UG_IO SimSys TAGS File Type

A TAGS file contains a list of boundary surface properties for each surface ID including; ID, label, surface face grid boundary condition, surface face reconnection flag, initial normal spacing, and BL thickness. SolidMesh generates a TAGS file whenever a surface grid is written out.

#                                                      		Trans   Initial BL        # of BL
#ID Group Visc Recon Rebuild Fixed Source Trans Delete Spacing Thickness Layers
1 Wall 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.0e-6 1.0e-2 41
2 Symmetry 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 FarField 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# any line beginning with a "#" is assumed to be a comment and is ignored

The surface face grid boundary properties, Visc, Recon, Rebuild, Fixed, Source, Trans, and Trans-Delete are binary and should either be set to 1 or 0. If the value is 1 then that property is on and if it is 0 then that property is off or not applicable. AFLR3 has the option to read a TAGS file and use the properties read to reset the corresponding ones in an input surface grid file. Older TAGS files generated in SolidMesh 5.9.1 and previous do not have the Fixed or # of BL Layers fields. The AFLR3 tags file reader in AFLR3 12.20.36 and later can read older and newer versions with 10 (no Fixed or # of BL Layers fields), 11 (no # of BL Layers field), or 12 total fields.

ID                          : Boundary surface ID flag for group (must be unique).

Group                  : Group label. Spaces should not be embedded within the label.

Visc                      : Specifies that a BL grid should be generated from the group (NO=0 YES=1). Not applicable with Rebuild or Source.

Recon                  : Specifies that face reconnection is allowed for the group (NO=0 YES=1). Ignored with Rebuild, Source, Trans, or Trans-Delete.

Rebuild                : Specifies that the group intersects a BL region and should be regenerated (NO=0 YES=1). Not applicable with Visc, Source, or Trans-Delete.

Fixed                    : Specifies that the group intersects a BL region and will be fixed with a BL region that connects directly to the surface mesh (NO=0 YES=1). If specified, then Recon is automatically reset to 0. Not applicable with Visc, Source, Recon, Rebuild, Trans, or Trans-Delete.

Source                 : Specifies that the group is a transparent surface that should be converted into source nodes (NO=0 YES=1). Not applicable with Visc or Rebuild. An embedded surface may only be specified to be Source, Trans, or Trans-Delete.

Trans                    : Specifies that the group is a transparent surface (NO=0 YES=1). An embedded surface may only be specified to be Source, Trans, or Trans-Delete.

Trans-Delete       : Specifies that the group is a transparent surface that should be removed from the final output grid boundary surface face connectivity map (NO=0 YES=1). Only the specification of the surface in the boundary surface face connectivity is removed. The nodes remain part of the final interior volume grid. Not applicable with Rebuild. An embedded surface may only be specified to be Source, Trans, or Trans-Delete.

Initial Spacing    : Initial BL normal spacing for the group. Only applicable with Visc. AFLR3 smooths values set in a TAGS file if the differ between groups. If the value is 0 then then the value specified in the input mesh or command line parameter is used. A non zero value must be specified by one of these means.

BL Thickness     : BL thickness estimate for the group. Only applicable with Visc. AFLR3 smooths values set in a TAGS file if the differ between groups. If the value is 0 then then the value specified in the input mesh or command line parameter is used. If not specified the default is to not check BL thickness.

# of BL Layers    : Maximum number of BL layers to generate. Only applicable with Visc. The number of BL layers generated will not exceed the value specified. If the value is 0 then then the value specified by the command line parameter is used. If not specified, then the default is to use the large default value.

TAGS type files are only supported for input files. ASCII formatted is the only file format supported for TAGS type files.

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