AFLR2C Option Details

aflr2c [input_arg_file_name] [aflr2_param_options]

AFLR2C is an unstructured 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh generation code. 
It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a 
2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh from an existing boundary edge grid. Primary 
input to the code is a boundary edge grid. The input boundary edge grid is 
defined by the coordinates and edge connectivity for a set of closed curves 
composed of discrete edges. 


Input Parameters 

Input parameters, other than input "flag parameters", may be specified in any 
one of the following forms. 

   param_name param_value 
   -param_name param_value 
Also, note that some input parameter names have synonyms and either one may be 

There are four basic types of parameters. 

   Flag Parameters : Parameters that set multiple options and/or numeric 
   parameters. They all are of the form -param_name and require use of a - 
   prefix. A specified value may or may not be required. 
   Option or ID Parameters : Parameters that set or control specific options, 
   operation counts, or specify ID values. If a list of parameters are 
   required, then the list must include parameters that are separated by 
   commas. If there is only one parameter in a list then it must be terminated 
   with a comma. A specified integer value or list of values is always 
   Numeric Parameters : Parameters that set values for or adjust specific 
   algorithms. If a list of parameters are required, then the list must include 
   parameters that are separated by commas. If there is only one parameter in a 
   list then it must be terminated with a comma. A specified floating-point 
   value or list of values is always required. 
   String Parameters : Parameters that set specific names for files and 
   directories. String Parameters are typically Program Parameters. A specified 
   character string value is always required. 
Parameters are sorted by type and typical frequency of usage in the following 
descriptions. Note that the majority of the following parameters are NOT 
typically used. This is particularly true of "Numeric Parameters". 

The following list also includes "Program Parameters" that are specific to 
execution of the main program. Program Parameters may be any of the previously 
described parameter types. They typically control I/O functions, are not 
ordered by rank, and are listed first in the following. 

Turn on file status monitor. 
If the file status monitor is on, then an output message is generated each time 
a file is opened or modified. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to File_Status_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in summary output mode, then a summary message 
is generated at completion with the maximum memory allocated during execution 
and the final memory at completion (which should be 0). 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Turn on memory monitor. 
If the memory monitor is on and in full output mode, then an output message is 
generated each time memory is allocated, re-allocated, or freed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Memory_Monitor_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate background grid and length-scale function data. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points and sources (if 
any) without a recovered boundary grid and return background grid and 
length-scale function data through the API. No other mesh generation is done. 
This option is only for internal use. 
Equivalent to mbackgen=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version build number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List summary of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of all input parameters. 
Including those that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_Flag=4 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Help_UG_IO_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out -log
Generate an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-out_a -log_a
Append an output file. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to both the file and standard output. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf -logf
Send output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-outf_a -logf_a
Append output to a file only. 
Send all output to a file named case_name.program_name.log. 
Standard output will go to the file only. 
Standard error output will go to both the file and standard error. 
If the file does not exist, then it will be created. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Output_File_Flag=-2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version number. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List program version information. 
This is a program parameter. 
No parameter value should be specified. 
List documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=-1, then list a short overview of input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=0, then do not list input documentation. 
If Help_Flag=1, then list summary of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=2, then list documentation of input parameters. 
If Help_Flag=3, then list summary of all input parameters including those that 
should not be changed. 
If Help_Flag=4, then list documentation of all input parameters including those 
that should not be changed. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-1 max=4 
List documentation of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=0, then do not list file I/O documentation. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=1, then list summary of file I/O parameters. 
If Help_UG_IO_Flag=2, then list documentation of file I/O parameters. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Output file flag. 
If Output_File_Flag=0, then send all output to only standard output or standard 
If Output_File_Flag=1, then send informational output to both standard output 
(or standard error) and a file named case_name.program_name.out. 
If Output_File_Flag=2, then send informational output to a file named 
case_name.program_name.out only. 
If Output_File_Flag=-1, then send and append informational output to both 
standard output (or standard error) and a file named 
If Output_File_Flag=-2, then send and append informational output to a file 
named case_name.program_name.out only. 
Error messages will always go to both the file (if any) and standard error. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=0 min=-2 max=2 
Use executable in specified directory. 
If a full directory path is specified, then it is assumed that it contains an 
executable of the same name as currently running or that it contains a bin 
directory with the executable. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument and 
base_executable is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe 
extension. If a partial directory path is specified, then it is assumed that 
the directory is under the same tree as the directory for the currently running 
executable or the users home directory. If the executable is in the root 
directory, then only the home directory is checked. The order of search is 

