector perturbation. 
Boundary face unit normal vectors for faces that have a sharp edge are 
perturbed by bv_ev_sharp in a direction normal to the sharp edge and tangent to 
the face. This applies to boundary face unit normal vectors used for 
determining normal vectors at boundary nodes only. 
default=1e-06 min=0 max=1 
Transformation aspect-ratio coefficient. 
If mtrb = 1 then a transformation is used to account for boundary face 
aspect-ratio. The transformation vector magnitude is equal to the boundary face 
aspect-ratio multiplied by cartrm. 
Only applicable if the boundary face aspect-ratio transformation flag is on 
default=0.866 min=0 max=10 
Initial bounding box size factor. 
The initial bounding box used for insertion of all boundary nodes is sized to 
be equal to the size of the actual domain plus two times cbidx multiplied by 
the size of the actual domain. 
default=2 min=1 max=100000 
Intersection checking box size factor. 
The size of the bounding box for checking BL interface edge-face intersections 
is increased in all directions by the local normal spacing multiplied by the 
sum of the factors cdfn and cblchkbb. Increasing cblchkbb will increase the 
number of faces and edges that are checked for intersections. 
default=0 min=0 max=1000 
Concave BL region factor. 
BL advancement is locally terminated in concave regions if the normal aspect 
ratio is larger than cblcncvmnr. A region is considered concave if the local 
ratio of edge lengths within the BL to the corresponding edges on the initial 
surface is less than cblcncv. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL flag is on (mbl=1 or mbl=2). 
default=0 min=0 max=1000 
Nearby node search bounding box size factor. 
The size of the bounding box for determining if a BL node is nearby is set 
equal to the local length scale multiplied by the factor cblsrchbb. These 
nearby BL nodes are used for checking for possible face intersections within 
the BL region. 
Only applicable with an open method (BLOOM3_Mode_Flag=2). 
default=3 min=1 max=1000 
Nearby surf search bounding box size factor. 
The size of the bounding box for determining if a non-BL surface node is nearby 
a BL node is set equal to the local length scale multiplied by the factor 
cblsrchbb2. These nearby surface nodes are used for checking for possible 
intersections with the nearby BL region. 
default=1.2 min=1 max=1000 
Anisotropic blending coefficient. 
Anisotropic transformation vectors can be used to blend from anisotropic 
aspect-ratio BL elements to isotropic elements. The magnitude of the normal 
direction transformation vector is multiplied by cbltrm (magnitude reduced if 
cbltrm<1 or increased if cbltrm>1). 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and anisotropic to 
isotropic aspect-ratio blending is on (mtrsrcb=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=1e+19 
Initial boundary node movement tolerance. 
Initial node movement relative magnitude for boundary node insertion. 
default=1e-08 min=0 max=0.01 
Final boundary node movement tolerance. 
Final node movement relative magnitude for boundary node insertion. 
default=0.001 min=0 max=0.01 
Boundary node movement multiplier. 
Node movement relative magnitude multiplier for boundary node insertion. 
default=10 min=2 max=1e+06 
Satisfied edge length multiplier. 
An edge is considered satisfied if its length divided by cdff is less than the 
average of the node distribution function at the edge end-nodes. 
default=1.5 min=1.1 max=3 
Satisfied edge length multiplier #2. 
An edge is considered satisfied if its length divided by cdff is less than the 
average of the node distribution function at the edge end-nodes. The value of 
the satisfied edge length multiplier, cdff, is replaced with the value of 
multiplier #2, cdff2, if external sizing evaluation is used (meval!=0) or if 
the advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). 
default=2 min=1.1 max=3 
Nearby node factor. 
Nodes are considered too close if the distance between them is less than their 
average node distribution functions multiplied by cdfn. 
default=0.7 min=0.5 max=0.9 
Nearby node factor #2. 
Nodes are considered too close if the distance between them is less than their 
average node distribution functions multiplied by cdfn. The value of the nearby 
node factor, cdfn, is replaced with the value of factor #2, cdfn2, if if the 
advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). 
default=0.65 min=0.5 max=0.9 
Nearby prism tip node factor. 
Prism elements may be generated from fixed quad-faces on the surface. The 
distance between the prism tip node and adjacent nodes is limited to be less 
than the local length scale multiplied by cdfnqp. 
