Usage: surftool [options]

  operate on a particular surface in the grid

    -surfid #     : specifies the surface(s) to work with
    -invertsurfid : use all surfaces EXCEPT the surfaces specified by -surfid
    -delete       : removes the surface given by -surfid from the grid
    -extract      : writes the surface given by -surfid to a grid file
    -all          : requests all surfaces to be used
    -mapto #      : maps the surface given by -surfid to #
    -hotspots     : check the specified surface for screwed up boundary layers
    -triangulate  : triangulates the specified surface
    -retag        : re-tags pieces of the specified surface that lie within a
                    specified bounding box with an unique tag
    -offset_tag # : offset the surface id by the given offset for the specified
    -ogrid  : name of the grid file to write
    -igrid  : name of the grid file to read
    -osurf  : name of the surface grid file to write. Default: -ogrid name
    -discardvtags : even if volume tags are appended to the grid file, discard
    -area         : compute the area of the specified surfaces
    -applygridbc #: apply volume grid generation boundary condition to the
                    specified surface
                    0 - None (Isotropic)
                    1 - Viscous
                    2 - Rebuild
                    3 - Source
                    4 - Transparent
                    5 - Transparent-Delete
    -reconnectbc #: apply volume grid generation reconnection flag to the
                    specified surface
                    0 - Reconnection off
                    1 - Reconnection on
    -reverseconn  : reverse the connectivity of the faces for the specified
    -compress_tag : renumber all surface ids so that they are numbered
    -tagsummary   : print the number of faces for the specified surface
    -pov          : write out a pov file for the specified surface
    -help, -h     : prints this help screen
    -version      : prints the version information of the executable
                    and the associated libraries
    -ver          : prints the version number of the executable
    -build        : prints the build number of the executable


grid_tools version 3.1.2

File Last Updated Tue Nov 29 18:20:51 CST 2022
surftool version 3.1.5