Where new_ver_dir is the name specified after the -v argument, base_executable 
is the name of the currently running executable without a .exe extension, and 
base_current_exe_dir is the current base directory. The base directory is 
derived from the currently running executable path if it is 
base_current_exe_dir/executable_name or if it is 
In all cases the first path found to exist is used. On WINDOWS the directories 
searched are all assumed to reside on the same drive as the currently running 
executable. If it is not, then the new_ver_dir must be fully specified 
including the drive letter, making this option somewhat useless. 
This is a program parameter. 
Arg_File_Name -arg
Input argument file name. 
Specifies the full file name for the input argument file. This file is simply a 
list of command line arguments (one per line). A # anywhere in a line denotes 
that the line is a comment and will not be interpreted. An argument file named 
case_name.program_name.arg is generated each time the program runs 
successfully. Specifying the file allows for re-running a case with the same 
arguments. Additional input arguments can be added to the command line. If the 
file name is specified, then it must exist and a copy of it will be saved with 
a .bak suffix added if the program runs successfully. Note that from a command 
line this option can be specified as simply the name of the input parameter 
file if it is the only argument and if it has the standard .arg suffix. 
Otherwise it can only be specified, like other parameters, using the option 
flag followed by the name. 
This is a program parameter. 
Input_Grid_File_Name -i -igrid -case
Case name or input grid file name. 
Specifies either the case name or full file name for the input grid file. See 
the UG_IO description on file naming for more information. 
This is a program parameter. 
Output_Grid_File_Name -o -ogrid
Output grid file name or suffix. 
Specifies either the full file name or file name suffix for the output grid 
file. See the UG_IO description on file naming for more information. 
If Output_Grid_File=_null_, then do not write an output grid file. 
This is a program parameter. 
TMP_File_Dir -tmp
Temporary file directory. 
If TMP_File_Dir is set, then all temporary files are created in directory 
TMP_File_Dir. This directory is removed at completion of the job. If program 
execution is abruptly terminated, then this directory and its contents may be 
left behind and not removed. 
This is a program parameter. 

Generate an interior core mesh. 
With this option an interior core mesh is generated. 
Equivalent to m_ice=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a mixed quad/tria-face grid. 
With this option advancing-point point placement is used to generate 
right-angle tria-faces and, then tria-face pairs are combined to form 
Equivalent to mquad=1 mpp=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 

Interior core (ICE) mesh flag. 
If m_ice = 0 then do not generate an interior core mesh. 
If m_ice = 1 then generate an interior core mesh. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 

BG_Case_Name -ib -iback -bcase
Case name for background grid and function file names. 
Specifies the case name for the background grid and function files. If 
BG_Case_Name is not specified, then the case name from the input grid file is 
This is a program parameter. 

Convert 2D planar mesh to 3D axisymmetric volume mesh. 
Create and optionally output a 3D axisymmetric volume mesh after 2D mesh 
Equivalent to mesh_3d=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Convert 2D planar mesh to 3D stacked volume mesh. 
Create and optionally output a 3D stacked volume mesh after 2D mesh generation. 
Equivalent to mesh_3d=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate background grid and length-scale function files. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points and sources (if 
any) without a recovered boundary grid and write background grid and 
length-scale function files using internal file writers. No other mesh 
generation is done. The output files will have a .back suffix and be of type 
UGRID and SFUNC if mw_func_type=1 or MESH and SOL if mw_func_type=2. 
Note that if there is an existing background grid, it is ignored (same as 
Equivalent to mbackgen=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate a background grid and length-scale function internally. 
Generate an internal background grid and length-scale function using the input 
surface boundary points and sources (if any). After background grid generation 
is complete it is used to generate the final volume grid. 
Do not use -backgen2 or mbackgen=2 with a mlsr=1. Instead generate the 
background grid separately with -backgen or mbackgen=1. Note that if there is 
an existing background grid, it is ignored (same as -no_back). 
Equivalent to mbackgen=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read input grid file and write output grid file. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Program_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use external sizing routine. 
Use external sizing routine with or without a background grid. If a site 
dependent specific routine is coded, compiled and linked with the executable, 
then this option is useful. If a background grid file and a background 
length-scale function file are found, then they are read for use in the 
external sizing evaluation routine. The background length-scale function file 
may contain either an isotropic sizing or a metric for directional sizing. Use 
whichever is allowed with for the external routine. By default, the built-in 
external sizing evaluation routine does not use a background grid. It is useful 
only for testing. 
Equivalent to meval=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate an initial triangulation only. 
Generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary points with a fully 
recovered boundary grid. 
Equivalent to ngen=0 nqual=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use metric space with advancing-front point placement. 
Use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities and use 
advancing-front point placement (equiangular type elements). 
Equivalent to mmet=1 mpp=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use metric space with advancing-point point placement. 
Use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities and use 
advancing-point point placement (right angle type elements). 
Equivalent to mmet=1 mpp=3 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not read background grid and length-scale function files. 
Normally, if a background grid and length-scale function file are found then 
they are read and used to determine the sizing (see meval). A grid and 
length-scale function file with naming "case_name.back.format_and_type" are 
considered background grid files. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to BG_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not re-generate the boundary edge grid to match background grid. 
By default, if there is a background grid or spacing evaluation function (meval 
!= 0), then the input boundary edge grid is regenerated to match the background 
grid or spacing evaluation function. Only applicable if the input grid is a 
boundary edge grid (no interior points or faces). 
Equivalent to mbgen=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not use sources. 
Do not use sources even if there are source node files. This flag has no effect 
if there are no source node files. 
Equivalent to msource=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
-no_vol_id -no_vid
Do not set volume element ID flag. 
If selected then do not set the volume element ID. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Read input grid file and generate quality statistics. 
This option is only valid with an existing volume mesh. Only quality statistics 
are generated. 
This is a program parameter. 
Equivalent to Program_Flag=0 Output_Grid_File_Name=_null_ 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set volume element region ID flag. 
If selected then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique value for 
each region in the domain. BL region elements are set to region IDs. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=1 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Set volume element region and BL layer ID flag. 
If selected then allocate and set the volume element ID to a unique value for 
each region in the domain and set each layer of the BL region, if any. The BL 
region IDs are set to negative the BL layer number. 
Equivalent to Set_Vol_ID_Flag=2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Generate 2D grid quality data for all quality measures. 
Equivalent to GQ_2D_Measure_Flag=15 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Do not generate any 2D grid quality data. 
Equivalent to GQ_2D_Measure_Flag=0 
No parameter value should be specified. 

