AFLR3 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR3 is an unstructured tetrahedral element mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a tetrahedral volume mesh from an existing surface triangulation. In boundary-layer (BL) generation mode it also uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces. Primary input is a surface triangulation. The input mesh file contains the coordinates and connectivity for a fully connected surface triangulation. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for AFLR3 integration within other systems.

1.    AFLR3 Overview

2.    AFLR3 Usage Summary

3.    AFLR3 Option Details

4.    AFLR3 UG_IO File Name Summary

5.    AFLR3 UG_IO File Name Details

6.    AFLR3 Example Cases Tutorial

7.    AFLR3 BL Normal Spacing

8.    AFLR3 Output Messages

9.    UG_IO SimSys Files

10. AFLR3 Developer Integration Notes


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