AFLR4 Overview

AFLR4 is an unstructured 3D surface mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a 3D surface mesh on multiple surfaces, each with either a CAD geometry component definition, a discrete geometry component definition, or a composite definition. Distribution of the surface point spacing (length scale) is determined from an automated surface curvature driven process with proximity checking and localized spacing reduction. AFLR4 includes a full integration of functions for EGADS with Open CASCADE CAD.

The following is a simple summary of usage with options. For more information, see Usage Summary for a summary of options and default values and Option Details for a detailed description of all options.

aflr4 [input_arg_file_name] [aflr4_param_options]

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                           PROGRAM CONTROL & I/O PARAMETERS
-File_Status_Monitor     : Turn on file status monitor.
-Memory_Monitor          : Turn on memory monitor.
-Memory_Monitor2         : Turn on memory monitor.
-build                   : List program version build number.
-h                       : List summary of input parameters.
-h_all                   : List summary of all input parameters.
-h_io                    : List summary of file I/O parameters.
-help                    : List documentation of input parameters.
-help_all                : List documentation of all input parameters.
-help_io                 : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
-out                     : Generate an output file.
-log                     : Generate an output file.
-out_a                   : Append an output file.
-log_a                   : Append an output file.
-outf                    : Send output to a file only.
-logf                    : Send output to a file only.
-outf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-logf_a                  : Append output to a file only.
-ver                     : List program version number.
-version                 : List program version information.
Help_Flag                : List documentation of input parameters.
Help_UG_IO_Flag          : List documentation of file I/O parameters.
Output_File_Flag         : Output file flag.
-v                       : Use executable in specified directory.
Arg_File_Name            : Input argument file name.
-arg                     : Input argument file name.
Input_File_Name          : Input CAD file case name or file name or input CAD file name.
-i -cad -igrid -case     : Input CAD file case name or file name or input CAD file name.
Output_Grid_File_Name    : Output grid file name or suffix.
-o -ogrid                : Output grid file name or suffix.
TMP_File_Dir             : Temporary file directory.
-tmp                     : Temporary file directory.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
-er_all                  : Use global edge mesh spacing refinement.
-np                      : Run in parallel processing mode using np processes.
-quad                    : Generate a mixed quad/tria-face grid.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
BL_IDs                   : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
-bl_ids                  : List of IDs for BL Generating Solid surfaces.
BL_Int_IDs               : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
-bl_ints -bl_int_ids -ints -int_ids : List of IDs for BL Intersecting surfaces.
FF_IDs                   : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
-ffs -ff_ids             : List of IDs to for FarField surfaces.
Std_IDs                  : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
-stds -std_ids           : List of IDs to for Solid surfaces.
Trnsp_BL_IDs             : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_bl_ids            : List of IDs for BL Generating Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_BL_Int_IDs         : List of IDs for BL Intersecting Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_bl_int_ids        : List of IDs for BL Intersecting Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_IDs                : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_ids               : List of IDs for Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_BL_IDs        : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_bl_ids       : List of IDs for BL Generating Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Intl_IDs           : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
-trnsp_intl_ids          : List of IDs for Internal Transparent surfaces.
Trnsp_Src_IDs            : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.
-trnsp_src_ids           : List of IDs for Transparent Source surfaces.
auto_set_ff_bc           : Automatic farfield grid BC flag.
mer_all                  : Global edge mesh spacing refinement weight flag.
nproc                    : Number of processes to use.
parallel_mode            : Parallel processing mode flag.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (OFTEN USED)
ref_len                  : Reference length for components/bodies.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
-add_ff                  : Add a box-shaped farfield definition to configuration.
-add_ff2                 : Add a rectangular-box-shaped farfield definition to configuration.
-ext                     : Use external sizing routine.
-met2                    : Use metric space with advancing-front point placement.
-met3                    : Use metric space with advancing-point point placement.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BC_IDs                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
bc_ids                   : List of IDs to set grid BC parameters.
Grid_BC_Flag             : List of grid BC flags to set.
bc_list                  : List of grid BC flags to set.
add_ff_geom              : Farfield add-on flag.
cad_param_reset          : CAD parameter reset flag.
cmp_ids                  : List of IDs to set as components.
cmp_list                 : List of component identifiers for each component/body specified.
erw_ids                  : List of IDs to set edge mesh spacing refinement weight.
esf_ids                  : List of IDs to set edge mesh spacing scale factor.
malign                   : Metric alignment flag.
merge_ids                : List of discrete geometry definition IDs to to merge.
merge_sets               : List of the number of IDs for each merge set.
min_ncell                : Minimum number of cells between two components/bodies.
sf_ids                   : List of IDs to set surface mesh spacing scale factor.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (SOMETIMES USED)
BL_thickness             : Boundary layer thickness for proximity checking.
-bl_del                  : Boundary layer thickness for proximity checking.
Re_l                     : Reynolds Number for estimating BL thickness,
-Re                      : Reynolds Number for estimating BL thickness,
abs_min_scale            : Relative scale of absolute minimum spacing to reference length.
erw_all                  : Global edge mesh spacing refinement weight.
erw_list                 : List of edge mesh spacing refinement weights.
esf_list                 : List of edge mesh spacing scale factors.
ff_cdfr                  : Farfield growth rate for field point spacing.
ff_size                  : Farfield size factor.
max_scale                : Relative scale of maximum spacing to reference length.
min_scale                : Relative scale of minimum spacing to reference length.
sf_global                : Global surface mesh spacing scale factor.
sf_all                   : Global surface mesh spacing scale factor.
sf_list                  : List of surface mesh spacing scale factors.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
-no_prox                 : Disable proximity checking.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (SELDOM USED)
Rec_IDs                  : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
-rec_ids                 : List of IDs to reset Reconnection flag.
auto_mode                : Auto-spacing mode flag.
create_tess              : Output CAD tess data creation flag,
mier4                    : Isolated edge refinement flag.
mier_ids                 : List of IDs to set isolated edge refinement flag.
mier_list                : List of isolated edge refinement flags.
mw_cad_def               : CAD definition file write flag,
quad_ids                 : List of IDs for quad-face combination.

