AFLR4 Example Cases

Data files for a few AFLR4 sample cases are provided. Package archives with all of the example cases are provided in aflr4-examples.tar.gz (tar-gzip archive for Linux/MacOSX) and (zip archive for Windows). Additional small test cases of trivial geometry that can be used for debugging type work are provided in aflr4_caps-examples.tar.gz (tar-gzip archive for Linux/MacOSX) and (zip archive for Windows). Copy the package archive files and unpackage them in a location of your choosing to run the example cases. All cases require minimal resources. AFLR4 takes the provided input geometry definition and automatically generates a surface mesh with spacings based on surface type, surface curvature and proximity of multiple components. AFLR4 as provided is capable of working with a discrete geometry definition or an EGADS CAD geometry definition.

CAD functionality within AFLR4 uses the Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System (EGADS) from MIT and Open CASCADE from Open CASCADE S.A.S. for. Both EGADS and Open CASCADE are freely available as part of the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) and licensed under The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. EGADS and Open CASCADE libraries are required only to use the CAD geometry capability integrated in AFLR4. All AFLR4 package files include the required libraries and headers. Source code and pre-built binaries of ESP with EGADS and Open CASCADE components are available at MIT’s Engineering Sketch Pad software distribution site.

Common AFLR4 options are listed below.





-i input_file

input file


-o output_file

output file



generate a log file


-ff_ids list_of_farfield_IDs

farfield surface IDs - if applicable


-int_ids list_of_BL_intersecting_IDs

BL intersecting surface IDs (eg. symmetry plane) - if applicable


-ref_len reference_length

should be physically based, e.g. chord length



use edge refinement based on surface to surface discontinuity on all surfaces


-np number_of_processes

run in parallel with specified number of processes


-min_ncell 1

reduce number of isotropic cells to one between BL regions - if applicable


-BL_thickness BL_thickness

BL thickness - if applicable





-Re_l Reynolds Number

Reynolds Number based on reference length for estimating BL thickness

Note that the -BL_thickness, -Re_l, and -min_ncell options are only used during proximity checking between different bodies/components. Note that AFLR4 outputs a rerun argument file named case_name.aflr4.arg which contains all pertinent options. To rerun with the rerun argument file simply run aflr4 case_name.aflr4.arg.

See the AFLR4 documentation for information on all available options and usage. Alternatively, you can view text-based documentation at the command line with the following command.

aflr4 -h or aflr4 -help

An overview of AFLR4 example cases is provided in the following along with run parameters.

Cylinder & Wake Sheet (CAD geometry definition).

A simple cylinder and transparent wake sheet with non-manifold connection. Reference length is set equal to the cylinder diameter.

aflr4 -i cylinder_wake -o -log -ff_ids 6-11 -trnsp_bl_ids 5, ref_len=0.2 -log


A picture containing building

Description automatically generated


A circuit board

Description automatically generated

A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.

aflr3 -i cylinder_wake_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log


  A close up of a map

Description automatically generated

Piston (CAD geometry definition).

A simple piston. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the piston. Without and with edge refinement.

aflr4 -i piston.egads -o -log
aflr4 -i piston.egads -o -log -er_all

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, colored, colorful, blue

Description automatically generated

Nose (CAD geometry definition).

A simple nose cone in a farfield. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the nose cone only. Farfield IDs are are specified.

aflr4 -i nose.egads -o -log -ff_ids 1-6


A picture containing building, horse

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, ball

Description automatically generated


Glider (CAD geometry definition).

A simple glider in a farfield. Reference length is set equal to 3, which is about the same as the wing cord length at the wing tip. Without and with edge refinement.

aflr4 -i glider -o -ff_ids 1-6 -ref_len 3 -log
aflr4 -i glider -o -ff_ids 1-6 -ref_len 3 -log -er_all


A picture containing building, cage

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, plane, airplane, propeller

Description automatically generatedA close up of a flag

Description automatically generatedA picture containing rug

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.

aflr3 -i glider_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log

A picture containing map, text

Description automatically generatedA picture containing colorful, bird

Description automatically generated



Aircraft (CAD geometry definition).

