AFLR4 Developer Integration Notes


AFLR4 can be integrated within other systems relatively easily depending on the CAD usage. Integration requires access to and installation of the AFLR4 developer library package file AFLR4_LIB,*.tar.gz or source package AFLR4_SRC,*.tar.gz (limited access). Installation and setup of developer package files are described in SimSys Developer Install and Setup Instructions (pdf). Please contact David L. Marcum for assistance. Call back functions that allow registering external routines for integration with specific CAD systems and for other tasks are included. AFLR4 uses the Engineering Geometry Aircraft Design System (EGADS) from MIT and Open CASCADE from Open CASCADE S.A.S. Both EGADS and Open CASCADE are freely available as part of the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) and licensed under The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. EGADS and Open CASCADE libraries are required only to use the CAD geometry capability integrated in AFLR4. All AFLR4 package files include the required libraries and headers. An integration library of functions for EGADS use is included with AFLR4. Integration with other CAD systems requires creation of equivalent functions to replace the built-in functionality. See the last section, Integration of Alternative CAD Systems, for more information.


Integration of AFLR4 for Automated Surface Meshing


AFLR4 integration related tasks are included within the routines located in the src/aflr4/main/ directory. All of these routines are specific to integration of AFLR4 within a main program or system. They typically serve as simplified APIs of various startup or I/O tasks. All, except the main program file aflr4.c have a file name of the form aflr4_main_xxx.c. All of these routines are referenced only by other routines in the same directory. They are not included in the AFLR4 library libaflr4.a (or aflr4.lib or AFLR.dll on Windows) and are instead included in a separate libaflr4_main.a (or aflr4_main.lib on Windows). Some or all of the aflr4_main_xxx routines could also be compiled directly with a main program.


Implementation basics are best obtained by viewing the sequence of calls within the main program. In any integration of AFLR4 the starting point is to setup integration of external routines for a specific CAD system, parallel processing, and file I/O. Default call back functions for registering routines are included in routine aflr4_main_register. It should it be called before calling other AFLR4 routines. Define flags are used to control which external routines are registered. Alternatively, you can simply include the contents of this routine in your code.


Register external functions for AFLR4.


void aflr4_main_register (void)


Next, the input parameters must be set. Multiple choices are available. The input parameters include parameters that control what AFLR4 does along with the geometry definition for the given configuration. A reduced set of the most important parameters are described in the next section on Integration of AFLR4 for Interactive Use. It should not be necessary to set other parameters. They are available only for very specific special case uses and for completeness. A description of each input parameter is provided on the AFLR4 Option Details page. Select I/O related input parameters are described in the following.




Input CAD or discrete geometry definition file case name or full file name.

Specifies either the case name or full file name for the input CAD file or discrete geometry definition file (surface mesh file). Note that if only a case name is specified, then an input CAD file is searched for first. If no suitable CAD file type is found, then a discrete definition file is searched for.




Output grid file name or suffix.

Specifies either the full file name or file name suffix for the output grid file.





Output file flag.

If Output_File_Flag=0, then send all output to standard output or standard error.

If Output_File_Flag=1, then send informational output to both standard output (or standard error) and a file named case_name.program_name.out.

If Output_File_Flag=2, then send maximum informational output to a file named case_name.program_name.out only.

If Output_File_Flag=-1, then send and append informational output to both standard output (or standard error) and a file named case_name.program_name.out.

If Output_File_Flag=-2, then send maximum and append informational output to a file named case_name.program_name.out only.

Error messages will always go to both the file (if any) and standard error.

default=0 min=-2 max=2


Input parameters can be specified using either the AFLR4 parameter structure AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr or an argument vector. The main program provided uses the system command line argument vector by default. Input parameters in all cases are specified by a name and a value. Only known parameter names should be specified. Unknown parameter names will produce an error message and a non-zero return error flag when aflr4_main_setup_input_param is called. For all input parameter methods, aflr4_main_setup_input_param can be called to do input data and parameter structure checking and setup along with startup tasks. Note that the case name used for any output files is derived from the Output_Grid_File_Name. If that is not set or is only a suffix, then the case name is derived from the Input_File_Name. If neither is set, then the case name must be directly set using ug_set_case_name (“case_name”) prior to calling routine aflr4_main_setup_input_param.


Do input data and parameter structure setup and checking along with startup tasks using either the program argument vector or the parameter structure.


INT_ aflr4_main_setup_input_param (char *argv[], int argc,

UG_Param_Struct **AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr)




Note:  If argc = 0 then argv is ignored and can be NULL.

AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr is used and assumed to be initialized and set.

If argc > 0 then argv is used and assumed to be set.

AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr may be NULL on input and will be allocated, initialized, and set.


argv    Program command line argument vector or equivalent.


argc    Program command line argument count or equivalent.


AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure.




0          Normal completion without errors.

>0       An error occurred.




Note:  If argc = 0 then AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr may include new parameter values.

It will not be reallocated.


AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure.


While the main program provided uses the system command line argument vector, an alternative is to use the AFLR4 parameter structure to set all input parameters. An example of this mode is shown in the test mode routine aflr4_main_test_mode_input for test_input_mode=1. In this mode, character input parameters (Input_File_Name and Output_Grid_File_Name) are set using ug_set_char_param.


ug_set_char_param (“name_of_param”, “char_param”, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


And, I/O related integer input parameters (Output_File_Flag) are set using ug_set_int_param.


ug_set_int_param (“name_of_param”, param_value, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


Other input parameters are set in a similar manner and are described in the next section on Integration of AFLR4 for Interactive Use.


Another mode of setting the input parameters is to create and set an argument vector with desired input parameters. An example of this method is shown in the test mode routine aflr4_main_test_mode_input for test_input_mode=2. When using an argument vector, the parameter structure can be setup by aflr4_main_setup_input_param. The example shown in aflr4_main_test_mode_input illustrates how to set new argument vector entries using ug_add_new_arg, ug_add_flag_param_arg, ug_add_int_param_arg, ug_add_double_param_arg, and ug_add_char_param_arg routines. The routine ug_add_new_arg can be used to allocate and initialize a new argument vector.


Allocate and initialize a new argument vector or add a new argument to an argument vector.


INT_ ug_add_new_arg (char ***argv, char *new_arg)




argv                Argument vector.


new_arg         New argument to add to the argument vector.

If new_arg = “allocate_and_initialize_argv" then allocate a new argument vector with one empty argument.

Otherwise set the new_arg string as a new argument vector entry added to the existing argument vector.




0          Normal completion without errors.

>0       An error occurred.




argv                New argument vector.


After a new argument vector is created the arguments can be added using the following routines.


ug_add_flag_arg (“flag”, argc, argv);


ug_add_int_arg (“name_of_param”, param_value, argc, argv);


ug_add_double_arg (“name_of_param”, param_value, argc, argv);


ug_add_char_arg (“name_of_param”, “char_param”, argc, argv);


Note that if input parameter checking and startup tasks are not needed, then alternative methods to calling aflr4_main_setup_input_param may be used to set the required AFLR4 input parameter structure. In this case, aflr4_setup_param may be called instead if the argument vector is directly set and used to set input parameters. If the AFLR4 input parameter structure is directly set and used to set input parameters, then no call is needed to either aflr4_main_setup_input_param or aflr4_setup_param.


Allocate, initialize and setup the AFLR4 parameter structure.


INT_ aflr4_ setup_ param (INT_ mmsg_setup, INT_ no_aflr2, int argc, char *argv[],

UG_Param_Struct **AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr)




mmsg_setup       Setup message flag.

If mmsg_setup = 0 then do not output setup messages

If mmsg_setup = 1 then output setup messages


no_aflr2                AFLR2 input parameter flag.

If no_aflr2 = 0 then include AFLR2 input parameters.

This should always be set to 0 for usage described above

If no_aflr2 = 1 then do not include AFLR2 input parameters.


argc                      Argument count.


argv                      Argument vector.




0          Normal completion without errors.

>0       An error occurred.




AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure allocated, initialized and set with options found in the argument vector.


Choices are also available for specifying the input data that defines the configuration geometry. By default, this data is input and set from a file specified in the input parameters. Alternatively, other means of setting the data that defines the geometry can be used, such as another file reader or a geometry creation part of the system in which AFLR4 is being integrated. No examples of such are shown in the main program. For CAD geometry definitions the CAD structure “model” must be set with use of an alternative method. And, for discrete definitions “nbface, nnode, idibf, inibf, and x” must be set with use of an alternative method. In default mode, AFLR4 internally reads and sets CAD or discrete geometry definition data along with saving it internally using aflr4_main_data_input.


Read and set CAD or discrete geometry definition data.


INT_ aflr4_main_data_input (UG_Param_Struct *AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr)




AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.


If input data is set directly then the geometry definition type must be set directly.


ug_set_int_param ("geom_type", 1, AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr); // CAD definition


ug_set_int_param ("geom_type", 2, AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr); // discrete definition


Definition data must then be set with either aflr4_set_ext_cad_data or dgeom_set_disc_def_data.


Set CAD geometry definition data.


INT_ aflr4_set_ext_cad_data (void *model)




model       CAD geometry definition data structure.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.


Set discrete geometry definition data.


