Usage: scalegrid [options]

  performs a variety of global operations on a grid

    -igrid     : name of the grid file to read
    -ogrid     : name of the grid file to write
    -version         : prints the version information of the executable
    -ver             : prints the version number of the executable
    -build           : prints the build number of the executable
    -help, -h        : prints this help screen
    -dumpvtag        : write the volume tags to the screen
    -writevtags      : write the volume tags to the output grid file

    -symmetric_x     : mirror the input grid about the x = 0 plane.
    -symmetric_y     : mirror the input grid about the y = 0 plane.
    -symmetric_z     : mirror the input grid about the z = 0 plane.

    -scalefac #      : specifies factor to divide all coordinates by Default=1
    -scalex #        : specified factor to divide x coordinates by Default=1
    -scaley #        : specified factor to divide y coordinates by Default=1
    -scalez #        : specified factor to divide z coordinates by Default=1

    -dx #            : factor to add to x coordinates Default=0
    -dy #            : factor to add to y coordinates Default=0
    -dz #            : factor to add to z coordinates Default=0

    -rpx #           : x coordinate of point to rotate around Default=0
    -rpy #           : y coordinate of point to rotate around Default=0
    -rpz #           : z coordinate of point to rotate around Default=0
    -rnx #           : x component of vector defining rotational axis Default=0
    -rny #           : y component of vector defining rotational axis Default=0
    -rnz #           : z component of vector defining rotational axis Default=1
    -rdegrees #      : amount to rotate, in degrees.

    -transform : name of the transformation file, if a grid
                     : transformation is desired.  The initial CG of
                     : the body must be placed on the first line,
                     : the current CG of the body must be placed on
                     : the second line, and the quaternions must be
                     : placed on the third line.
                     : This operation transforms the grid from time t=t0
                     : to t = tcurrent.
    -revtrans        : Reverse the transformation; transform from time
                     : t=tcurrent to t=t0.  If this option is given, the
                     : -transform option must also be given.

  Translations are applied first, then scaling, then rotations,
  and then general transformations.
  If the -scalefac option is given, it overrides any values given by
  -scalex, -scaley, or -scalez.

  If given, the transformation file must be in the following (ASCII) 
  	xcginit ycginit zcginit
  	xcg     ycg     zcg
  	q1      q2      q3      q4


grid_tools version 3.1.2

File Last Updated Tue Nov 29 18:20:49 CST 2022
scalegrid version 3.1.5