AFLR2 Overview

AFLR2 is a stand-alone unstructured 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh generation code. It is based directly on a direct C code conversion of the original Fortran code. AFLR2 uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure coupled with an Advancing-Normal BL region procedure to generate a 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh from an existing boundary edge grid. Primary input to the code is a boundary edge grid. The input boundary edge grid is defined by the coordinates and edge connectivity for a set of closed curves composed of discrete edges.

The following is a simple summary of usage with options. For more information, see Option Details for a detailed description of all options.

aflr2 [-options] case

-build                : Show build number
--build               : Show build number
-version              : Show system version
--version             : Show system version
-ver                  : Show system version number
--ver                 : Show system version number
-h                    : List help information
-help                 : List help information
-melem value          : Set maximum number of elements.
-min_out              : Turn off most all standard output.
-ibedge               : Read in a type BEDGE grid file.
-ifgrid               : Read in a type FGRID grid file.
-iugrid               : Read in a type UGRID grid file.
-igrid                : Read in a type GRID grid file.
-fgrid                : Write out a type FGRID grid file.
-ugrid                : Write out a type UGRID grid file.
-grid                 : Write out a type GRID grid file.
-axisym value1 value2 : Write out a 3D grid file for an axisymmetric geometry.
-3d value1 value2     : Write out a 3D grid file with stacked planes.
-ocase                : Set case name for all output files.
-fixed_points         : Read in a set of fixed field points.
-fixed_surfaces       : Read in a set of fixed field surfaces.
-keep_fixed_surfaces  : Keep connectivity for fixed field surfaces.
-rm_fixed_surfaces    : Remove connectivity for fixed field surfaces.
-adapt                : Read in point sources and use them to refine the grid.
-cdfrs value          : Set the growth rate from sources.
-cdfs0s value         : Set the no-growth region around sources.
-quad                 : Combine tria elements to form quad elements.
-quadbl               : Combine tria elements in the BL only.
-bl                   : Generate a BL grid.
-blr value            : Set the BL normal spacing growth rate.
-blds value           : Set the initial BL normal spacing.
-blf value            : Set the fraction of laminar BL thickness.
-y+ value             : Set y+ for a turbulent BL.
-Re value             : Set the Reynolds number per grid unit.
-grow                 : Use specified spacing growth from surfaces.
-cdfrb0 value         : Set growth rate from g0 surfaces (BC flag of 0).
-cdfrb1 value         : Set growth rate from g1 surfaces (BC flag of 1).
-cdfs0b0 value        : Set the g0 no-growth region.
-cdfs0b1 value        : Set the g1 no-growth region.
-bref value           : Refine the boundary.
-href value           : H-refine the grid.
-no_qm                : Do not generate grid quality output.
-extra_qm             : Generate grid quality output for all measures.
-convert              : Convert file type and/or format of a given grid file.
-post                 : Post process a given grid.
-madv      (default=1)
-madvff    (default=1)
-madvpf    (default=0)
-mchkg     (default=1)
-melem00   (default=1)
-mrecm     (default=2)
-mrecmi    (default=2)
-mscb      (default=2)
-nbfr      (default=100)
-nblsmth   (default=20)
-nbrmadd   (default=3)
-nbsmth    (default=20)
-ngen      (default=10000)
-ngenbl    (default=10000)
-ngenbs    (default=10000)
-ngens     (default=10000)
-ninsmax   (default=100)
-nqual     (default=1)
-nqualq    (default=4)
-nsbmadd   (default=3)
-nsmth     (default=3)
-angbl1    (default=40)
-angbl2    (default=30)
-angbl3    (default=78)
-angbl4    (default=120)
-angq1     (default=120)
-angq2     (default=130)
-angq1i    (default=130)
-angq2i    (default=170)
-angscbd   (default=35)
-cbrm      (default=1.75)
-cbsmth    (default=0.5)
-cdfarbl   (default=2)
-cdfbls    (default=0.25)
-cdfbrm    (default=2)
-cdff      (default=1.5)
-cdffbl    (default=1.75)
-cdffp     (default=2)
-cdfm      (default=0)
-cdfn      (default=0.7)
-cdfr      (default=1.3)
-cdsd      (default=3)
-cdsmmax   (default=10)
-cskwmx    (default=0.5)
-csmin     (default=0.5)
-csmin0    (default=0.875)
-csmth     (default=0.5)
-ctol      (default=0.94)
-darbl     (default=0.3)
-dssmth    (default=2)
-relem0    (default=0.1)
-sbmin     (default=0.001)
-vsmthb    (default=0.5)

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aflr2 version 7.5.16

File Last Updated Sun Mar 21 13:01:09 CDT 2021