INT_ dgeom_set_disc_def_data (INT_ nbface, INT_ nnode, INT_1D *idibf, INT_3D *inibf,





nbface      Number of tria-faces for discrete geometry definition.


nnode       Number of nodes/vertices for discrete geometry definition.


idibf           Tria-face surface ID label (nbface+1 in length) for discrete geometry definition.


inibf           Tria-face connectivity (nbface+1 in length) for discrete geometry definition.


x                XYZ coordinates (nnode+1 in length) for discrete geometry definition.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.


After all input data is setup, the configuration surface mesh can be generated. Routine aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen sets up the geometry data, automatic spacing parameters, and generates a surface mesh for the given input data and geometry configuration


Setup geometry data and automatic spacing parameters and generate complete

surface grid for given configuration.


INT_ aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen (UG_Param_Struct *AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr);




AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.




AFLR4_Param_Struct   AFLR4 input parameter data structure with possible changes.


The generated surface mesh and all local parameters are stored internally and can be output to a file using routine aflr4_main_data_output.


Write output surface mesh data.


INT_ aflr4_main_data_output (UG_Param_Struct *AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr)




AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr        AFLR4 input parameter structure.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.


Note that if the geometry definition is CAD based and aflr4_main_data_output is not called, then you must directly reset the CAD geometry definition data structure model using routine aflr4_cad_geom_reset.


aflr4_cad_geom_reset_attr (AFLR4_Param_Struct_Ptr);


Routine aflr4_get_def can also be used to retrieve the generated surface mesh.


Get a copy of data arrays for a given surface definition.


INT_ aflr4_get_def (INT_ idef, INT_ noquad, INT_ *nbface, INT_ *nnode, INT_ *nquad,

INT_1D **ibcibf, INT_1D **idibf, INT_3D **inibf, INT_4D **iniq,

DOUBLE_2D **u, DOUBLE_3D **x)




idef            ID label for surface definition.


noquad     If there are quad faces and noquad=0 then get them.

If there are quad faces and noquad=1 then replace quad-faces with tria-faces.

If there are no quad faces generated, then noquad is not used.




0                Normal completion without errors.

>0             An error occurred.




nbface      Number of tria-faces for generated mesh.


nnode       Number of nodes/vertices for generated mesh.


nquad       Number of quad-faces for generated mesh.


ibcibf         Surface face BC label (nbface+nquad+1 in length) for generated mesh.


idibf           Surface face ID label (nbface+nquad +1 in length) for generated mesh.


inibf           Tria-face connectivity (nbface+1 in length) for generated mesh.


iniq            Quad-face connectivity (nquad+1 in length) for generated mesh.


u                UV coordinates (nnode+1 in length) for generated mesh.

Note that UV coordinates are local to individual surface definitions. For the overall glue-only surface mesh these values are not useful on curves shared between definitions.


x                XYZ coordinates (nnode+1 in length) for generated mesh.


Note that the ID label input argument in routine aflr4_get_def for the complete surface mesh (glue-only composite) can be obtained by the following call.


dgeom_def_get_idef (0, &idef);


Integration of AFLR4 for Interactive Use


AFLR4 can be integrated in an interactive system in which the surface mesh may be generated multiple times for the same configuration. AFLR4 can be used interactively by calling aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen (previously described) multiple times. The generated surface mesh and all local parameters are stored by aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen within the dgeom_data_structure and dgeom_def_structure.


Prior to calling aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen the CAD or discrete geometry definition data should be input and set using the process outlined in the previous section. In an interactive environment, when little is known about the configuration, leave all input parameters at default values before the first call to aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen, except for the automatic farfield grid BC flag and auto-spacing mode flag. The following will turn on automatic determination of the farfield (if any) and turn off surface generation based on curvature and proximity.


ug_set_int_param (“auto_set_ff_bc”, 1, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_set_int_param (“auto_mode”, 0, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


For CAD data files you can also force input attributes to be ignored by setting CAD reset parameter flag.


ug_set_int_param (“cad_param_reset”, 1, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


Note that if the CAD parameter reset option is not set and a CAD data file has AFLR4 attributes (named AFLR_* or AFLR4_*) attached to its Model and/or Faces then those attributes will be used to set the associated AFLR4 parameters. The initial settings recommended above should produce a surface mesh that is sufficient to visualize the configuration and allow one to set desired parameters interactively. To generate the surface mesh again, set all desired parameters and reset those set o the initial step and then call aflr4_setup_and_grid_generation. Note that all data set on the previous generation is cleared, except for the discrete or CAD geometry definition data, when aflr4_setup_and_grid_generation is called. The following will reset the automatic farfield grid BC flag, auto-spacing mode flag, and CAD reset parameter (if set) flags to default values.