GQ_2D_Measure_Flag q
2D grid quality measure flag. 
If GQ_2D_Measure_Flag = 0 then do not generate 2D quality measures. 
If GQ_2D_Measure_Flag > 0 then generate 2D quality measures. 
The value of GQ_2D_Measure_Flag determines which measures are computed. The 
appropriate value of GQ_2D_Measure_Flag is obtained from 
GQ_2D_Measure_Flag = Flag_0 
+ 2 * Flag_1 
+ 4 * Flag_2 
+ 8 * Flag_3 
Flag_# (# = 0, 1, 2, or 3) are either 0 or 1. 
If Flag_# = 0 then that measure is not computed. 
If Flag_# = 1 then that measure is computed. 
The quality measures corresponding to # are 
0 : Angle 
An ideal tria face has angles near 60 deg. A low quality face has an angle near 
180 deg. 
1 : Radius Ratio (2*Ri/Rc) 
An ideal face has a radius ratio of 1. A low quality face has a ratio near 0. 
2 : Area Ratio (C22*Area/Rc**2) 
An ideal face has an area ratio of 1. A low quality face has a near 0. 
3 : Length Ratio (C32*Ri/Lmax) 
An ideal face has a length ratio of 1. A low quality face has a ratio near 0. 
Rc = Circumscribed Radius 
Ri = Inscribed Radius 
Area = Face Area 
Lmax = Maximum Face Edge Length 
C22 = 0.384900 
C32 = 3.464102 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=15 
2D grid quality output flag. 
If GQ_2D_Output_Flag = 0 then do not create grid quality output file(s). 
If GQ_2D_Output_Flag = 1 then create grid quality output file(s). 
An output file is created for each measure. Each file contains quality 
statistics and distribution data for plotting. 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Metric alignment flag. 
If malign = 0, then do not use metric alignment. 
If malign = 1, then use metric alignment to create candidate nodes with 
advancing-point (mpp=3) and advancing-front (mpp=2) point placement. 
If malign = 2, then use metric alignment to create candidate nodes and for each 
candidate select either advancing-point or advancing-front point placement. 
This option is only applicable if the base point placement is advancing-front 
(mpp=2). Otherwise it is the same as malign=1. 
Only applicable if external sizing evaluation is used (meval!=0) or if the 
advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). Only applicable if 
the metric space option is on (mmet=1 or 2). 
default=1 min=0 max=2 
Edge grid re-generation flag. 
If mbgen = 0, then do not re-generate the boundary edge grid. 
If mbgen = 1, then re-generate the boundary edge grid to match the background 
grid or spacing evaluation function (meval != 0). 
Only applicable if the input grid is a boundary edge grid (no interior points 
or faces) and if there either a background grid or spacing evaluation function. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Convert 2D planar mesh to 3D volume mesh. 
If mesh_3d=0 then do not create a 3D volume mesh. 
If mesh_3d=1 then create a 3D axisymmetric volume mesh after 2D mesh 
If mesh_3d=2 then create a 3D stacked plane volume mesh after 2D mesh 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Isolated edge refinement flag. 
If mier = 0, then do not refine isolated interior edges. 
If mier = 1, then refine all isolated interior edges. An isolated interior 
edges is connected only to boundary nodes. Isolated edges are refined by 
placing a new node in the middle of of the edge. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Metric space flag. 
If mmet = 0, then do not use a metric space. 
If mmet = 1, then use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities. 
If mmet = 2, then use a metric space to determine all geometric quantities 
along with geometric growth defined by parameters cdfrsrc and cdfssrc. Growth 
is not applicable with meval>=1 or a background grid. 
The metric field may be set from an externally defined sizing function 
(meval!=0) or the use of BL blending (mmetblbl=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Source option flag. 
If msource = 0, then do not use sources. 
If msource = 1 and sources are input, then insert the sources into the initial 
If msource = 2 and meval = 0 (on input) or meval = -2 (after reset) and sources 
are input, then create an oct-tree of the source nodes for interpolating the 
local distribution function and metric during grid generation. 
If msource = 2 and meval = -1 (after reset), then msource is automatically 
reset to msource=0. 
If msource = 2 and meval >= 1, then msource is automatically reset to 
If msource = 2 and meval >= 1, then msource is automatically reset to 
If msource = 3 and meval >= 1, then use externally defined evaluation routines 
to determine the distribution function and metric for new nodes. If the 
external routines do not use source nodes, then presence of source nodes will 
have no effect. 
Sources modify the point distribution function and metric and the resulting 
element size and shape in the region near a source node. The msource option has 
no effect if there are not sources nodes. 
default=1 min=0 max=3 
Output flag for metric space analysis information. 
If mw_met_hist = 0, then do not output metric space analysis information. 
If mw_met_hist = 0, then output metric space analysis information. 
Applicable only if the metric space option is on (mmet=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Number of planes in 3D volume mesh. 
Number of planes in 3D axisymmetric or stacked plane 3D volume mesh. 
Only applicable if mesh_3d > 0. 
default=0 min=0 max=100000 
Use tet-elements only in 3D volume mesh. 
If tet_only=0 then create 3D volume mesh with mixed elements. 
If tet_only=1 then create 3D volume mesh with only tet-elements. 
Only applicable if mesh_3d > 0. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 

