BLOOM3 Overview

BLOOM3 is a stand-alone unstructured boundary-layer (BL) generation code. For boundary-layer (BL) generation it uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces. For a complete volume mesh, it uses either an open or closed method. For a closed method the primary input is an unstructured tetrahedral element volume mesh and can be coupled with an external procedure for displacing the volume mesh and inserting the BL region mesh. In open mode the primary input is a surface triangulation. BLOOM3 has an internal BL interference checking process and is coupled with both AFLR3 and TetGen for complete volume mesh generation.

The following is a simple summary of usage with options. For more information, see Usage Summary for a summary of options and default values and Option Details for a detailed description of all options.

bloom3 [input_arg_file_name] [param_options]
________________________   _____________________________________________________

                           PROGRAM CONTROL & I/O PARAMETERS
-File_Status_Monitor     : Turn on file status monitor.
-Memory_Monitor          : Turn on memory monitor.
-Memory_Monitor2         : Turn on memory monitor.
-build                   : List program version build number.
-h                       : List summary of input parameters.
-h_all                   : List summary of all input parameters.
-h_io                    : List summary of file I/O parameters.
-help                    : List documentation of input parameters.
-help_all                : List documentation of all input parameters.
-help_io                 : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
-out                     : Generate an output file.
-log                     : Generate an output file.
-out_a                   : Append an output file.
-log_a                   : Append an output file.
-outf                    : Send output to a file only.
-logf                    : Send output to a file only.
-outf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-logf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-ver                     : List program version number.
-version                 : List program version information.
Help_Flag                : List documentation of input parameters.
Help_UG_IO_Flag          : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
Output_File_Flag         : Output file flag.
-v                       : Use executable in specified directory.
Arg_File_Name            : Input argument file name.
-arg                     : Input argument file name.
Input_Grid_File_Name     : Case name or input grid file name.
-i -igrid -case          : Case name or input grid file name.
Output_Grid_File_Name    : Output grid file name or suffix.
-o -ogrid                : Output grid file name or suffix.
TMP_File_Dir             : Temporary file directory.
-tmp                     : Temporary file directory.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
-blc                     : Generate a BL mesh and create prism elements.
-blc2                    : Generate a BL mesh and create prism/split-hex elements.
-closed                  : Use a closed method with a process for displacing the outer volume mesh.
-min_mem                 : Minimize memory usage.
-open                    : Use an open method with intersection checking for the top BL mesh layer.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
BL_IDs                   : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
-bl_ids                  : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
BL_Int_IDs               : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
-bl_ints -bl_int_ids -ints -int_ids : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
FF_IDs                   : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
-ffs -ff_ids             : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
Number_of_BLs            : Number of BL layers to be generated for given surface IDs.
PS_IDs                   : ID pairs for periodic surfaces.
-psids                   : ID pairs for periodic surfaces.
PS_Nodes                 : Node pairs for periodic surfaces.
-psns                    : Node pairs for periodic surfaces.
Std_IDs                  : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
-stds -std_ids           : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
Trnsp_BL_IDs             : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_bl_ids            : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_IDs                : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_ids               : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs        : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_bl_ids       : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_IDs           : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_ids          : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Src_IDs            : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.
-trnsp_src_ids           : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
Re_l                     : Reynolds Number for estimating BL initial normal spacing,
-Re                      : Reynolds Number for estimating BL initial normal spacing,
blyp                     : Specify turbulent BL y+ for determining the initial spacing normal.
-y+                      : Specify turbulent BL y+ for determining the initial spacing normal.
cdfrbl                   : BL geometric growth rate.
-blr                     : BL geometric growth rate.
cdfrblm                  : Maximum BL geometric growth rate.
-blrm                    : Maximum BL geometric growth rate.
dsdef                    : BL initial normal spacing.
-blds                    : BL initial normal spacing.
ref_len                  : Reference length for BL initial normal spacing.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
-aflr3                   : Use aflr3 tet-mesh generator.