ug_set_int_param (“auto_set_ff_bc”, 0, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_set_int_param (“auto_mode”, 2, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_set_int_param (“cad_param_reset”, 1, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


Alternatively, you can get the default values directly and then reset the parameter.


ug_get_int_param (“auto_set_ff_bc@def”, &auto_set_ff_bc, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_get_int_param (“auto_mode@def”, &auto_mode, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_get_int_param (“cad_param_reset@def”, &cad_param_reset, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


ug_set_int_param (“auto_set_ff_bc”, auto_set_ff_bc, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_set_int_param (“auto_mode”, auto_mode, AFLR4_Param_Struct);

ug_set_int_param (“cad_param_reset”, cad_param_reset, AFLR4_Param_Struct);


Note that a farfield can be added to a configuration using the farfield add-on flag and size factor. Set these parameters using ug_set_int_param for add_ff_geom and ug_set_double_param for ff_size.




Farfield add-on flag.

If add_ff_geom=0 do not add a farfield geometry to the configuration.

If add_ff_geom=1 a box-shaped farfield geometry definition is added to the configuration. The farfield box is created with all sides set to length L determined from the configuration bounding-box multiplied by the farfield size factor. Where

Lx = ff_size * (Xmax-Xmin)

Ly = ff_size * (Ymax-Ymin)

Lz = ff_size * (Zmax-Zmin)

L = MAX (Lx, Ly, Lz)

If add_ff_geom=2 then Lx, Ly, Lz are used to create a rectangular box.

Note that the option to automatically set farfield BCs (auto_set_ff_bc=1) is turned on when this option is on (add_ff_geom=1 or 2).

default=0 min=0 max=2




Farfield size factor.



In an interactive environment the following AFLR4 input parameters would be appropriate to set prior to regenerating the surface mesh with a call to aflr4_setup_and_grid_generation. Each of these and are “global” in the sense that they alter the automatic mesh spacing and/or surface meshing processes for all definitions of the overall configuration. The following integer global parameters are set using calls to routine ug_set_int_param.


ug_set_int_param (“name_of_param”, param_value, AFLR4_Param_Struct);




Auto-spacing mode flag.

If auto_mode = 0 then do not set surface mesh spacing automatically. Note that bounding curve curvature is always used to determine bounding curve spacing.

If auto_mode = 1 then set surface mesh spacing automatically based on curvature.

If auto_mode = 2 then set surface mesh spacing automatically based on curvature and modification of spacing with proximity checking. Proximity of components/bodies to each other is estimated and surface spacing is locally reduced if needed. Proximity checking is automatically disabled if there is only one component/body defined. Note that the goal of proximity checking is that a sufficient number of elements will be generated between surfaces that are close to each other.

default=2 min=0 max=2




Automatic farfield grid BC flag.

If auto_set_ff_bc=0 then no surface definitions will be automatically set to a farfield grid BC.

If auto_set_ff_bc=1 then automatic farfield grid BC mode is active and AFLR4 will determine which body is the is the outermost and set the grid BC flag to farfield for all surface definitions of that body. If there is only one body, or a farfield grid BC is set for any surface definition, then automatic farfield grid BC mode is turned off (auto_set_ff_bc=0) and nothing is done.

default=0 min=0 max=1




Global edge mesh spacing refinement weight flag.

If mer_all = 0 then do not reduce edge mesh spacing.

If mier4 = 1 then reduce edge mesh spacing based on discontinuity level between adjacent surfaces on both sides of the edge. For each surface, the level of discontinuity (as defined by angerw1 and angerw2) determines the edge spacing refinement weight for potentially reducing the edge spacing. This option is equivalent to setting the edge mesh spacing refinement weight to erw_all for each surface definition. Note that no modification is done to edges that belong to surfaces with a grid BC of farfield or BL intersecting.

default=0 min=0 max=1




Isolated edge refinement flag.

An isolated interior edge is connected only to boundary nodes. Isolated edges are refined by placing a new node in the middle of the edge.

If mier4 = 0 then do not refine isolated interior edges.

If mier4 = 1 then refine isolated interior edges if the surface has local curvature. Local relative curvature is defined using a factor multiplied by the deviation between the location of a point in the middle of a surface mesh discrete edge and the location of the same point on the actual surface.

If mier4 = 2 then refine all isolated interior edges.

default=1 min=0 max=2




Minimum number of cells between two components/bodies.

Proximity of components/bodies to each other is estimated and surface spacing is locally reduced if needed (see auto_mode). Local surface spacing is selectively reduced when components/bodies are close and their existing local surface spacing would generate less than the minimum number of cells specified by min_ncell. or if there is only one component/body defined.

default=3 min=1 max=2000000000


The following floating-point global parameters are set using calls to routine ug_set_double_param.


ug_set_double_param (“name_of_param”, param_value, AFLR4_Param_Struct);




Relative scale of absolute minimum spacing to reference length.