A generic fighter configuration with an added farfield. Reference length is set equal to 1, which is about the same as the wing cord length at the wing tip. Without and with edge refinement.

 aflr4 -i aircraft -o -ref_len 1 -add_ff -log

 aflr4 -i aircraft -o -ref_len 1 -add_ff -log -er_all

A picture containing building

Description automatically generatedA picture containing airplane, fish, green

Description automatically generatedA picture containing airplane, green

Description automatically generated

A picture containing colorful, green, colored, purple

Description automatically generated

A picture containing colorful

Description automatically generatedA picture containing colorful, sitting, blue, colored

Description automatically generated

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing airplane, plane

Description automatically generated

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, colored, blue, white

Description automatically generated

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA close up of a purple background

Description automatically generated

A picture containing propeller, clock

Description automatically generated

A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.

aflr3 -i aircraft_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log

A picture containing rain

Description automatically generatedA close up of an object

Description automatically generatedA picture containing building

Description automatically generated



Wing and Nacelle (CAD geometry definition).

A generic wing and nacelle configuration. Reference length is set equal to 20, which is about the same as the wing cord length at mid-span. Edge refinement is added for resolution at the trailing edge and witng tip. Proximity checking automatically detects and reduces the spacing between the wing and each nacelle. Note that the farfield spacing has been increased to reduce the number of volume elements that will be generated by AFLR3 in the outer region.

 aflr4 -i wingpod -o -log -ff_ids 19-24 -er_all -ref_len 40 -Re_l 60e6


A picture containing building, cage

Description automatically generated

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing blue

Description automatically generated

A picture containing green, monitor

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, monitor

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.

aflr3 -i wingpod_new -blc -y+ 1 -refx 40 -Re_l 60e6 -blrm 1.3 -log

A picture containing window

Description automatically generated



Simple can with discrete geometry definition.

A simple can. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the can.


aflr4 -i -o -log


A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated



Wing & Wake Sheet with discrete geometry definition.

A simple wing and transparent wake sheet with non-manifold connection with edge refinement. Reference length is set equal to the wing chord length.

aflr4 -i wing_wake -o -ff_ids 1-4 -trnsp_bl_ids 5, ref_len=2 -er_all -log


A picture containing dome, building

Description automatically generated
A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.

aflr3 -i wing_wake_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log

A picture containing game

Description automatically generated


Multi-body generic cases 1 through 8 with discrete geometry definition.

A set of simple multi-body generic cases. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the domain in each case. Proximity checking and spacing modification is automatically used in the regions where the components are in close proximity.


aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 2,6


A picture containing game

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 2,6

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing rain

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 3,6


A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA picture containing building, field

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 24,27

A picture containing orange

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 2, -int_ids 1,3,5,6

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 1,2

A picture containing flower

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 16,17

A picture containing hat

Description automatically generated

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 16,17

A picture containing hat

Description automatically generated


Multi-body generic case 9 with discrete geometry definition.

A simple multi-body generic case with a symmetry plane. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the inner components.
Farfield and symmetry plane IDs are are specified. BL thickness with minimal isotropic region thickness is also specified. Proximity checking and spacing modification is automatically used in the regions where the components are in close proximity.


aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 2-5 -int_ids 1, -BL_thickness 0.1 -min_ncell 1


A picture containing dome

Description automatically generatedA close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provide spacing sufficient to support BL generation between nearby components.

aflr3 -i case9_new -blc -blrm 1.3 -blds 0.0001 -log

A close up of a map

Description automatically generated

Cover plate with discrete geometry definition.

A cover plate. Reference length is set equal to 100 (close to the mean bounding box size of the domain).


aflr4 -i -o -log -ref_len 100

  A close up of a mask

Description automatically generated


Bump disk with discrete geometry definition.

A bump disk. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the domain. Without and with edge refinement on top surface only.


aflr4 -i bump -o -log

aflr4 -i bump -o -log -erw_ids 3, -erw_list 1,

A picture containing umbrella

Description automatically generatedA close up of a logo

Description automatically generated


Edge test with discrete geometry definition.

A simple configuration for testing edge refinement.


aflr4 -I edge_test -o -log -er_all


  A picture containing green

Description automatically generated

Horn with discrete geometry definition.

A generic horn manifold. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the domain.

aflr4 -i -o -log


A picture containing blue, purple, colorful, table

Description automatically generated



Plug with discrete geometry definition.

A simple mechanical plug. Reference length is set equal to the minimum bounding box size of the domain.

aflr4 -I -o -log


A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated



Knob with discrete geometry definition.