Angle between planes of 3D axisymmetric volume mesh. 
Angle between planes of 3D axisymmetric volume mesh. 
Only applicable if mesh_3d = 1. 
default=10 min=1e-06 max=90 
Distance between planes of 3D stacked plane volume mesh. 
Distance between planes of 3D stacked plane volume mesh. 
Only applicable if mesh_3d = 2. 

Distribution function multiplier. 
The distribution function is used to specify desired element size. The 
distribution function originally determined from the average of the surrounding 
boundary edge lengths is multiplied by cdf. Increasing cdf will increase the 
total number of grid nodes generated. Decreasing cdf will decrease the total 
number of grid nodes generated. Deviation of cdf far from a value of 1.0 will 
degrade the element quality next to the boundaries. A cdf value above 1.0 will 
create elements adjacent to boundaries that are elongated normal to the 
boundary. In the rest of the field the elements should be relatively isotropic. 
default=1 min=0.5 max=3 
Distribution function exclusion zone. 
Distribution function growth exclusion zone factor used with growth option 
(mdf=2). The node distribution function and element size remain constant near a 
boundary node for a distance equal to the node distribution function at the 
boundary multiplied by cdfs. 
default=1 min=0 max=10 

Use specified growth in element size. 
Use specified growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=1.0 cdfr= 
Parameter value must be specified for the last equivalent parameter value. 
Use moderate growth in element size. 
Use moderate growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=1.0 cdfr=1.2 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use high growth in element size. 
Use high growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=0.5 cdfr=1.5 
No parameter value should be specified. 
Use very high growth in element size. 
Use very high growth in element size in a direction normal to the boundaries. 
Equivalent to mdf=2 cdfs=0.0 cdfr=2.0 
No parameter value should be specified. 