The relative scale of absolute minimum spacing to reference length (ref_len) controls the absolute minimum spacing that can be set on any component/body surface by proximity checking. The parameters ref_len, max_scale, min_scale and abs_min_scale are all used to set spacing values on all component/body surfaces (those that are not on farfield or BL intersecting surfaces). Note that the value of abs_min_scale is limited to be less than or equal to min_scale.

max_spacing = max_scale * ref_len

min_spacing = min_scale * ref_len

abs_min_spacing = abs_min_scale * ref_len

default=0.0025 min=1e-12 max=1




Relative scale of maximum spacing to reference length.

The relative scale of maximum spacing to reference length (ref_len) controls the maximum spacing that can be set on any component/body surface. The parameters ref_len, max_scale, min_scale and abs_min_scale are all used to set spacing values on all component/body surfaces (those that are not on farfield or BL intersecting surface).

max_spacing = max_scale * ref_len

min_spacing = min_scale * ref_len

abs_min_spacing = abs_min_scale * ref_len

default=0.1 min=1e-12 max=1




Relative scale of minimum spacing to reference length.

The relative scale of minimum spacing to reference length (ref_len) controls the minimum spacing that can be set on any component/body surface. The parameters ref_len, max_scale, min_scale and abs_min_scale are all used to set spacing values on all component/body surfaces (those that are not on farfield or BL intersecting surface).

max_spacing = max_scale * ref_len

min_spacing = min_scale * ref_len

abs_min_spacing = abs_min_scale * ref_len

default=0.005 min=1e-12 max=1




Reference length for components/bodies in grid units. Reference length should be set to a physically relevant characteristic length for the configuration such as wing chord length or pipe diameter. If ref_len = 0 then it will be set to the bounding box for the largest component/body of interest. The parameters ref_len, max_scale, min_scale and abs_min_scale are all used to set spacing values on all component/body surfaces (those that are not on farfield or BL intersecting surfaces).

max_spacing = max_scale * ref_len

min_spacing = min_scale * ref_len

abs_min_spacing = abs_min_scale * ref_len

default=0 min=0 max=1e+19




Farfield growth rate for field point spacing.

The farfield spacing is set to a uniform value dependent upon the maximum size of the domain, maximum size of inner bodies, maximum and minimum body spacing, and farfield growth rate.

ff_spacing = (ff_cdfr-1)*L+(min_spacing+max_spacing)/2

where L is the approximate distance between inner bodies and farfield.

default=1.3 min=1 max=10




Global surface mesh spacing scale factor.

The surface mesh spacing can be scaled by a global scale factor given by sf_global. With the global scale factor, the calculated spacing is multiplied by the value of sf_global (if it is not equal to 1). Note that the global spacing scale factor sf_global is independent of the surface mesh spacing scale factor that can be set on individual surface definitions.

default=1 min=0.001 max=1000




Global edge mesh spacing refinement weight.

Edge mesh spacing can be reduced on all surfaces (if mer_all=1) based on discontinuity level between adjacent surfaces on both sides of the edge. For each surface the level of discontinuity (as defined by angerw1 and angerw2) determines the edge spacing refinement weight for potentially reducing the edge spacing. The edge mesh spacing refinement weight is then used as an interpolation weight between the unmodified spacing and the modified spacing. A value of one applies the maximum modification and a value of zero applies no change in edge spacing. If the global edge mesh spacing refinement weight flag, mer_all, is set to 1 then that is equivalent to setting the edge mesh spacing refinement weight equal to erw_all on all surface definitions. Note that no modification is done to edges that belong to surfaces with a grid BC of farfield or BL intersecting. Also, note that the global weight, erw_all, is not applicable if mer_all=0.

default=0.8 min=0 max=1




Boundary layer thickness for proximity checking.

Proximity of components/bodies to each other is estimated and surface spacing is locally reduced if needed. Note that if the Reynolds Number, Re_L, is set then the BL_thickness value is set to an estimate for turbulent flow. If the set or calculated value of BL_thickness>0 then the boundary layer thickness is included in the calculation for the required surface spacing during proximity checking.

default=0 min=0 max=1e+19




Reynolds Number for estimating BL thickness.