                           FLAG PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
-grow                    : Use specified growth in element size.
-grow1                   : Use moderate growth in element size.
-grow2                   : Use high growth in element size.
-grow3                   : Use very high growth in element size.
-open                    : Input configuration is open.
-skin                    : Input configuration has a structural skin topology.

                           OPTION PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
Message_Flag             : Message flag.
mmsg                     : Message flag.
Rec_Flag                 : List of reconnection flags to reset.
high_order_eval          : Discrete geometry high-order evaluation flag.
keep_bodies              : List of input body IDs to keep.
m_arearchk               : Output area ratio check flag.
mclosed                  : Input configuration open/closed flag.
mdf                      : Distribution function flag.
melem                    : Maximum number of elements.
min_nseg                 : Minimum number of segments on an individual curve.
mpp                      : Point placement flag.
mqchkb                   : Boundary surface quality measure information output flag.
mquad                    : Quad face combination flag.
n_shmem_buffer           : Shared memory buffer size.
rm_bodies                : List of input surface IDs to remove.
skin_mode                : Structural skin topology mode flag.

                           NUMERIC PARAMETERS (RARELY USED)
ang_qbmax                : Output face angle check maximum angle limit.
ang_qbmax2               : Output face angle check usable maximum angle limit.
ang_qbmin                : Output face angle check minimum angle limit.
angdbe                   : Discontinuous boundary edge angle.
angerw1                  : Minimum discontinuous edge angle.
angerw2                  : Maximum discontinuous edge angle.
angquad1                 : Maximum aligned quad face angle.
angquad2                 : Maximum non-aligned quad face angle.
angquad3                 : Final maximum quad face angle.
arear_qbmin              : Output area ratio check quality limit.
arear_qbmin2             : Output area ratio check quality limit.
cdfr                     : Maximum geometric growth rate.
curv_factor              : Curvature factor.
gtol                     : Relative glue tolerance.
length_ratio             : Curvature length ratio threshold.
qarear_qmin              : Output quality function Q check quality limit.
qarear_qmin2             : Output quality function Q check usable limit.

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aflr4 version 11.5.10

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:27:33 CDT 2023