Only applicable if the quad-pyramid transition flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=0.25 min=1e-06 max=0.9 
ICE nearby prism tip node factor. 
This parameter is used to replace the cdfnqp when prisms are used to transition 
from hexes in the interior core to tets in the exterior region. Prism elements 
may be generated from quad-faces on the surface. The distance between the prism 
tip node and adjacent nodes is limited to be less than the local length scale 
multiplied by cdfnqp. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1) and the quad-pyramid transition 
flag is on (mquadp>0). 
default=0.5 min=1e-06 max=0.9 
Initial re-generation distribution function multiplier 
The initial re-generation distribution function multiplier cdfqrg is used to 
specify the relative element size during quality improvement grid 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=1 min=0.5 max=1e+06 
Minimum re-generation distribution function multiplier. 
The minimum re-generation distribution function multiplier cdfqrgmin is used to 
limit the minimum distribution function multiplier during quality improvement 
grid re-generation. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=0.5 min=1e-06 max=1e+06 
Blended BL surface growth rate. 
Used as the starting geometric growth rate of the initial normal spacing on 
blended BL surfaces. 
Only applicable if the set adjacent surface to BL flag is on (msetabl=1) and if 
the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1.2 min=1.001 max=3 
Maximum blended BL surface growth rate. 
Maximum geometric growth rate for the initial normal spacing on blended BL 
Only applicable if the set adjacent surface to BL flag is on (msetabl=1) and if 
the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1.5 min=1.001 max=4 
Delaunay tolerance exponent. 
Final Delaunay circumsphere tolerance exponent for boundary node insertion. 
default=1 min=0.5 max=1 
Delaunay tolerance reduction factor. 
Delaunay circumsphere tolerance reduction factor for boundary node insertion. 
default=0.01 min=1e-06 max=0.1 
Mesh merge glue tolerance factor. 
default=10 min=1 max=1e+12 
Initial point placement factor. 
During grid generation large elements that have all edges larger than the 
distribution function (local point spacing) are subdivided using centroid point 
placement. Elements that have a ratio of local spacing over minimum edge length 
less than cinlpp are subdivided. A value of cinlpp=0 will turn off initial 
point placement and standard point placement will be used from the start. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=0.5 
Initial node movement tolerance. 
Initial node movement relative magnitude for node insertion. 
default=0.001 min=0 max=0.1 
Final node movement tolerance. 
Final node movement relative magnitude for node insertion. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=0.25 
Node movement multiplier. 
Node movement relative magnitude multiplier for node insertion. 
default=10 min=2 max=1e+06 
Number of initial nodes multiplier. 
The number of nodes allocated for the initial triangulation is set to the 
number of initial nodes multiplied by cnnpnni. Additional nodes beyond those in 
the initial boundary grid may be required to complete boundary recovery and 
obtain an initial triangulation. 
default=1.25 min=1 max=3 
Boundary recovery node placement factor. 
Additional nodes are created for unrecovered boundary faces. Points are placed 
above and below the face based on minimum local element size and the factor 
default=1 min=0 max=1e+07 
Reallocation multiplier. 
The maximum number of elements and nodes is increased, and all arrays are 
reallocated if more elements or nodes are required to complete the grid. The 
allocations for each array are increased by crealloc multiplied by their 
current value. The new array size is limited by the maximum number of new array 
elements set in parameter nmnrealloc. 
default=1.25 min=1.05 max=2 
cslend -slend
Global SL termination factor. 
SL advancement is globally terminated if the number of active nodes are less 
than cslend times the total number of SL nodes. 
Only applicable if the SL flag is on (mbl=2). 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 
Tolerance exponent for searching. 
default=0.8 min=0.4 max=0.9 
Initial tolerance exponent. 
Tolerance exponent for searching during initial triangulation. 
default=0.25 min=0.125 max=0.9 
Smoothing coefficient. 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 
Overall tolerance exponent. 
default=0.94 min=0.8 max=0.94 
Initial tolerance exponent. 
Used to determine tolerance used during deletion of construction elements and 
sub-grid generation phases of initial grid generation. 
default=0.5 min=0.4 max=0.94 
BL grid volume tolerance exponent. 
default=0.88 min=0.5 max=0.94 
Initial grid volume tolerance exponent. 
default=0.88 min=0.5 max=0.94 
Re-generation element angle tolerance. 