The Reynolds Number based on reference length, Re_l, (if set) along with reference length, ref_len, are used to estimate the BL thickness, BL_thickness, for turbulent flow. If Re_l>0 then this estimated value is used to set BL_thickness.

default=0 min=0 max=1e+19


In addition to the above global parameters there are multiple parameters that can be set on each individual surface definition. These parameters can only be set after the configuration is defined and registered within the DGEOM definition structure and the surface mesh is generated which is done during the first call to aflr4_setup_and_grid_gen. Get and set these “local” parameters using the following.


index = -1; // or set to known location value for definition ID idef


ierr = dgeom_def_get_xxx (idef, &index, &xxx);

ierr = dgeom_def_set_xxx (idef, &index, xxx);


where idef is the surface definition ID label, index_ is the definition location (which if it is not known should be set to -1), and xxx is the name of the parameter. Only set the definition location to -1 before the first call for a given surface definition ID. The parameter names are listed below.




Grid BC value.

For each of the following keywords there is a defined value (listed in src/ug3/UG3_Grid_BC_def.h) for a given face/surface

that is used by both AFLR3 and AFLR4. Predefined AFLR grid BC values are listed below. Set the ibc value equal to one of these keywords. If a grid BC value is not specified for a given surface definition, then it is set to standard BL generating surface grid BC of -STD_UG3_ GBC.


FARFIELD_UG3_GBC                   0    farfield surface

STD_UG3_GBC                               1    standard surface

-STD_UG3_ GBC                            -1  standard BL generating surface

BL_INT_UG3_ GBC                        2    symmetry or standard surface that intersects BL

TRANSP_SRC_UG3_ GBC           3    embedded/transparent surface converted to source


TRANSP_BL_INT_UG3_ GBC      4    embedded/transparent surface that intersects BL

TRANSP_UG3_ GBC                     5    embedded/transparent surface

-TRANSP_UG3_ GBC                    -5  embedded/transparent BL generating surface

TRANSP_INTRNL_UG3_ GBC     6    embedded/transparent surface

converted to an internal surface coordinates are retained but connectivity is not

-TRANSP_INTRNL_UG3_ GBC   -6  embedded/transparent BL generating surface

converted to an internal set of coordinates that are retained


Within AFLR4 the grid BC determines how automatic spacing is applied. There are four basic grid BC types that are each treated differently.


1.    Surfaces that are part of the farfield should be specified with a FARFIELD_UG3_GBC grid BC. Farfield faces/surfaces are given a uniform spacing independent of other surfaces with different grid BCs.


2.    Surfaces that represent standard solid surfaces should be given either a STD_UG3_GBC or -STD_UG3_GBC (BL generating) grid BC. Standard surfaces are given a curvature dependent spacing that may be modified by proximity checking.


3.    Surfaces that intersect a BL region should be given either a BL_INT_UG3_GBC or TRANSP_BL_INT_UG3_GBC (transparent surface with volume mesh on both sides) grid BC. A common example for the BL_INT_UG3_GBC grid BC is a symmetry plane. Faces/surfaces set as BL intersecting surfaces are excluded from auto spacing calculations within AFLR4 and use edge spacing derived from their neighbors.


4.    Surfaces set as transparent surfaces will have a volume mesh on both sides. They can have free edges and can have non-manifold connections to standard solid surfaces and/or BL intersecting surfaces. Vertices in the final surface mesh are not duplicated at non-manifold connections. Transparent surfaces use curvature driven surface spacing as used on standard solid surfaces. However, at non-manifold connections with standard solid surfaces they inherit the surface spacing set on the solid surface they are attached to. They are also excluded from proximity checking. Typical examples of transparent surfaces include wake sheets or multi-material interface surfaces. Note that any surface with free edges is automatically set to a TRANSP_UG3_ GBC grid BC




Component ID identifier for given surface definition.

Component IDs are used for proximity checking. Proximity is only checked between different components. A component is one or more surface definitions that represent a component of the full configuration that should be treated individually. For example, a wing-body-strut-nacelle configuration could be considered as four components with wing surfaces set to component 1, body surfaces set to component 2, nacelle surfaces set to 3, and store surfaces set to 4. If each component is a topologically closed surface/body, then there is no need to set components. If component IDs are not specified, then component identifiers are set for each body defined in an EGADS model or for a discrete definition, each topologically closed surface/bodiy of the overall configuration. Proximity checking is disabled if there is only one component/body defined. Note that proximity checking only applies to standard surfaces. Component identifiers are set by one of three methods, chosen in the following order.


1.    If the component identifier, icmp, is set for a definition then it is used.

2.    If multiple bodies are defined in an EGADS model, then body index is used to set component identifier.

3.    For a discrete definition or an EGADS model with only one body, component identifiers are set to an index based on topologically closed surfaces/bodies of the overall configuration.




Isolated edge refinement flag for given surface definition.

An isolated interior edge is connected only to boundary nodes. Isolated edges are refined by placing a new node in the middle of of the edge.

If mier = 0 then do not refine isolated interior edges on the surface definition.