-bldelmax                : Set BL thickness equal to the maximum BL thickness.
-no_vol_id               : Do not set volume element ID flag.
-no_vid                  : Do not set volume element ID flag.
-qchk                    : Read input grid file and generate element quality measure information.
-tetgen                  : Use tetgen tet-mesh generator.
-vid1                    : Set volume element region ID flag.
-vid2                    : Set volume element region and BL layer ID flag.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BC_IDs                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
bc_ids                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
BLOOM3_Mode_Flag         : BLOOM3 Mode Flag.
-mode                    : BLOOM3 Mode Flag.
Grid_BC_Flag             : List of grid BC flags to set.
bc_list                  : List of grid BC flags to set.
iblri                    : Number of constant spacing BL layers.
-bli                     : Number of constant spacing BL layers.
mblchkv                  : BL element volume checking flag.
mblelc                   : BL element combination flag.
mw_merged                : Merged BL and outer mesh internal write flag.
nbl                      : Maximum BL mesh layers to generate.
nbldiff                  : Maximum difference in BL levels.
tet_mesh_routine         : Tet-mesh generation routine index.
tet_mesh                 : Tet-mesh generation routine index.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BL_DEL                   : BL thickness for given surface IDs.
BL_DS                    : Initial BL normal spacing for given surface IDs.
cdsnbl                   : Initial BL spacing layer limit ratio.
deldef                   : BL thickness.
-bldel                   : BL thickness.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
Rec_IDs                  : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
-rec_ids                 : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
mblend                   : BL termination mode flag.
mnbllim                  : Number of BL layers limiting flag.
nblsmth                  : BL normal vector smoothing iterations.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
angblqmax                : Maximum BL dihedral element angle.
angblqmaxd               : Maximum discontinuous BL dihedral angle.
angblqmaxd2              : Maximum convex disc. BL dihedral angle.
angqbfq                  : Maximum quad face angle for hexs.
cbldsm                   : BL sub-layer spacing multiplier.
cblmnr                   : Maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cblmnrmin                : Minimum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
dcdfrbl                  : BL geometric growth acceleration rate.
-bldr                    : BL geometric growth acceleration rate.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
Message_Flag             : Message flag.
mmsg                     : Message flag.
Rec_Flag                 : List of reconnection flags to reset.
Set_Vol_ID_Flag          : Set volume element ID flag.
m_qvrrchk                : Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) output flag.
m_set_new_id             : Boundary surface BL region ID flag.
m_volrchk                : Output volume ratio check flag.
mbldelmax                : BL thickness flag.
mbv_mode                 : Boundary normal vector mode.
mdfblminm                : BL isotropic length scale limiting flag.
mdsblf                   : BL spacing thickness factor option.
mqchk                    : Element quality measure information output flag.
mw_bl                    : BL coordinate data write flag.
mw_bl_surf               : BL interface surface mesh file flag.
mw_edge_grid             : BL intersecting surfaces edge grid file flag.
nblidsmthl               : BL surface ID smoothing layers.
nblsmthl                 : BL concave region smoothing layers.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
ang_qmax                 : Output dihedral angle check quality limit.
ang_qmax2                : Output dihedral angle check usable limit.
angbfmax                 : Boundary surface face quality threshold.
angblisimx               : Maximum angle between BL intersecting faces.
angblqfmax               : Maximum BL interface face angle.
angblqfmax2              : Maximum BL interface face angle #2.
angdbe                   : Discontinuous boundary edge angle.
angqbf                   : Maximum planar surface angle.
angqbfmin                : Minimum planar surface angle.
cblcncvmnr               : Concave maximum normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cbldsmin                 : BL coordinate movement factor.
cblend                   : Global BL termination factor.
cblnrchkbf               : Checking normal-direction-aspect-ratio.
cblsmax                  : BL thickness multiplier.
cblsmaxs                 : BL normal smoothing multiplier.
cblsmaxsd                : BL normal smoothing discontinuity multiplier.
cdffblm1                 : Maximum BL edge length factor #1.
cdffblm2                 : Maximum BL edge length factor #2.
dx_tol                   : Output relative tolerance for element edge-length checking.
qvlr_qmin                : Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) quality limit.
qvlr_qmin2               : Quality function Q (based on vol/length ratio) usable limit.
qvrr_qmin                : Quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) quality limit.
qvrr_qmin2               : Output quality function Q (based on vol/radius ratio) check usable limit.
vol_tol                  : Output relative tolerance for element volume checking.
volr_qmin                : Output volume ratio check quality limit.
volr_qmin2               : Output volume ratio check quality limit.


bloom3 version 3.12.5

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:28:50 CDT 2023