Usage: voltool [options]

  operate on a particular volume in the grid

    -igrid       : name of the grid file to read (required)
    -ogrid       : name of the grid file to write (required)
    -volid             : specifies the volume to remove or assign 
    -extract           : writes the volume given by -volid to a grid file
                         (where the volume id was specified per node)
    -extractelem       : writes the volume given by -volid to a grid file
                         (where the volume id was specified per element)
    -assign            : assigns a volume id to all nodes between the surfaces
                         specified using -surfid1 and -surfid2
    -assignelem        : assigns a volume id to all elements between the
                         surfaces specified using -surfid1 and -surfid2
    -surfid1           : surface marching from when assigning volume tags
    -surfid2           : surface marching towards when assigning volume tags
                         if surfid2 < 0, the nodes on surfid2 will not be
                         assigned a new volume tag
    -auto              : if used with -assignelem, automatically assigns a
                         volume id to all elements based on the number of
                         sub-volumes formed by closed interior surfaces
                       : if used with -extract or extractelem, automatically
                         extracts each volume id found in the grid and and
                         writes each sub-volume to a separate grid file
    -interior          : include interior surfaces when extracting volumes
    -skipboundarycheck : skip boundary face connectivity check after extraction
    -help, -h          : prints this help screen
    -version           : prints the version information of the executable
                         and the associated libraries
    -ver               : prints the version number of the executable
    -build             : prints the build number of the executable


grid_tools version 3.1.2

File Last Updated Tue Nov 29 18:20:52 CST 2022
voltool version 3.1.5