If mier = 1 then refine isolated interior edges on the surface definition if the surface has local curvature. Local relative curvature is defined using a factor multiplied by the deviation between the location of a point in the middle of a surface mesh discrete edge and the location of the same point on the actual surface.

If mier = 2 then refine all isolated interior edges on the surface definition.

Note that if not set then the isolated edge refinement flag is set to the global value mier4.




Edge mesh spacing refinement weight for given surface definition.

Edge mesh spacing can be reduced on a given surface based on the discontinuity level between adjacent surfaces on both sides of the edge. The edge mesh spacing refinement weight is used as an interpolation weight between the unmodified spacing and the modified spacing. A value of one applies the maximum modification and a value of zero applies no change in edge spacing. Note that no modification is done to edges that belong to a farfield or BL intersecting face/surface.




Surface mesh spacing for given surface definition.

Curvature dependent spacing can be scaled on the surface by the value of the scale factor set. If the scale factor is not set, then the default value is 1.0 (no scaling).


The following global parameters are not typically set by most users. However, they might be exposed and allowed to be set by more advanced users interactively. Set the following parameters using ug_set_int_param.




Discrete geometry high-order evaluation flag.

If high_order_eval = 0 then evaluate discrete geometry using a linear approximation.

If high_order_eval = 1 then evaluate discrete geometry using a high-order approximation.

default=1 min=0 max=1


Set all others that follow using ug_set_double_param.




Discontinuous boundary edge angle.

Angle between two adjacent boundary edge vectors used to identify edge discontinuities.

default=30 min=0 max=179.9




Minimum discontinuous edge angle.

If the angle between the normal vectors for two adjacent faces of two different surface definitions is greater than angerw1 then the edge between them is considered a minimum discontinuity.

default=10 min=0 max=179.9




Maximum discontinuous edge angle.

If the angle between the normals for two adjacent faces of two different surface definitions is greater than angerw2 then the edge between them is considered a maximum discontinuity.

default=30 min=0 max=179.9




Maximum geometric growth rate.

Used as the advancing-front growth limit. The element size for new nodes is limited to be less than the physical size of the local front advanced from multiplied by cdfr. A cdfr value just above 1.0 will produce a grid with optimal element quality. A value of cdfr well above a value of 1.0 will decrease the number of grid nodes generated and potentially decrease the element quality.

default=1.1 min=1 max=3




Curvature factor.

For surface curvature the spacing is derived from the curvature factor and curvature radius.

Curvature = 1 / Curvature_Radius

Spacing = curv_factor / Curvature

The resulting spacing is limited by the minimum and maximum spacing set by min_scale and max_scale. Note that if curv_factor=0 then surface curvature adjustment is not used.

default=0.1 min=0 max=1e+19




Relative glue tolerance.

This tolerance is relative to the local discrete edge lengths of the faces or edges attached to the nodes/vertices being considered for gluing.

default=0.0001 min=0 max=1e+19




Curvature length ratio threshold.

The curvature length ratio threshold is used to determine spacing variation for curvature along a curve. The curvature length ratio is defined as:

LR = [ L(A,C) + L(C,B) ] / L(A,B)

Where LR is the curvature length ratio and A, B, and C are points on the curve with point C approximately at the mid-point between A and B. And, where L(A,B) is the straight line length between A and B, L(A,C) is the straight line length between A and C, and L(C,B) is the straight line length between C and B. Note that LR is always one or more. If LR > length_ratio then the curve is recursively refined. The resulting spacing between points (limited by the minimum spacing set by min_scale) is used to regenerate the edge grid along the curve.

default=1.0001 min=1 max=1.1


Integration of Alternative CAD Systems


As previously mentioned, AFLR4 includes an integration library of functions for EGADS and Open CASCADE CAD system functionality. By default, the stand-alone version of AFLR4 registers and uses these functions for CAD geometry definitions. Integration of an alternative CAD system requires creation of equivalent functions to replace the built-in functionality. Several call back functions are provided with AFLR4 to facilitate the integration. However, the CAD system specific functions must be created to complete the integration. All functions are registered in the main program and the routines included in src/aflr4/main serve as models for what needs to be integrated within another system to use AFLR4 routines and register alternative CAD systems. All EGADS specific routines are within #ifdef _ENABLE_EGADS_ blocks. In particular, the routine src/aflr4/main/aflr4_main_register.c registers all of the functions required to integrate a CAD system. The routines being registered for EGADS usage are the ones that have to be created to integrate another CAD system. A brief description of each follows. All of these EGADS specific routines are located within directory src/egads_aflr4 and should be used as a model to guide creation of the routines required for integration of the alternative CAD system.


egads_auto_cad_geom_setup            CAD geometry setup specific to automatic spacing (curve, surface and proximity).