A simple knob with a farfield and symmetry plane. Reference length is set equal to the diameter of the knob. Farfield and symmetry plane IDs are are specified. BL thickness with minimal isotropic region thickness is also specified. In this case part of the knob is very close to the symmetry plane. To allow for proximity checking the symmetry plane was split into two pieces; an inner one which is treated as a symmetry plane and an outer surface that is treated like a solid surface. This allows proximity checking to identify the outer surface as another component and provide reduced spacing in the narrow region between the outer symmetry plane like surface and the knob. Note that in the future symmetry planes will support proximity checking and the split surface treatment will not be required.

aflr4 -i knob -o -log -ff_ids 1, -int_ids 2, -ref_len 4 -BL_thickness 0.15 -min_ncell 1


A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedA close up of a purple background

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, purple, sitting, large

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provides spacing sufficient to support BL generation between the knob and surface adjacent to the symmetry plane.


aflr3 -i knob_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log -bls 4-11


A picture containing doughnut, donut, colored, green

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, building

Description automatically generated



Launch vehicle with discrete geometry definition.

A launch vehicle with two strap-on boosters in a farfield. Reference length is set equal to the main booster payload diameter.
Farfield IDs are are specified. BL thickness with minimal isotropic region thickness is also specified. Proximity checking and spacing modification is automatically used in the regions where the components are in close proximity.

aflr4 -i lv2b -o -log -ff_ids 16-21 -int_ids 45,46,47,68,69,70 -ref_len 40 -Re_l 125e6


A close up of a building

Description automatically generatedA blue and white shirt

Description automatically generatedA close up of a logo

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provides spacing sufficient to support BL generation between nearby components.


aflr3 -i lv2b_new -blc -y+ 1 -refx 40 -Re 125e6 -log


A picture containing necktie, green, wearing, shirt

Description automatically generated

A launch vehicle with two strap-on boosters with a symmetry plane in a farfield is also provided. Other than the geometry all other parameters are the same. Without and with edge refinement.


aflr4 -i lv2b_sym -o -log -log -ff_ids 16-21 -int_ids 45,46,47,68,69,70 -ref_len 40 -Re_l 125e6

aflr4 -i lv2b_sym -o -log -ff_ids 16-21 -int_ids 45,46,47,68,69,70 -ref_len 40 -Re_l 125e6 -er_all


A picture containing building, screen, different, colors

Description automatically generatedA close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

A picture containing blue, green, yellow, table

Description automatically generatedA picture containing green, sitting, blue, yellow

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provides spacing sufficient to support BL generation between nearby components.


aflr3 -i lv2b_sym_new -blc -y+ 1 -refx 40 -Re 125e6 -log


A picture containing green, colorful

Description automatically generated


Engine nacelle with discrete geometry definition.

A jet engine nacelle in a farfield. Reference length is set equal to the engine core diameter.
Farfield IDs are specified. BL thickness with minimal isotropic region thickness is also specified. Proximity checking and spacing modification is automatically used in the regions where the components are in close proximity.

aflr4 -i -o -log -ff_ids 53-56 -ref_len 100 -Re_l 110e6


A picture containing fruit, ball

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provides spacing sufficient to support BL generation between nearby components.


aflr3 -i nacelle_engine_new -blc -y+ 1 -refx 100 -Re 110e6 -blrm 1.3 -nbldiff 2 -mblend 0 -log


A picture containing indoor, sitting, table, colored

Description automatically generatedA picture containing train, racket, woman, walking

Description automatically generated


A jet engine nacelle case with a symmetry plane is also provided. Other than the geometry all other parameters are the same.

aflr4 -i nacelle_engine_sym -o -log -ff_ids 1,2 -int_ids 57, -ref_len 100 -Re_l 110e6


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3. For this case the proximity checking and spacing modification process provides spacing sufficient to support BL generation between nearby components.


aflr3 -i nacelle_engine_sym_new -blc -y+ 1 -refx 100 -Re 110e6 -blrm 1.3 -nbldiff 2 -mblend 0 -log


A picture containing knife, table, weapon, plate

Description automatically generatedA picture containing table, knife, weapon, indoor

Description automatically generatedA close up of a fence

Description automatically generatedA picture containing building

Description automatically generated


Rocket with discrete geometry definition.

A rocket in a farfield. Reference length is set equal to the mean rocket diameter.
Farfield IDs are specified. BL thickness with minimal isotropic region thickness is also specified. Without and with edge refinement.

aflr4 -i  -log -ff_ids 17-22 -int_ids 51,52 -ref_len 1.75

aflr4 -i  -log -ff_ids 17-22 -int_ids 51,52 -ref_len 1.75 -er_all


A picture containing building

Description automatically generatedA picture containing hat, room

Description automatically generatedA picture containing blue, colorful, table

Description automatically generated


A compatible volume mesh can be generated using AFLR3.


aflr3 -i rocket_new -blc -blds 0.0001 -log



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