Background grid and length-scale function file flag. 
Normally, if a background grid and length-scale function file are found, then 
they are read and used to determine the sizing (see meval). A grid and 
length-scale function file with naming "case_name.back.format_and_type" are 
considered background grid files. 
If BG_Flag = 0, then do not read background grid and length-scale function 
If BG_Flag = 1, then read background grid and length-scale function files if 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Message_Flag mmsg
Message flag. 
If Message_Flag = -1, then generate minimal one-line output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 0, then generate no output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 1, then generate normal output messages. 
If Message_Flag = 2, then generate all debug output messages. 
default=1 min=-1 max=2 
Distribution function flag. 
If mdf = 1, then interpolate the node distribution function for new nodes from 
the containing element. 
If mdf = 2, then use geometric growth from the boundaries to determine the 
distribution function for new nodes. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
Small edge deletion flag. 
If mdse = 0, then do not delete small edges. 
If mdse = 1, then delete small edges. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Maximum number of elements. 
All dimensions key off this parameter. If melem = 0, then the code estimates 
the required dimensions. 
If melem > 0, then the code estimates are ignored, and all dimensions are 
initially set based on the value of melem. 
In either case the code will reallocate memory as needed during grid 
default=0 min=0 max=2000000000 
External evaluation option flag. 
If meval = -2, then use interpolation from sources for sizing evaluation. This 
option is set internally if sources are input and meval=0. 
If meval = -1, then use interpolation from an input background grid for sizing 
evaluation. This option is set internally if a background grid is input and 
If meval = 0, then do not use external sizing evaluation routines. 
If meval >= 1, then use externally defined sizing evaluation routine to 
determine the distribution function and metric for new nodes. If a site 
dependent specific routine is coded, compiled and linked with the executable, 
then this option is useful. An external routine may or may not use a background 
grid (if any) and/or source nodes (if any) that are input to AFLR. AFLR 
includes a built-in external sizing evaluation routine. By default, the 
built-in external routine is useful only for testing. The built-in external 
routine provides 10 different test cases. 
meval = 1 is a diagonal 
meval = 2 is a constant field 
meval = 3 is a blended cross 
meval = 4 is a circle 
meval = 5 is a is a quarter circle 
default=0 min=-1 max=100 
Metric space normal spacing flag. 
If mmetds = 0, then do not use metric space normal spacing. 
If mmetds = 1, then use metric space normal spacing and turn on the metric 
space flag. 
If mmetds = 2, then use metric space normal spacing and turn on the metric 
space flag along with geometric growth defined by parameters cdfrsrc and 
Note that if mmetds > 0, then the metric space flag, mmet, will be set to the 
same value and any value set independently for mmet will be ignored. Also, if 
mmetds > 0, then the value of the external evaluation option flag, meval, will 
be reset to zero unless sources are input with msource = 2 and meval = 0 (on 
input) or meval = -2 (after internal reset). 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Point placement flag. 
If mpp = 1, then use centroid point placement. Centroid placement is very 
efficient. However, element quality is not optimal. 
If mpp = 2, then use advancing-front point placement. The produces optimal 
quality elements. 
If mpp = 3, then use advancing-point point placement. The produces isotropic 
right-angle elements. This option is intended for use with the quad face 
combination option (mquad=1). 
default=2 min=1 max=3 
Boundary surface quality measure information output flag. 
If mqchk = 0, then do not generate face quality measure information. 
If mqchk = 1, then generate face quality measure information. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Quad face combination flag. 
If mquad = 0, then do not combine tria faces to form quad faces. 
If mquad = 1, then combine tria faces to form quad faces. This option 
automatically sets the advancing-point placement option (mpp=3). 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Local-Reconnection flag. 
If mrecm = 1, then use a Delaunay criterion. 
If mrecm = 2, then use a MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
default=2 min=1 max=2 
Write BG function file flag. 
If mw_func = 0, then do not write grid function file. 
If mw_func = 1, then write grid function file with scalar isotropic length 
scale and/or directional length scale metric. The values will be those that 
exist at the end of mesh generation. The output file will be 
case_name.out.b8.sfunc if mw_func_type=1 or case_name.out.solb if 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Write BG function file flag. 
If mw_func_type = 1, then write grid function files using UGRID and SFUNC 
If mw_func_type = 2, then write grid function files using MESHB and SOLB types. 
;be those that exist at the end of mesh generation. 
default=1 min=1 max=2 
ICE output debug mesh file flag. 
If mw_ice = 0 then do not output ICE intermediate mesh files. 
If mw_ice = 1 then output ICE intermediate debug mesh files. 
If mw_ice = 2 then output ICE intermediate debug mesh files as with mw_ice=1 
and also during quad flag generation at each refinement level. 
default=0 min=0 max=2 
Maximum LSR point placement passes. 
Initial length scale reduction point placement is used with advancing-type 
point placement (mpp=2,3) for initial elements that have length scales smaller 
than lsrpplim. Standard advancing-type point placement is used after the 
initial element length scales are reduced. A value of nlsrpp=0 will turn off 
initial LSR point placement. 
default=0 min=0 max=10000000 

