Hot Keys
Hot keys are an easy way to save time while working on a geometry.  They enable you to quickly complete common tasks without going through the menus.  Listed below are the various hot keys and their function.

NOTE:  If you are using a HP, do not hold ALT down when using a hot key.  Press ALT followed by the appropriate key.  The key sequence for all hot keys associated with a button is listed on the button. The ^ symbol is used for the "Ctrl" key and the - for the "Alt" key.

Hot Key Catagories:
  1. Pick Limits
  2. Pick Types
  3. Pick/Unpick
  4. Visibility
  5. Adjusting Views
  6. Topology
  7. Points
  8. Vectors
  9. Curves
  10. Surfaces
  11. Utilities
  12. Other


Pick limits: 
"a"  All 
"p"  Point 
"c"  Curve 
"s"  Surface 
"v"  Vector
"r" Parametric
"h" Physical
"u" Composite
"m" Mesh
"g" Group
Pick types: 
"3"  3D 
"e"  Everything 
"b"  Partial banded 
"w"  Whole banded 
"l"  Label 
"TAB"  Toggle between picking and unpicking 
"d" Toggle between picking discrete and continuous 
"R" (Shift-r) Repick
"Esc" or "F6" Clear the pick list 
"F7" Pick a Vertex 
"F8" Pick a Curve 
"F9" Pick a Surface 
"F10" Pick a Vector 
"F12" Pick entire contents of Group 
"o" On 
"O" (Shift-o) Off 
"t" Toggle 
"1"  Toggle Surfaces
"!" (Shift-1) Toggle Curves
"2" Toggle Surface Grid (S_grid)
"@" (Shift-2) Toggle Edge Grid (E_grid)
Adjusting views: 
"Keypad 0" Reset view 
"Keypad 5" Write view to file 
"Keypad 6" Read view from file 
"Keypad ." or "F5" Set center of rotation 
"x"/"y"/"z" Rotate Screen Image about respective SCREEN (fixed) axis
"Z" Initiate zoom box (invoked with zoom button, default = Right MB)
"PageUp"  Increase near clipping plane 
"PageDown" Reduce near clipping plane 
"Keypad +" Increase zoom sensitivity
"Keypad -" Decrease zoom sensitivity
"Keypad *" Increase translation sensitivity
"Keypad /" Decrease translation sensitivity
"Up Arrow" Increase rotation sensitivity
"Down Arrow" Decrease rotation sensitivity
"G" Glue all or picked geometry
"U" Unglue picked geometry
"T" Trim picked surfaces
"C" Check topology
"D" Pick degenerate geometries
"Ctrl-p" Create a point
"Ctrl-a" Average selected points
"Ctrl-v" Create a vector
"Ctrl-r" Reverse picked vectors
"Ctrl-t" Create tangent vectors
"Ctrl-n" Create normal vectors
"Ctrl-l" Create a line
"Ctrl-c" Create a cubic curve
"Ctrl-q" Create a quadratic curve
"Ctrl-b" Blend selected curves
"Ctrl-s" Stretch a picked curve
"Ctrl-e" Extract bounding parametrics
"Alt-r" Create a ruled surface
"Alt-t" Create a TFI surface
"Alt-f" Create a four-point surface
"Alt-c" Create a carpet surface
"Alt-s" Split picked geometries
"Alt-u" Union picked geometries
"Alt-i" Intersect picked geometries
"Alt-p" Project picked curves
"?" Inquire information on picked geometry
"DELETE" Delete picked geometry
"Print Screen" Write screen image file
"B" (Shift-b) Break surface at underlying point
"E" (Shift-e) Generate edge grid
"S" (Shift-s) Generate surface grid
"V" (Shift-v) Generate volume grid
"Ctrl-u" Add entity to Composite
"Ctrl-g" Add entity to Group
"Ctrl-o" Open file
"Ctrl-w" Write file
"Ctrl-x" Exit

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