egads_cad_geom_add_ff                     Create and add a farfield to geometry. This routine is not required if this functionality is not needed. If this is the case, then simply do not register a routine.

egads_cad_geom_data_cleanup        Cleanup all CAD system data allocated that is not controlled by AFLR4.

egads_cad_geom_file_read                 Read a CAD system geometry file, load the model and allocated CAD specific data. This routine is not required if the system AFLR4 is being integrated within has the capability to read and/or create the geometry elsewhere.

egads_cad_geom_file_write                Write a CAD system geometry file. This routine is not required if the system AFLR4 is being integrated within has the capability to write or otherwise save the geometry elsewhere.

egads_cad_geom_reset_attr               Reset the AFLR4 attributes that can be attached to the CAD model using data saved in the AFLR4 parameter structure. Note that EGADS has the capability to attach arbitrary attributes for AFLR4 and other systems. AFLR4 can use these to setup the parameter structure. This data is also set by default values and an argument vector with specific options. If the alternative CAD system does not support attributes, then all operations and EGADS functions related to attributes can be ignored. In this case setup of the AFLR4 parameter structure would be dependent solely on setting up the argument vector for AFLR4.

egads_cad_geom_setup                      Setup initial geometry surface definitions within the AFLR4 -DGEOM surface definition structure. Also, setup topology and extract CAD attributes for AFLR4 specific data, such as grid BC and surface spacing related data.

egads_set_ext_cad_data                     Allocated the AFLR4 CAD data structure with data required by the CAD system being integrated.

egads_eval_curv_at_uv                        Get surface curvature data at a given U,V coordinate location for a specified surface definition.

egads_eval_xyz_at_uv                         Get X,Y,Z coordinates at a given U,V coordinate location for a specified surface definition.

egads_eval_uv_bounds                        Get U,V coordinate bounds for a specified surface definition. Note that if the CAD system uses trimmed surface definitions then the bounds are for the complete surface definition not the trimming curves. The bounds are used to detect singularities in the surface definition

egads_eval_xyz_at_u                           Get X,Y,Z coordinates at a given T coordinate (arc length) location on a specified curve.

egads_eval_edge_uv                            Get U,V coordinates on a specified surface definition at a given T coordinate (arc length) location on a specified curve.

egads_eval_arclen                                Get arclength along a specified edge at a given U,V coordinate location.

Creation of the routines for integration of an alternative CAD system typically requires a combination of interpreting and understanding each of these routines along with a basic understanding of the API’s for called EGADS routines (EG_*). A list of the EGADS APIs that are called follows.

EG_getTopology      Used for EGADS model, body, face, loop, edge, local_edge, and node.

EG_getBodyTopos        Used for EGADS body with SHELL, FACE, EDGE, and NODE.

EG_indexBodyTopo      Used for EGADS body.

EG_effectiveMap           Used for finding local UV coordinates with Effective Topology.

EG_getBoundingBox     Used for model and face.

EG_getInfo                      Used for EGADS edge.

EG_evaluate                   Used for EGADS face and edge.

EG_getRange                 Used for UV coordinate transformation.

EG_getEdgeUV              Used for EGADS face and edge.

EG_arcLength                Used for EGADS edge.

EG_curvature                 Used for EGADS face.

EG_alloc                          Used for allocating EGADS data.

EG_free                           Used for all EGADS data.

EG_revision                    Used to output EGADS model revision.


EG_attributeAdd            Used for EGADS attributes on model, face and edge.

EG_attributeRet             Used for EGADS attributes on model, face and edge.


EG_getContext               Used to add a farfield to an existing EGADS model.

EG_copyObject              Used to add a farfield to an existing EGADS model.

EG_makeSolidBody      Used to add a farfield to an existing EGADS model.

EG_makeTopology        Used to add a farfield to an existing EGADS model.

EG_attributeDup            Used to add a farfield to an existing EGADS model.


EG_close                         Used to cleanup EGADS model.

EG_open                         Used to read an EGADS file.

EG_loadModel                Used to read an EGADS file.

EG_saveModel               Used to save or write an EGADS file.

EG_deleteObject            Used to delete an existing EGADS model.


EG_getTolerance           Used to create and check an EGADS Tess object.

EG_initTessBody           Used to create and check an EGADS Tess object.

EG_setTessEdge           Used to create and check an EGADS Tess object.

EG_setTessFace           Used to create and check an EGADS Tess object.

EG_statusTessBody     Used to create and check an EGADS Tess object.


A complete description of the EGADS system, data, and APIs is contained in the EGADS overall description and specification document (pdf) from MIT. This file along with source code and pre-built binaries can be found at MIT’s Engineering Sketch Pad software distribution site.

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