Output face angle check maximum angle limit. 
Typical maximum angle for a good quality mesh. 
default=120 min=60 max=180 
Output face angle check usable maximum angle limit. 
Typical maximum angle for a usable mesh. 
default=170 min=60 max=180 
Output face angle check minimum angle limit. 
Typical minimum angle for a good quality mesh. 
default=10 min=0 max=60 
Discontinuous boundary edge angle. 
Angle between two adjacent boundary edge vectors used to identify edge 
default=30 min=0 max=179.9 
Maximum aligned quad face angle. 
Quads are first formed by combining aligned face pairs starting at a boundary 
edge. Tria face combination is locally terminated if the maximum quad face 
angle exceeds angquad1. Only applicable if the quad face combination flag is on 
default=120 min=100 max=179.9 
Maximum non-aligned quad face angle. 
Quads are also formed by combining non-aligned face pairs after all possible 
aligned quads are formed. Tria faces are not combined if the maximum quad face 
angle exceeds angquad2. Only applicable if the quad face combination flag is on 
default=140 min=100 max=179.9 
Final maximum quad face angle. 
One additional pass beyond the nquadc quad formation passes is performed with 
the maximum non-aligned quad face angle, angquad2, set to the final maximum, 
angquad3. Only applicable if the quad face combination flag is on (mquad>=1). 
default=140 min=100 max=179.9 
Output area ratio check quality limit. 
Typical minimum volume ratio for good quaility elements. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Output area ratio check quality limit. 
Typical minimum volume ratio for a usable surface mesh. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
ICE gap length scale multiplier. 
The distribution function multiplier (controls length scale) for fully 
unstructured mesh elements in the gap between interior core boundary nodes and 
existing boundary nodes is set equal to the minimum of cdf and cdf_gap_ic. This 
value replaces the value of cdf. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0.9 min=0.5 max=3 
Distribution function weighting factor. 
The node distribution function for new nodes is averaged with the minimum 
nearby node distribution functions. This factor is the weighting for the 
minimum contribution. Increasing cdfm above 0.0 will in general reduce the 
growth of element size from small to larger elements and increase the total 
number of grid nodes generated. It will have little or no effect if all the 
boundary edges are nearly the same size. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
ICE gap minimum closest node distance factor. 
Interior core boundary nodes are considered too close to existing boundaries if 
the distance between the boundaries is less than their maximum local length 
scale multiplied by cdfn_gap_ic. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=0.7 min=0 max=10 
Small edge factor. 
Small edges are deleted if they have a ratio of actual edge length to local 
length scale of cdfn_se or less. 
Only applicable if small edge deletion is on (mdse=1). 
default=0.5 min=0.1 max=0.7 
Maximum geometric growth rate. 
Used as the advancing-front growth limit. The element size for new nodes is 
limited to be less than the physical size of the local front advanced from 
multiplied by cdfr. Also used as the geometric growth rate for the node 
distribution function with the growth option (mdf=2). A cdfr value just above 
1.0 will produce a grid with optimal element quality. A value of cdfr well 
above a value of 1.0 will decrease the number of grid nodes generated and 
potentially decrease the element quality. 
default=1.1 min=1 max=3 
Maximum geometric source growth rate. 
Used as the geometric growth rate for the node distribution function and metric 
from sources. 
default=1.2 min=1 max=3 
Source distribution function exclusion zone. 
The source distribution function and metric remain constant near a source node 
for a distance equal to the source distribution function multiplied by cdfssrc. 
default=2 min=0 max=100 
Source weight. 
Weighting factor used to determine distribution function and metric from 
sources. The distribution function and metric from sources are weighted by 
csrcw and that from the local grid is weighted by 1-csrcw. 
Only applicable if the source interpolation option flag is on (msource=2). 
default=0.8 min=0 max=1 
Maximum distribution function. 
The distribution function specifies the point spacing in the field. If dfmax < 
0, then do not limit the maximum distribution function. 
If dfmax = 0, then limit the maximum distribution function to the maximum value 
determined from the boundary surface grid. 
If dfmax > 0, then limit the maximum distribution function to dfmax. 
default=-1 min=-1 max=1e+19 
dsdef -ds
Metric initial normal spacing. 
The first layer of faces have a normal spacing equal to dsdef. If dsdef is set 
to a non-zero value and the metric space normal spacing flag is on (mmetds=1 or 
2), then this parameter will override the initial normal spacing array from the 
input file. 
Only applicable if the metric space normal spacing flag is on (mmetds=1 or 2). 
default=0 min=0 max=1e+19 
LSR point placement limit factor. 
If initial length scale reduction (LSR) point placement is specified 
(nlsrpp>0), then initial length scale reduction point placement is used with 
advancing-type point placement (mpp=2,3) for initial elements that have length 
scales smaller than lsrpplim. Standard point placement is used after the 
initial element length scales are reduced. A value of lsrpplim=0 will turn off 
initial LSR point placement. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 
Output quality function Q check quality limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q for good quaility elements. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Output quality function Q check usable limit. 
Typical minimum quality function q for a usable volume mesh. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=1 