Quality improvement grid re-generation is performed on low-quality element 
regions. The re-generated grid is accepted if the local maximum dihedral angle 
is decreased by dangqrgen. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=1 min=0 max=180 
Re-generation distribution function factor. 
The initial re-generation distribution function multiplier cdfqrg is reduced 
iteratively by the factor dcdfqrg during quality improvement grid re-generation 
if quality does not improve. 
Only applicable if the quality improvement re-generation flag is on (mqrgen=1). 
default=0.1 min=1e-06 max=1e+06 
Blended BL surface acceleration rate 
The blended BL surface initial normal spacing increases at a rate equal to 
Only applicable if the set adjacent surface to BL flag is on (msetabl=1) and if 
the CFD BL flag is on (mbl=1). 
default=1.05 min=1 max=2 
Distribution function BL smoothing limit 
The distribution function values used to limit the BL are smoothed up to 
ndfsmth iterations. If the maximum change for the nodes of a given boundary 
surface face is less than dfsmthlim then smoothing is terminated. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.1 min=0 max=10 
Distribution function BL smoothing tolerance 
The distribution function values used to limit the BL are smoothed up to 
ndfsmth iterations. If the maximum relative change between iterations is less 
than dfsmthtol then smoothing is terminated. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0). 
default=0.001 min=0 max=1 
Fixed BL face maximum spacing factor. 
The normal spacing is smoothed nearby fixed BL faces that intersect the BL 
region. Smoothing is limited such that the maximum increase is limited to be 
less than or equal to dsblisfmax. 
Only applicable if the BL/SL/SNS flag is on (mbl!=0) and the fixed BL face 
spacing smoothing option is on (mdsblfisf=1) and there are fixed surfaces that 
intersect the BL region. 
default=50 min=1 max=1e+06 
BL spacing thickness factor. 
The normal spacing is multiplied by a factor between one and dsblfmax at all 
nodes to attempt and keep the layer thickness constant on surrounding boundary 
Only applicable if the BL spacing thickness factor option is on (mdsblf=1). 
default=100 min=1 max=1e+06 
Initial Delaunay tolerance value. 
Initial Delaunay circumsphere tolerance value for boundary node insertion. 
default=0.0001 min=1e-18 max=0.1 
ICE glue tolerance. 
The interior core mesh and outer mesh are glued together at their common 
boundaries. This tolerance is used as the relative tolerance when determining 
those nodes on the boundaries that match. The absolute tolerance is set to the 
local length scale multiplied by gtol_ic. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=1e-06 min=0 max=1 
LSRatio surface mode size factor. 
Source nodes are generated to improve the minimum length scale ratio (LSRatio). 
Source nodes are generated on a box the size of the inner domain multiplied by 
a calculated factor that is limited to not be less than lsrszmin. 
Only applicable if the LSRatio improvement flag is on (mlsr=1). 
default=3 min=1.5 max=1e+06 
Re-numbering limit. 
Elements are not re-numbered if the ratio of elements to be moved to total 
elements is less than relem0. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Face intersection location tolerance. 
Relative tolerance for checking if BL interface faces intersect near rebuild 
surfaces that intersect the BL region and for checking if interface faces are 
too close. 
Only applicable with an open method (BLOOM3_Mode_Flag=2). 
default=0.3 min=0 max=1e+06 
Surf transformation normal spacing. 
If trds > 0 then set the initial normal spacing for anisotropic transformation 
to trds on all source type transparent boundary surfaces. 
If trds = 0 then use the initial normal spacing specified in the input surface 
grid to determine the initial normal spacing for anisotropic transformation on 
all source type transparent boundary surfaces. 
Only applicable if the spacing transformation flag is on (mtr>=1) and there are 
source type transparent boundary surface faces. 
default=0 min=0 max=1e+19 
Maximum anisotropic blending vector. 
Anisotropic transformation vectors can be used to blend from high-aspect-ratio 
boundary surface elements to isotropic elements. The maximum magnitude of the 
normal and tangential direction transformation vector is limited to be less 
than trmmax. 
Only applicable if anisotropic to isotropic aspect-ratio blending is on 
default=100 min=1 max=1e+19 
Smoothing reduction factor. 
Smoothing coefficient reduction factor for all nodes adjacent to a boundary. 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 

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File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:27:24 CDT 2023