Usage: gridmerge [options]

  joins mesh pieces into one grid

    -ngrid #      : specifies the number of grids to join
    -ogrid  : name of the grid file to write
    -printrejects : if points are rejected, print out information
                    for those nodes.
    -dumpvtags    : create an ASCII file that holds the volume tags
    -debug        : prints out extra debugging information
    -renum_tag    : renumber the input surface tags such that each
                    surface is guaranteed to be unique.
    -tolerance : specifies the max distance between two points
                    considered matching.  Default: 1e-8
    -abs_tol      : use absolute tolerance
                    (this is faster but less reliable) [Default]
    -rel_tol      : use local relative tolerance
    -cat          : do not attempt to merge grid points; instead,
                    simply concatenate the grids together.
    -ignorevtags  : ignore existing volume tags and assign new ones
    -surfid #     : merge only the surfaces with the specified
                    surface id
    -nlist #      : specify the number of neighbors when building the
                  : node surrounding node list. Default: 600
    -help, -h     : prints this help screen
    -version      : prints the version information of the executable
                    and the associated libraries
    -ver          : prints the version number of the executable
    -build        : prints the build number of the executable

gridmerge version 3.1.5