Maximum quality distribution increments. 
Maximum number of grid quality distribution increments. 
This is a UG_GQ LIB parameter. 
default=100 min=10 max=1000 
Program flag. 
If Program_Flag = 0, then run program in post processing mode. 
If Program_Flag = 1, then run program in normal mode. 
This is a program parameter. 
default=1 min=0 max=1 
Routine level CPU timer flag. 
If cpu_timer = 0, then do not use routine level CPU timer. 
If cpu_timer = 1, then use routine level CPU timer. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Debug mode flag. 
If m_debug_mode = 0, then operate in normal mode. 
If m_debug_mode = 1, then operate in debug mode. Note that not all codes have 
debug mode implemented. 
default=0 min=0 max=1 
Generate a background grid. 
If mbackgen = 0, then do not generate a background grid. 
If mbackgen = 1, then generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary 
points and sources (if any) without a recovered boundary grid and write 
background grid and length-scale function files using internal file writers. No 
other mesh generation is done. The background grid output files will be named 
case_name.back.*. See mw_func_type for file type. Note that if there is an 
existing background grid, it is ignored (as with -no_back). 
If mbackgen = 2, then generate an internal background grid and length-scale 
function using the input surface boundary points and sources (if any). After 
the background grid is generated use it to generate the final volume grid. Do 
not use -backgen2 or mbackgen=2 with a mlsr=1. Instead generate the background 
grid separately with -backgen or mbackgen=1. Note that if there is an existing 
background grid, it is ignored (same as -no_back). 
If mbackgen = 3, then generate only an initial triangulation of the boundary 
points and sources (if any) without a recovered boundary grid and return 
background grid and length-scale function data through the API. No other mesh 
generation is done. This option is only for internal use. 
If mbackgen = 4, then operations are exactly the same as with mbackgen=2. With 
mbackgen=4 also return the element neighbor connectivity for the final volume 
grid (this is the only difference between mbackgen=2 and mbackgen=4). 
If mbackgen = 5, then generate a background grid and length-scale function 
using the input surface boundary points and sources (if any). After the 
background grid is generated use it to generate the final volume grid. This 
option is only for internal use. 
default=0 min=0 max=5 
Initial local-reconnection flag. 
If mrecim = 1, then use a Delaunay criterion. 
If mrecim = 2, then use a MIN-MAX-Angle criterion. 
default=2 min=1 max=2 
Maximum boundary edge subdivisions. 
Maximum number of boundary edge subdivisions during boundary edge recovery 
phase of initial triangulation process. 
default=100 min=4 max=500 
Minimum number of elements to allocate. 
Minimum value for number of elements to allocate space for. 
default=100 min=100 max=10000000 
Number of elements per node. 
The maximum number of nodes allocated is set to the maximum of either the 
number of elements allocated divided by nelpnn or the number of initial nodes 
multiplied by nnpnni. 
default=2 min=2 max=7 
Number of initial elements per node. 
The maximum number of initial elements allocated is set to the number of nodes 
in the boundary grid multiplied by nelpnni. This is used only if there is not 
an initial triangulation and it is used only to generate the initial 
default=3 min=2 max=100 
Maximum number of grid passes. 
default=10000 min=0 max=10000000 
Maximum initial point placement passes. 
During grid generation large elements that have all edges larger than the 
distribution function (local point spacing) are subdivided using centroid point 
placement. This is repeated for ninlpp passes or less if there are no elements 
to subdivide. Standard point placement (as specified by mpp) is then used. A 
value of ninlpp=0 will turn off initial point placement and standard point 
placement will be used from the start. 
default=0 min=0 max=10000000 
Maximum element subdivisions. 
Maximum number of element subdivisions during direct boundary node insertion. 
default=100 min=1 max=10000000 
Minimum array elements to reallocate. 
Minimum number of new array elements to add if the initial estimate for maximum 
number of elements is too low. 
default=1000 min=100 max=10000000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin checking node limit. 
Node limit target used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for checking data sets of 
nodes. The node limit target for final bins is set to nnpbchk boundary nodes. 
default=100 min=10 max=10000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin evaluation node limit. 
Node limit target used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for evaluation of data 
sets with functions specified at nodes. The node limit target for final bins is 
set to nnpbeval source nodes. 
default=10 min=10 max=10000 
Number of nodes per initial node. 
The maximum number of nodes allocated is set to the maximum of either the 
number of elements allocated divided by by nelpnn or the number of initial 
nodes multiplied by nnpnni. 
default=2 min=1 max=10 
Number of quad combination passes. 
The maximum quad face angles are varied between initial and final values over 
nquadc passes. During each pass quality improvement is performed. Only 
applicable if quad face combination flag is on (mquad>=1). 
default=4 min=1 max=10 
Number of quality improvement passes. 
If nqual = 0, then all quality improvement is skipped. 
default=1 min=0 max=10 
Number of smoothing iterations. 
default=3 min=0 max=10 

