AFLR2C UG_IO File Names Summary

UG_IO File Names
UG_IO file names are specified as
where [ ] encloses an optional suffix and where
   case_name is the required file case name
   .format is the optional file format suffix
   .type is the required file type suffix
   .compression is the optional file compression suffix
Format Suffix          Description
____________________   _____________________________________________________
                     : Formatted ASCII file or binary format specific to file t
.b8                  : C Binary double file format with big endian ordering.
.b4                  : C Binary float file format with big endian ordering.
.lb8                 : C Binary double file format with little endian ordering.
.lb4                 : C Binary float file format with little endian ordering.
.r8                  : FORTRAN unformatted real*8 file format with big endian o
.r4                  : FORTRAN unformatted real*4 file format with big endian o
.lr8                 : FORTRAN unformatted real*8 file format with little endia
.lr4                 : FORTRAN unformatted real*4 file format with little endia
Type Suffix            Description
____________________   _________________________________________________________
.snode               : SNODE 3D source node data file.
.mnode               : MNODE 3D metric source node data file.
.tags                : TAGS surface tags data file.
.split               : SPLIT split-face hex-element data file.
.snsdata             : SNS specified normal spacing data file.
.psdata              : PSDATA periodic surface definition data file.
.poly                : POLY unstructured b-surf grid file.
.stl                 : A 3D stereo-lithography b-surf grid file.
.surf                : SURF 3D unstructured b-surf grid file.
.tri                 : Cart3D TRI unstructured b-surf grid file.
.cfd++               : CFD++ grid file set.
.cobalt.grd          : Cobalt grid file.
.egrid               : Ensight Gold grid file.
.face                : TETGEN 3D unstructured grid file set.
.fgrid               : FGRID 3D unstructured grid file.
.fluent.cas          : Fluent grid file.
.foam                : OpenFOAM polyMesh grid files
.fvuns               : Fieldview frid file.
.gambit              : GAMBIT (Fluent) neutral file.
.mcell               : NSU3D grid file.
.mesh                : MESH 3D unstructured grid file.
.meshb               : Binary MESH 3D unstructured grid file.
.bdf                 : NASTRAN 3D unstructured grid file.
.nas                 : NASTRAN 3D unstructured grid file.
.ufast               : UFAST 3D unstructured grid file.
.ugrid               : UGRID 3D unstructured grid file.
.efunc               : Ensight Gold function file.
.ufunc               : UFUNC 3D function file.
.sfunc               : SFUNC 3D function file.
.sol                 : MESH SOL 3D unstructured function file.
.solb                : Binary MESH SOL 3D unstructured function file.
Compression Suffix     Description
____________________   _____________________________________________________
                     : No file compression.
.bz2                 : BZIP2 file compression.
.gz                  : GZIP file compression.
.Z                   : COMPRESS file compression.


File Last Updated Thu Nov 2 00:27:15 CDT 2023
aflr2c version 9.17.6