UG_IO SimSys 2D Node, Grid, and Function File Types

File Type Suffix and Description
SNODE 2D source node data file. 
An SNODE file contains a list of node coordinates and spacing function. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
MNODE 2D metric source node data file. 
A MNODE file contains a list of node coordinates and symmetric metric. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
BEDGE 2D B-Edge Grid File. 
A BEDGE file contains a boundary edge grid. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
This file type may only be used for input files. 
FGRID 2D unstructured grid file. 
An FGRID file contains a boundary edge grid and (optionally) a tria face planar 
grid. The FGRID 2D file type is derived from the 3D FGRID file type. 
Differences include additional boundary edge grid data, no volume elements, and 
all z-coordinates are zero. 
MESH 2D unstructured grid file. 
A MESH file contains a boundary edge grid and (optionally) a tria/quad face 
planar grid. 
This file type is supported by the Gamma Project of INRIA. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
Binary MESH 2D unstructured grid file. 
A MESH file contains a boundary edge grid and (optionally) a tria/quad face 
planar grid. 
This file type is supported by the Gamma Project of INRIA. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
UGRID 2D Unstructured Grid File. 
A UGRID file contains a boundary edge grid and (optionally) a mixed tria/quad 
face planar grid. The UGRID 2D file type is derived from the 3D UGRID file 
type. Differences include additional boundary edge grid data, no volume 
elements, and all z-coordinates are zero. 
UFUNC 2D function file. 
A UFUNC file contains field function data (scalar and/or vector). 
This file type can use socket or TMP file mode if a C binary double file format 
is also used. 
SFUNC 2D function file. 
An SFUNC file contains field function data (scalar, vector, matrix, and/or 
symmetric metric). 
This file type can use socket or TMP file mode if a C binary double file format 
is also used. 
MESH SOL 2D unstructured function file. 
A MESH SOL file contains field function data (scalar, vector, matrix, and/or 
symmetric metric). This file type is supported by the Gamma Project of INRIA. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 
Binary MESH SOL 2D unstructured function file. 
A MESH SOL file contains field function data (scalar, vector, matrix, and/or 
symmetric metric). This file type is supported by the Gamma Project of INRIA. 
This file type uses a fixed file format and the [.format] File Format Suffix is 
not applicable. 

Details on the specific file types are available in the following sections.

  1. 2D MNODE2D Node File Type

  2. 2D SNODE2D Node File Type

  3. BEDGE 2D Grid File Type

  4. FGRID 2D Grid File Type

  5. UGRID 2D Grid File Type

  6. UGRID 2D Grid File Type

  7. SFUNC 2D Function File Type

  8. SOL 2D Function File Type

  9. UFUNC 2D Function File Type

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ugc version 5.34.4

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:28:04 CDT 2023