Maximum isolated edge angle. 
Isolated edges are not refined if the refinement will produce an face with an 
angle greater than angiermax. Only applicable if the isolated edge refinement 
flag is on (mier=1). 
default=179 min=0 max=179.9 
Minimum isolated edge angle. 
Isolated edges are not refined if the refinement will produce an face with an 
angle less than angiermin. Only applicable if the isolated edge refinement flag 
is on (mier=1). 
default=0.1 min=0 max=179.9 
Satisfied face angle. 
An face is considered satisfied if it has a maximum angle less than angmax and 
if all of its edge lengths are satisfied. Also an face will not be created 
inside a boundary face if it would create a maximum face angle greater than 
default=120 min=70 max=179.9 
Initial maximum aligned quad angle. 
The initial maximum aligned quad angle is varied between angquad1i and angquad1 
over nquadc passes. Only applicable if quad face combination flag is on 
default=130 min=100 max=179.9 
Initial maximum non-aligned quad angle. 
The initial maximum non-aligned quad angle is varied between angquad2i and 
angquad2 over nquadc passes. Only applicable if the quad face combination flag 
is on (mquad>=1). 
default=170 min=100 max=179.9 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin checking size factor. 
Factor used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for checking data sets of nodes. The 
size of the smallest quad-/oct-tree bin is set to the local length scale 
multiplied by bdfmchk. 
default=1 min=1 max=100000 
Quad-/Oct-tree bin evaluation size factor. 
Factor used to generate the quad-/oct-tree for evaluation of data sets with 
functions specified at nodes. The size of the smallest quad-/oct-tree bin is 
set to the local length scale multiplied by bdfmeval. 
default=1 min=1 max=100000 
Initial bounding box size factor. 
The initial bounding box used for insertion of all boundary nodes is sized to 
be equal to the size of the actual domain plus two times cbidx multiplied by 
the size of the actual domain. 
default=1 min=1 max=100000 
Satisfied edge length multiplier. 
An edge is considered satisfied if its length divided by cdff is less than the 
average of the node distribution function at the edge end-nodes. 
default=1.5 min=1.1 max=3 
Satisfied edge length multiplier #2. 
An edge is considered satisfied if its length divided by cdff is less than the 
average of the node distribution function at the edge end-nodes. The value of 
the satisfied edge length multiplier, cdff, is replaced with the value of 
multiplier #2, cdff2, if external sizing evaluation is used (meval!=0) or if 
the advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). 
default=2 min=1.1 max=3 
Nearby node factor. 
Nodes are considered too close if the distance between them is less than their 
average node distribution functions multiplied by cdfn. 
default=0.7 min=0.5 max=0.9 
Nearby node factor #2. 
Nodes are considered too close if the distance between them is less than their 
average node distribution functions multiplied by cdfn. The value of the nearby 
node factor, cdfn, is replaced with the value of factor #2, cdfn2, if if the 
advancing-point point placement option is selected (mpp=3). 
default=0.7 min=0.5 max=0.9 
Initial point placement factor. 
During grid generation large elements that have all edges larger than the 
distribution function (local point spacing) are subdivided using centroid point 
placement. Elements that have a ratio of local spacing over minimum edge length 
less than cinlpp are subdivided. A value of cinlpp=0 will turn off initial 
point placement and standard point placement will be used from the start. 
default=0.01 min=0 max=0.5 
Maximum boundary edge multiplier. 
The maximum allowable number of boundary edges during initial triangulation is 
set to the number of initial boundary edges multiplied by cnbepnbei. 
default=2 min=1.1 max=10 
Number of initial nodes multiplier. 
The number of nodes allocated for the initial triangulation is set to the 
number of initial nodes multiplied by cnnpnni. Additional nodes beyond those in 
the initial boundary grid may be required to complete boundary recovery and 
obtain an initial triangulation. 
default=1.5 min=1 max=3 
Reallocation multiplier. 
The maximum number of elements and nodes is increased, and all arrays are 
reallocated if more elements or nodes are required to complete the grid. The 
allocations for each array are increased by crealloc multiplied by their 
current value. The new array size is limited by the maximum number of new array 
elements set in parameter nmnrealloc. 
default=1.25 min=1.05 max=2 
Tolerance exponent for searching. 
default=0.5 min=0.4 max=0.9 
Initial tolerance exponent. 
Tolerance exponent for searching during initial triangulation. 
default=0.25 min=0.125 max=0.9 
Smoothing coefficient. 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 
Overall tolerance exponent. 
default=0.94 min=0.8 max=0.94 
ICE glue tolerance. 
The interior core mesh and outer mesh are glued together at their common 
boundaries. This tolerance is used as the relative tolerance when determining 
those nodes on the boundaries that match. The absolute tolerance is set to the 
local length scale multiplied by gtol_ic. 
Only applicable if the ICE flag is on (m_ice=1). 
default=1e-06 min=0 max=1 
Re-numbering limit. 
Elements are not re-numbered if the ratio of elements to be moved to total 
elements is less than relem0. 
default=0.1 min=0 max=1 
Smoothing reduction factor. 
Smoothing coefficient reduction factor for all nodes adjacent to a boundary. 
default=0.5 min=0 max=1 


aflr2c version 9.17.6

File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:27:15 CDT 2023